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BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Douglas A. Bryce · Paul De La Cerda ∙ Rose Koscielny · Judy Egan Umeck S UPERINTENDENT:

BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Douglas A. Bryce · Paul De La Cerda ∙ Rose Koscielny · Judy Egan Umeck S UPERINTENDENT: Joan M. Lucid, ED.D. RESPECT | INTEGRITY | LEARNING | TEAMWORK | ENTHUSIASM. SAUGUS. Union School District. Excellence in Elementary Education.

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Douglas A. Bryce · Paul De La Cerda ∙ Rose Koscielny · Judy Egan Umeck S UPERINTENDENT:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BOARD OF TRUSTEES:Douglas A. Bryce · Paul De La Cerda ∙ Rose Koscielny · Judy Egan Umeck SUPERINTENDENT: Joan M. Lucid, ED.D. RESPECT | INTEGRITY | LEARNING | TEAMWORK | ENTHUSIASM SAUGUS Union School District Excellence in Elementary Education 24930 Avenue Stanford, Santa Clarita, California 91355 Phone: 661-294-5300 / www.saugususd.org Budget Adoption FY 2014-15 June 17, 2014

  2. Introduction: ▪ The Governor’s May Revision * The May Revision acknowledges an additional increase of $2.4B in state revenues compared to January’s projection. However, there is no new money on the table. Because…. Medical-Cal coverage for more Californians Creation of a rainy day fund for the state * California State Teachers’ Retirement System Funding (CalSTRS) ▪ The Budget Process (Governor’s Proposal vs. Legislature’s) * The budget has passed and now has moved to the Governor’s office. The changes are: Deferrals, Mandates, Increased Local Control Funding Formula, & Local Reserves ▪ Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP) * Description of how the supplemental grant dollars are being used to support increased/improved services to the eligible students * Description of how the District meets the proportionality requirement Excellence in ElementaryEducation

  3. Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) How does the LCFF apply to SUSD (FY 2014-15)? ▪Establishing a same Base Grant by grade span for all school districts (K-3: $7,011; 4-6: $7,116) ▪Additional K-3 (old CSR): 729/per ADA (As a result, K-3: $7,740) ▪Targeted supplemental funding (unduplicated of English learners, economically disadvantaged students & foster youth) based on fixed percentages of the base grant amounts (SUSD: about 27%) ▪Transportation & Targeted Instructional Improvement Grant (TIIG) ▪Determining LCFF target grants for 2014-15 ▪Closing the gap between 2013-14 funding levels and LCFF full implementation targets by 28.05% (True funding for 2014-15) Excellence in ElementaryEducation

  4. Gap Funding & Proportionality Resource codes are created to track & report activities & expenditure which are used to increased & improved services) Excellence in ElementaryEducation

  5. CalSTRS Plan (Unanticipated); CalPERS (Anticipated) Excellence in ElementaryEducation

  6. Budget Assumptions: Excellence in ElementaryEducation

  7. Total General Fund Revenues for FY 2014-15:$77,761,509 Excellence in ElementaryEducation

  8. Total General Fund Expenditures for FY 2014-15: $83,311,766 Excellence in ElementaryEducation

  9. Unrestricted General Fund (FY 2013-14, 14-15, 15-16, 16-17) Excellence in ElementaryEducation

  10. Transfer In from Other Funds to Meet the Reserve Requirement at 3% FY 2014-15: The requirement is met. FY 2015-16: We are short about $730K. We tap into Fund 17 to meet the requirement. FY 2016-17: We will be short about $1.2M. We will zero out Fund 17 and tap into Fund 14 (Deferred Maintenance Fund) by $773K. One-time money to support on-going operation needs is not sustainable and is not a solution. Excellence in ElementaryEducation

  11. Other Funds: Excellence in ElementaryEducation

  12. Final Notes: ▪ Understanding our own characteristics of the budget (Fiscal Solvency issues) ▪ District’s Budget Adoption ▪ Enacting the State Budget ▪ Closing the books for 2013-14 ▪ 45-Day Budget Revision Excellence in ElementaryEducation

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