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Class 3 (Scene Size-Up with Safety, BSI & HazMat) Ch8 (Partial) , Ch2 (Partial) , & Ch37 (Partial)

Class 3 (Scene Size-Up with Safety, BSI & HazMat) Ch8 (Partial) , Ch2 (Partial) , & Ch37 (Partial). Patient Assessment Roadmap. Scene size-up Initial assessment Focused history and physical exam Examination Rapid Focused History Vital signs Detailed physical exam Ongoing assessment.

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Class 3 (Scene Size-Up with Safety, BSI & HazMat) Ch8 (Partial) , Ch2 (Partial) , & Ch37 (Partial)

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  1. Class 3 (Scene Size-Up with Safety, BSI & HazMat)Ch8 (Partial), Ch2 (Partial), & Ch37 (Partial)

  2. Patient Assessment Roadmap • Scene size-up • Initial assessment • Focused history and physical exam • Examination • Rapid • Focused • History • Vital signs • Detailed physical exam • Ongoing assessment

  3. Scene Size-up • Dispatch information • Inspection of scene • Scene hazards • Safety concerns • Mechanism of injury • Nature of illness/chief complaint • Number of patients • Additional resources needed • Consider Spinal Precautions

  4. Body Substance Isolation • Assumes all body fluids present a possible risk for infection • Protective equipment • Latex or vinyl gloves should always be worn • Eye protection • Mask • Gown • Turnout gear

  5. Oncoming traffic Unstable surfaces Leaking gasoline Downed electrical lines Potential for violence Fire or smoke Hazardous materials Other dangers at crash or rescue scenes Crime scenes Scene Safety: Potential Hazards

  6. Scene Safety • Park in a safe area. • Speak with law enforcement first if present. • The safety of you and your partner comes first! • Next concern is the safety of patient(s) and bystanders. • Request additional resources if needed to make scene safe.

  7. Mechanism of Injury • Helps determine the possible extent of injuries on trauma patients • Evaluate: • Amount of force applied to body • Length of time force was applied • Area of the body involved

  8. Nature of Illness • Search for clues to determine the nature of illness. • Often described by the patient’s chief complaint • Gather information from the patient and people on scene. • Observe the scene.

  9. The Importance of MOI/NOI • Guides preparation for care to patient • Suggests equipment that will be needed • Prepares for further assessment • Fundamentals of assessment are same whether emergency appears to be related to trauma or medical cause.

  10. Number of Patients • Determine the number of patients and their condition. • Assess what additional resources will be needed. • Triage to identify severity of each patient’s condition.

  11. Additional Resources • Determined by: • Mechanism of injury • Nature of illness • Number of patients • Medical resources • Additional units • Advanced life support • Air Ambulances • Nonmedical resources • Fire suppression • Rescue • Law enforcement

  12. Spinal Immobilization • Consider early during assessment. • Affects airway management • Do not move without immobilization. • Err on the side of caution. • Manual stabilization initially • Full immobilization secured with device after examination • Term C-Spine immobilization improper as it implies only cervical protection taken

  13. Scene Safety and Personal Protection • Prepare yourself when dispatched. • Wear seat belts and shoulder harnesses. • Ensure scene is well marked. • Check vehicle stability.

  14. Communicable Diseases • A disease transmitted from one person to another • Minimize risk of contracting disease with proper protection

  15. Occupational Safety & HealthAdministration • Develops workplace risk reduction guidelines • Provides enforcement • Requires all EMTs to be trained in • Bloodborne pathogens • Treating communicable or infected patients • Airborne precautions • Contamination precautions

  16. OSHA Required Protective Equipment • Vinyl and latex gloves • Heavy-duty gloves • Protective eyewear • Masks including HEPA • Cover gowns • Respiratory assistance devices • Pocket mask • Bag Valve mask • Exposure control plan • Table 2-6 pg 49

  17. Universal Precautions • Developed by CDC • Prevents direct contact with germs • Universal means “used for all patients” • Defines exposure • Contact with blood, body fluids, tissues or airborne droplets • Assumes only blood and certain other fluids pose risk

  18. Direct Being sneezed on Vehicle (indirect) Touching contaminated linen Vector-borne Bitten by a tick Airborne Inhaling contaminated droplets Routes of Transmission

  19. Body Substance Isolation (BSI) • Infection control concept • Assumes all body fluids are infectious • Provides protection from several routes • Blood or fluid splash • Surface contamination • Needle stick exposure • Oral contamination

  20. Hand Washing • Effective disease control method • Before & after contact • Prevents you from spreading germs • No water use waterless system • Procedure • Soap & warm water • Rub for 10-15 seconds • Rinse & dry • Use paper towel to turn off faucet

  21. Gloves & Eye Protection • Minimum standard • Gloves • Vinyl or latex • Double glove • Change with patient • Heavy duty for cleaning • Eye protection • Side Shields • Goggles

  22. Skill Drill 2-1 Instructor Give each student a pair of glovesbefore proceeding Students Don gloves and note which size

  23. 1 2 3 4 Skill Drill 2-1:Glove Removal Technique

  24. Gowns & Masks • Provides protection from large fluid amounts • Gowns • Childbirth • Major trauma • Spare uniform • Masks • Fluid splash • Airborne protection • HEPA

  25. Sharps • Needles • Scalpels • Glucose testers • Usual cause of HIV and hepatitis transmission • 2 Rules • Do not recap, break, bend needles • Dispose of all sharps in approved containers

  26. Reducing Risk of Infection • Follow the exposure control plan. • Always follow BSI precautions. • Always use a barrier between you and the patient. • Be careful when handling needles. • Always wash your hands. • Make sure all immunizations are current.

  27. Immunizations • Recommended: • Tetanus-diphtheria boosters (every 10 years) • Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) • Influenza vaccine (yearly) • Hepatitis B vaccine

  28. Duty to Act • The EMT-B cannot deny act to a patient with a suspected communicable disease, even if the patient poses a risk to safety. • To deny care is considered abandonment or breach of duty; the EMT-B may also be considered negligent.

  29. Diseases of Special Concern (1 of 4) • HIV infection • Infection that causes AIDS • Currently has no vaccine • Not easily transmitted in work setting • Can be transmitted to a rescuer from a contaminated needle

  30. Diseases of Special Concern (2 of 4) • Hepatitis • Hepatitis results in inflammation of the liver. • Hepatitis B and C are transmitted through blood contact. • A person that carries the disease can appear healthy. • Vaccinations are available and recommended for EMS providers.

  31. Diseases of Special Concern (3 of 4) • Meningitis • Inflammation to the lining of the brain • Can be caused by viruses or bacteria • Usually not contagious except for Meningococcus meningitidis • Wear gloves and masks. • Notify a physician, if exposure suspected.

  32. Diseases of Special Concern (4 of 4) • Tuberculosis • Bacterial disease affecting the lungs • Detected by screening • Recovery 100% if identified and treated early • Notify supervisor of suspected exposure.

  33. Other Diseases Causing Concern (1 of 2) • Syphilis • Can be a bloodborne disease • May result from needle stick • Whooping Cough • Airborne disease caused by bacteria • Usually occurs in children • Wear a mask to avoid exposure

  34. Other Diseases Causing Concern (2 of 2) • Newly recognized diseases • Escherichia coli • Hantavirus • Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)

  35. General Postexposure Management • Ryan White Law requires notification of exposure. • You should be screened immediately after any exposure. • All exposures need to be reported to company’s designated officer.

  36. Establishing an InfectionControl Routine • Make infection control procedures a part of your daily routine. • Routinely clean the ambulance after each run. • Properly dispose of medical waste. • Remove contaminated linen.

  37. Scene Hazards • Hazardous materials • Never approach an object marked with placards. • Electricity • Do not touch downed power lines. • Recognize the signs before a lightning strike. • Fire • Do not approach unless trained and protected.

  38. Any substance that is toxic, poisonous, radioactive, flammable, or explosive and can cause injury or death with exposure Responders must have special training before becoming involved with hazardous materials. Introduction to Hazardous Materials

  39. Hazardous Materials Situations • A train or truck with a leaking substance • A leak, fire, or other emergency at an industrial plant, refinery, or other storage facility • A gas pipe leak or rupture • Deterioration of underground fuel tanks • Buildup of methane in sewers • Car crash involving a ruptured gas tank

  40. Recognition of Hazardous Materials(2 of 2) • Visible cloud or odd-looking smoke coming from an escaping substance • A leak or spill from a tank, container, truck, or railroad car • An unusually strong, noxious, acrid odor • Multiple collapsed patients

  41. Recognition of Hazardous Materials (1 of 2) • Warning signs • Placards • Labels

  42. HazMat Placards The four-digit number that appears on the warning placard identifies the specific hazardous material.

  43. Hazardous Materials Safety Placards

  44. First Arrival • Stop at safe distance. • Call for a HazMat team. • Stay out of danger zone. • Gather information. • Do not reenter the scene. • Do not leave until cleared by HazMat.

  45. Identifying Hazardous Materials • Safety perimeters • Uphill and upwind • Efforts to ensure safety and survival of the masses. • See and read placards • Color • Wording • Symbols • Numbers • Use binoculars

  46. Approach a hazardous incident cautiously from upwind. HazMat Scene Safety

  47. HazMat Scene Operations • HazMat will determine the specific hazardous material involved. • Only those trained in HazMat and wearing protective gear should enter the zone. • As an EMT-B, your job is to remain in the designated treatment area. • HazMat will bring patients to you.

  48. Decontamination Area • Designated area where contaminates are removed • Anyone who leaves the hazard zone must pass through this area. • Wait for the patients to be brought to you.

  49. Classification of Hazardous Materials—Toxicity Levels

  50. Caring for Patients at a HazMat Incident • Only essential treatment will take place in the hazard zone and decontamination area. • Injuries should be treated as any other patient. • Treatment for exposure will be mainly supportive. • Initiate transport.

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