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Enhanced Podcasting section 508

Enhanced Podcasting section 508. 2009. Dr. John R. Kallis and Dr. Chris Patti California University of Pennsylvania. Podcast Audience . Market Research on E-Business US Podcast Audience 18.5 million (2007) 28.0 million (2008) 65.0 million (2012). Definition.

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Enhanced Podcasting section 508

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  1. EnhancedPodcastingsection 508 2009 Dr. John R. Kallis and Dr. Chris Patti California University of Pennsylvania

  2. Podcast Audience Market Research on E-Business • US Podcast Audience • 18.5 million (2007) • 28.0 million (2008) • 65.0 million (2012)

  3. Definition A podcast is a digital file: • Audio MPEG – mp3 • Audio/x - AAC (m4a) • Video – mp4 • Audiobooks – m4b • Video/x - Vodcasts / Vidcasts – m4v • Application – pdf Distribution of information to anyone at anytime. • Syndication - RSS feed - Aggregator

  4. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • Topic • hobbies • areas of expertise • what do you have a passion for? • Format • solo / co-hosts • length • posting • Location • setup • hardware / software

  5. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • Podcast gear • computer • software Open Source • microphone • headset • pop filter • Mixer Podcast booklet at learninginhand.com • GarageBand Pro Tools LE iTunes Camtasia Office 2008 Audacity – Recording Audacity Manual Dynamic Condenser

  6. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • Podcast gear

  7. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • Podcast gear

  8. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • Podcast gear

  9. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • Audacity

  10. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • Office 2008

  11. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • Camtasia

  12. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • Camtasia

  13. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • Camtasia

  14. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • GarageBand

  15. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • GarageBand

  16. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • Save file in proper format • mp3/mp4/mv4/m4a/m4b • ID tags • Artist Album Genre

  17. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • Hosting Your server • Ourmedia/free hosting • Lipsync • Odeo/record/share

  18. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • RSS Feed <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"> <channel> <title>Guitar Licks</title> <description>sample guitar licks</description> <language>en-us</language> <link>http://www.aet.cup.edu/~jkallis/html/media.html</link> <item> <title>Guitar Media Page</title> <link>http://www.aet.cup.edu/~jkallis/html/media.html</link> <description>This page has guitar licks.</description> <guidisPermaLink="true">http://www.aet.cup.edu/~jkallis/html/media.html</guid> </item> <atom:linkhref="http://www.aet.cup.edu/~jkallis/html/rss.xml" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> </channel> </rss> rss.xml

  19. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • iTunes <item> <title>Red, Whine, &amp; Blue</title> <itunes:author>Various</itunes:author> <itunes:subtitle>Red + Blue != Purple</itunes:subtitle> <itunes:summary>This week we talk about surviving in a Red state if you are a Blue person. Or vice versa.</itunes:summary> <enclosure url="http://example.com/podcasts/everything/AllAboutEverythingEpisode1.mp3" length="4989537" type="audio/mpeg" /> <guid>http://example.com/podcasts/archive/aae20050601.mp3</guid> <pubDate>Wed, 1 Jun 2005 19:00:00 GMT</pubDate> <itunes:duration>3:59</itunes:duration> <itunes:keywords>politics, red, blue, state</itunes:keywords> </item> </channel> </rss></item>

  20. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • Creating • Custom RSS Feed • Blogger • Feedburner

  21. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • Validate

  22. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote

  23. Plan - Produce - Publish - Promote • Feed Aggregator • NetNewsWire • FeedDemon • Podcast Directories • iTunes • Podcast Alley • Juice/iPodder • Digital Podcast • Yahoo

  24. Section 508 • Section 508, effective June 21, 2001, • requires Federal departments and agencies that develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic and • information technology to assure that these technologies provide access to information and data for people with disabilities. • Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended 29 U.S.C. § 794 (d)§ 794d. Electronic and information technology

  25. Section 508 • Interactivityis one of the most important elements in a successful e-learning program. • “The acquisition of • information, • knowledge and • Skills through any computer-delivered electronic system that allows the user to control, combine, and manipulate different types of media, such as text, sound, video, computer graphics, and animation.”

  26. Section 508 Technical Standards • Video and Multimedia • Open and closed captions • Open is automatically enabled • Closed has to be turned on 508 and You • Member of the academic community www.section508.gov/

  27. Section 508 • If there is multimedia, determine if it requires captions or a transcript. • Captions and transcripts provide the content as well as acoustic information such as descriptions of background sounds, and other important audio cues and context. • For example Rumbling thunder, roaring water, fire crackling, no audio, or the use of the musical symbols to indicate music. • Captions are used when multi-media contains visual and acoustical information. www.epa.gov/accessibility/toolkit/508_compliance_toolkit_web_apps.htm

  28. Section 508 • Transcripts can be used when only acoustical information is provided, e.g., a MP3 or radio broadcast. • Transcripts are also used to create captions, but it is not appropriate to just give a transcript on a Web site or as a document or package with the multimedia. • If you need captions for multimedia, decide if you want to use open or closed captions. www.epa.gov/accessibility/toolkit/508_compliance_toolkit_web_apps.htm

  29. Section 508 Software • Dragon NaturallySpeaking • speech recognition • Casting Words • transcription service • QuickTime • CC • Camtasia Studio • CC http://jdfrey.wordpress.com/2006/11/03/diy-how-to-podcast-transcription/ www.ksd.k12.ky.us/TRT/Closed_Captioning_with_QuickTimePro.pdf http://video.techsmith.com/camtasia/6/edu/showme/enu/captions/captions.asp

  30. References Slide 2 – Research Market www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?id=1005869&src=article1_newsltr Slide 3 – Definition http://recap.ltd.uk/podcasting/weblog/2005/10/mp3-mp4-m4a-m4b-m4v.html Slide 4 http://recap.ltd.uk/podcasting/weblog/2005/10/mp3-mp4-m4a-m4b-m4v.html Slide 5 – Audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/ http://audacity.sourceforge.net/help/documentation

  31. References Slide 5 - Audacity tutorials www.how-to-podcast-tutorial.com/17-audacity-tutorial.htm Slide 3 and16 http://recap.ltd.uk/podcasting/weblog/2005/10/mp3-mp4-m4a-m4b-m4v.html Slide 17 - Hosting http://labnol.blogspot.com/2006/08/how-to-choose-podcast-host-compare.html Slide 18 – RSS www.petefreitag.com/item/465.cfm www.rssboard.org/rss-specification http://searchenginewatch.com/showPage.html?page=2175271 www.rss-specifications.com/podcast-tools.htm

  32. References Slide 19 – iTunes www.apple.com/itunes/store/podcaststechspecs.html#metadata Slide 20 FeedBurner www.feedburner.com/fb/a/home http://labnol.blogspot.com/2006/08/how-to-choose-podcast-host-compare.html Slide 21 – Feed Validator http://feedvalidator.org/ Slide 23 – Podacast Directory www.podcastingnews.com/topics/Podcast_Directory.html Slide 24 -25 – Section 508 www.access-board.gov/sec508/e-learning.htm#[4]

  33. References Slide 26 – Section 508 www.section508.gov/ Slide 27 Section 508 www.epa.gov/accessibility/toolkit/508_compliance_toolkit_web_apps.htm Slide 28 – Section 508 www.epa.gov/accessibility/toolkit/508_compliance_toolkit_web_apps.htm Slide 29 – Section 508 http://jdfrey.wordpress.com/2006/11/03/diy-how-to-podcast-transcription/ www.ksd.k12.ky.us/TRT/Closed_Captioning_with_QuickTimePro.pdf http://video.techsmith.com/camtasia/6/edu/showme/enu/captions/captions.asp

  34. In the End…. E-mail kallis@cup.edu or patti@cup.edu for further assistance.

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