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dive into linq. ivan towlson mindscape. imagine there’s no sql. three worlds. three worlds… for large values of three. “queries should just ‘be there,’ like for loops” anders hejlsberg. linq l anguage in tegrated q uery. putting the lin into linq. when syntax runs out.
dive into linq ivantowlson mindscape
“queries should just ‘be there,’like for loops”andershejlsberg
IEnumerable<T> x; what is the meaning ofx.Select(…)? IQueryable<T> x;
IEnumerable<T> x;Enumerable.Select(x, …) what is the meaning ofx.Select(…)? IQueryable<T> x;Queryable.Select(x, …)
i am interested in…a mouse downfollowed by mouse movesuntil i get a mouse up
“queries should just ‘be there,’like for loops”andershejlsberg
thanks! ivan@mindscape.co.nz www.mindscape.co.nz ivan@hestia.cc hestia.typepad.com/flatlander