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赞美上主 Praise ye the Lord, the Almighty, 全能真神 宇宙万有君王 the Almighty, the King of creation! . 我灵颂主 O my soul, praise Him, 因主永远是你救赎健康 for He is thy health and salvation! . 听见之民 都来靠近主圣殿 All ye who hear, Now to his temple draw near; 欢然向主恭敬赞扬! Join me in glad adoration!.
赞美上主Praise ye the Lord, the Almighty, 全能真神 宇宙万有君王the Almighty, the King of creation! Hymn11-赞美全能神
我灵颂主O my soul, praise Him,因主永远是你救赎健康for He is thy health and salvation! Hymn11-赞美全能神
听见之民 都来靠近主圣殿All ye who hear, Now to his temple draw near;欢然向主恭敬赞扬!Join me in glad adoration! Hymn11-赞美全能神
赞美上主Praise ye the Lord,如此奇妙 统治世间万有who o’er all things so wondrously reigneth, Hymn11-赞美全能神
展开恩翼Shelters thee under His wings,如此温柔 将你时常保佑yea, so gently sustaineth! Hymn11-赞美全能神
你岂不见 有求皆蒙主恩典Hast thou not seen How thy desires e’er have been 按祂旨意 应允所求?Granted in what He ordaineth? Hymn11-赞美全能神
赞美上主Praise ye the Lord,扶助保护 使你作工顺利who with marvellous wisdom hath made thee, Hymn11-赞美全能神
上主美善Decked thee with health, 上主恩慈 必天天垂顾你and with loving hand guided and stayed thee; Hymn11-赞美全能神
仔细思量 全能的主爱深长How oft in grief Hath not He brought thee relief,做你朋友何等福气!Spreading His wings for to shade thee! Hymn11-赞美全能神
赞美上主!Praise ye the Lord!让我崇拜 之心赞美鼓舞!O let all that is in me adore Him! Hymn11-赞美全能神
但愿天下凡有血气All that hath life and breath,同来称扬上主!come now with praises before Him! Hymn11-赞美全能神
属主的民 重新一致说:阿们Let the Amen Sound from His people again;欢然恭敬赞扬上主Gladly for aye we adore Him. Hymn11-赞美全能神