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”Bærekraftig utvikling og forvaltning av kystsonen” Eksempler på aktiviteter. Internasjonale. avtaler. Sjøsikkerhet. Oseanografi. Overvåking. Farled. Maritim IT. Transport. Fjordkryssing. Fiskeri Havbruk. Ilandføring. Turisme. Havneutbygging. Kunskap FoU Teknologi. Terminaler.

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  1. ”Bærekraftig utvikling og forvaltning av kystsonen” Eksempler på aktiviteter Internasjonale avtaler Sjøsikkerhet Oseanografi Overvåking Farled Maritim IT Transport Fjordkryssing Fiskeri Havbruk Ilandføring Turisme Havneutbygging Kunskap FoU Teknologi Terminaler infrastruktur Foredling

  2. Added value Nature Knowledge Human - Society Technology R&D - Implementation Needs 1. Call: Global changes and Ecosystems STREP (Strategic Targeted Research Project) • The driving force • towards Sustainable • Development is • Knowledge about • Human society • Technology • Nature • Indicators based on • a common framework • links sectors together Cross-cutting issues: Sustainable development concepts and tools SUSTDEV-2002-3.VIII.2.b Combined ecological, environmental and social indicators Indicators: sharing and harmonising databases and statistics and building consensus on combined ecological, environmental and social indicators to be used to monitor progress towards Sustainable Development at different geographical levels, in particular the regional one.

  3. Objective: Common understanding. Result: Framework and “state-of-the-art” The aim of the project is to establish a framework to foster a common understanding of the objectives, tasks, services and indicators connected to sustainable business development in coastal areas. The framework will be the platform for developing strategies, models and tools for the incorporation of sustainability in the decision-making processes and bring together people, knowledge and resources needed to meet the challenges.

  4. H G F A E D C B Suggested SuCZDe Regions A. Blach Sea B. Mediterranean C. Iberian Atlantic coast D. Spanish Bay of Biscay E. French coast/English channel F. Norse Sea G. English Isles/North Anlantic H. Baltic Sea I. Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea I

  5. Objective: Integrate sectoral topics. Result: Integrated quantitative tools for Sustainability assessment. In order to obtain a sustainable development of coastal zone activities a common understanding of the challenges involved is needed. All actors and stakeholders need to agree on common definitions of objectives and tasks involved. The development of quantitative tools and analysis will combine economic with ecological modelling, integrating horizontal and sectoral topics such as technology impact, use of area, aquaculture, fisheries, tourism, energy production, transport, biodiversity and social issues.

  6. Partners 1 SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture , Norway 2 Oceanor, as, Norway 3 AZTI - Fisheries and Food Technological Institute Spain 4 LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil Portugal 5 Danish Institute for Fisheries Research, Denmark 6 ISSUS, Hamburg Germany 7 Bulgarian Ship Hydrodynamics Centre, Bulgaria 8 Environmental Network Limited, UK 9 Marine Technology and Engineering Technical University of Lisbon Portugal 10 METTLE Innovating and Engineering in the Maritime and Logistics World France 11 CETEMAR - Centro Estudios Tecino-Maritimos Spain

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