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Document retention policy. The corporate records of Adams and Kitchener constitute vital information . Records include everything you produce as an employee , including memoranda, emails, contracts , expense records and calendars .
Thecorporate records of Adams and Kitchenerconstitute vital information. Records includeeverythingyou produce as anemployee, including memoranda, emails, contracts, expense records and calendars. Thelawrequiresourfirm to retain records for a specifiedperiod. Failure to do so couldsubjectthecompany to severepenalties, and may place us in contempt of court.
Weexpectallemployees to complywiththefollowingpolicies. Tax records, includingpayrolldocuments, expenses and otherdocumentsconcerningthecompany´srevenuesshould be keptfor at leastsixyears. Federal statutesrequirethecompany to keepallrecruitment and personnelinformation, including performance reviews and complaints. Thesemust be catalogedand retainedforsixyears.
Meeting minutes should be maintainedin perpetuity in thecompany´s minute book. Legal files mustnot be destroyeduntil ten yearsafterthe case has closed. Emails shouldeither be printed in hardcopy and kept in theappropriate file; ordownloaded and keptelectronically.
Theretentionperioddependsuponthesubjectmatter of the email. Failure to complywiththisdocumentretentionpolicymayresult in punitiveactionagainsttheemployee, includingsuspension of termination.
EXERCISES. Place a marknext to the response thatanswerthequestion 1 Didyoudestroythe files forthe Andersen case? A No, theyneed to be keptforanotheryear. B Yes, I sentthedocuments to heryesterday 2 Isthere a specified time forour lunch hour? A No, Mr Lee didn´tsaywhatday to meet. B Yes, it´sbetweennoon and oneo´clock
3 Howlongdoesthecompanyneed to retaindocuments? A Itdependsonwhatkind of documentsthey are B Please record the notes fromthe meeting 4 Why do employeecontractsneed to be kept in perpetuity? A Weshredthedocumentswhenwe´re done withthem B in case weeverneed to verifysomeoneworkedhere
5 Isthecompany´sdocumentretentionpolicyverystrict? A Yes, employees can getintotroubleifthedon´tfollowit. B No, we are able to wearjeansonFridays 6 Couldyoupleasecatalogthesedocuments? A Should I organizethembysubjector date? B No, Angeladidn´tfindanything to order