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I am a Superintendent!. Prepared by: Virginia Caballero Gilray Madrid Rebecca McCutchen-Watley John Rhine Ernesto Rivera Darlene Vasquez Jay Waller Fallr 2009 Dr. Kip Sullivan ED 7308. What a Superintendent Needs to Know. Superintendent/Board Relations Extracurricular Activities
I am a Superintendent! Prepared by: Virginia Caballero Gilray Madrid Rebecca McCutchen-Watley John Rhine Ernesto Rivera Darlene Vasquez Jay Waller Fallr 2009 Dr. Kip Sullivan ED 7308
What a Superintendent Needs to Know • Superintendent/Board Relations • Extracurricular Activities • Physical Plant • Finance • Food Services and Transportation • Leadership Traits • School Community Relations
Superintendent / School Board Relations Where can I find assistance?
Resources for School Board Relations Texas Association of School Boards http://www.tasb.org/ Texas Attorney General of Texas http://www.oag.state.tx.us/index.shtml Texas Association of School Administrators http://www.tasaonline.org/
Resources for School Board Relations State Board for Educator Certification http://www.sbec.state.tx.us Texas Education Agency http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index.aspx TexasISD.com http://www.texasisd.com/
Resources for School Board Relations Texas Rural Education Association http://www.txrea.com/ Education Service Centers (ESC 1-20) http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/ESC/
Extracurricular Activities Where can I find assistance?
Extra-CurricularWhat do I need to know as a Superintendent? University Interscholastic League http://www.uil.utexas.edu/ UIL Constitution and Contest Rules This site is extremely helpful in regards to athletics, band, one-act play, speech contests.http://www.uil.utexas.edu/policy/pdf/09_10orientation.pdf
Student Organizations Family, Career and Community Leaders of America http://www.fcclainc.org/ Texas FFA Association www.texasffa.org SkillsUSA http://www.skillsusa.org/ Texas 4-H and Youth Development http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/
Handbooks and Information Princeton ISD Extracurricular Activities Handbook http://www.princetonisd.net/Extracurricular/0708/Extracurricul arHandbook0708.pdf Region 18 http://www.region18.org/uploaded/forms/extracurricular_activi tes_boe_policy_3600.pdf TEC 33.081 Extracurricular Activities http://law.onecle.com/texas/education/33.081.00.html
Physical Plant Where can I find assistance?
Physical Plant Definition The school or school district facilities involving services such as: planning, design, installation of construction and renovation projects, building maintenance, preventative maintenance, equipment repair, custodial services, and landscaping services.
Physical Plant Resources Texas Association of Physical Plant Administrators http://www.tappa.net/ Association of Physical Plant Administrators http://www.appa.org/ National School Plant Management Association http://www.nspma.org/ Texas Association of School Business Officials http://www.tasbo.org/
Physical Plant Resources Council of Educational Facilities Planners International http://www.cefpi.org/ Central Association Physical Plant Administrators http://www.cappaedu.org/ National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities http://www.ncef.org/ Planning Guide for Maintaining School Facilities http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2003/2003347.pdf
Finance Where can I find assistance?
Finance Definition Fiscal per-pupil expenditures compared between school districts within a state has been the traditional framework within which school finance systems have been measured and evaluated.
Resources Texas Association of School Administrators http://www.tasaonline.org Texas Education Association http://www.tea.state.tx.us Public Education Network http://www.publiceducation.org/
Robin Hood Act http://www.pisd.edu/news/advocacy/robin.hood.shtml
Superintendent Food Services and Transportation Where can I find assistance?
Resources for Food Services USDA provides guidelines and services Note: Some are guides and others are mandated http://www.usda.gov
Resources for Food Services Texas offers several competitive co-ops to utilize in food purchases Check with BuyBoard and Food Cooperatives for best values
Resources for school transportation department Every school is different Purchasing use TASB BuyBoard Contracted services is an option for all schools Utilize competitive bidding on all products (tires, fuel, consumables)
Transportation and Food Services Items may cost more than you think. Allow for food cost increases- a minimum of 25% for transportation depending on the oil market and minimum of 30%-50% increase over budget. Set your budget for the worst case scenario and work within those perimeters.
Vision Integrity Dedication Magnanimity Humility HR World Openness Creativity Fairness Assertiveness Sense of Humor http://www.hrworld.com/features/top-10- leadership-qualities-031908/ Top 10 Leadership Traits
What is my leadership style? Know your own strengths and weaknesses as a leader. What leadership style is best for the team? Know which style of leadership to use that will be most effective for the situation and/or for the people you work with. Leadership Styles
Who are Leaders? “Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do…” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jULUGHJCCj4&feature=player_embedded
Leadership Quotes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLXDknPhU1c
School Community Relations Where do I find assistance?
School Community Relations Educational public relations is a planned and systematic management function to help improve the programs and services of an educational organization.
School Community Relations It relies on a comprehensive two-way communications process involving both internal and external publics, with a goal of stimulating a better understanding of the role, objectives, accomplishments and needs of the organization.
Why School Public Relations? This is the media age - school communication needs have increased dramatically and become complex. A superintendent needs to develop and execute communication plans through print/electronic media and face-to-face communication.
Why School Public Relations? Education is under attack - from taxpayers, business groups and others. A superintendent must publicize the positive news about student/staff achievement and programs, and develop a coordinated, proactive approach.
Why School Public Relations? The scope of successful school public relations has expanded greatly - A superintendent needs to schedule community relations activities, such as: business orientations, meetings with civic organizations and clergy, open houses, etc. to build informed support and solid relationships.
How a Superintendent can Communicate for a District • Internet / Website • Publications • School Directory • District Marquee • Media
District Communication • Community Connections • Employee Training • Restructure Board Agenda • Regular E-mail Updates