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5 Job Interview Tricks that are Hard to Master
5 Job Interview Tricks that are Hard to Master By: Vacancies.ae
Establish the right mindset beforehand • Get yourself hyped for the interview. • This can be pretty difficult for some people, especially if you've got a lot on the line. Try taking some deep breaths. A good trick for maintaining a sense of calm is visualizing your success and accepting that rejection's a possibility, but not an inevitability. • If you're nervous, as Steve Errey of "The Daily Muse" writes, it's important not to assume your interviewer is there to be judgmental and mean. The hiring manager is not your opponent — odds are, they're hoping to feel wowed. • "You were asked to come in because someone at the company wants to get to know you," says Errey. "The hiring manager wants to hear more about the experiences he read about on paper, and I promise you no one is looking to see how much shaking you can do in those boots of yours."
Prepare some good questions • Job interviews are scary. By the end of the ordeal, you're probably thinking that the last thing you want to do is drag on the experience with more questions. • However, asking good questions that demonstrate your knowledge and interest in the job is exactly what you have to do in order to demonstrate your interest and engagement. • Because it's often impossible for some people to think up informed questions on the spot, write some down beforehand. Rehearse them a bit, if that makes you feel more comfortable.
Break the ice with some good conversation starters • First impressions are important, so you really want to get off on the right foot at your interview. • Still, job interviews are often present a somewhat intimidating conversational environment, so finding the right conversation starter can be pretty tricky. It can be hard to make a perfect first impression when you're super nervous to begin with. • Rachel Gillett previously reported for Business Insider that the key is making the job interviewer feel like they have your undivided attention; good conversation starters include asking about the person's weekend or referencing a post you liked from their organization's blog or social media platforms.
Be open about your weaknesses • When the hiring manager asks about your greatest weakness, it can be tough to come up with a good answer. Whatever you do, don't say that you work too hard. Kudos to the person who first thought that up, but it's pretty much a cliché at this point. • Discussing a lesson garnered from finance author and speaker Ramit Sethi's appearance on "The Tim Ferriss Show," Richard Feloni of Business Insider broke down how exactly to answer this tricky question — identify your real biggest weakness and describe how you've corrected it.
Maintain good body language • Projecting confidence doesn't come easy to everyone. Still, it's a crucial part of selling yourself in an interview. • Slouching, fidgeting, and averting your eyes are all behaviors that might make you appear awkward — or, worse, deceptive. • It's definitely hard to control, but if you're prone to these habits, make a special effort to reign them in during your interview.
References • https://www.businessinsider.com/job- interview-tricks-that-will-pay-off-forever- 2016-8#be-open-about-your-weaknesses-4 • https://www.vacancies.ae/jobs/marketing- jobs • https://www.vacancies.ae/jobs/jobs-in-dubai • https://www.vacancies.ae/jobs/jobs-in- abudhabi