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RAD 222. Upper extremity part 2 (forearm, elbow,humerus ). Technical Points. Positioning principles as for upper limb applies to lower limb. kV should be lower to medium (50 – 70) KVp.
RAD 222 Upper extremity part 2 (forearm, elbow,humerus)
Technical Points Positioning principles as for upper limb applies to lower limb. kV should be lower to medium (50 – 70) KVp. For all parts discussed, center and align the long axis of the part to central ray (CR) and to long axis of the film. No secondary radiation grid used Radiation protection has to be well observed, using the special gonad shields over pelvic region, or the lead apron as necessary FFD is generally 40 inches (100 cm). Optimal contrast and density will allow visualization of bony cortical margins soft tissue structures.
RADIOGRAPHIC ANATOMY AP Forearm 1. Scaphoid2. Lunate3. Styloid process of radius4. Styloid process of ulna5. Head of ulna 6. Radius7. Ulna8. Tuberosity of radius9. Neck of radius 10. Head of radius11. Proximal radioulnar joint L
1.AP Forearm: Basic Film Size: 11x14 in. (30x35 cm, smaller patients ). 17x14 in. (35x43 cm, large patients ). lengthwise. SHIELDING: Place lead shield over patient’s lap to shield gonads. Patient Position: Patient sits at end of couch, shoulder at couch level. Part Position: forearm/palm supinated, elbow extended, both the elbow and the wrist joint to be included, ask pt to lean laterally as necessary to place entire wrist, forearm, and elbow in true frontal position as possible .M&L epicondyles should be the same distance from IR Distance: 100 cm or 40 in. C R: perpendicular to film. C P: directed to mid-forearm or Midshaft (between the wrist and elbow joints). Collimation: collimate on four sides to area of interest
Structure shown: AP projection of entire radius and ulna is shown, with a minimum of Proximal row carpals and distal humerus, as well as pertinent soft tissue, such as fat pads and stripes of the wrist and elbow joint.
The Forearm Lateral: Basic Film Size: 11x14 in. (30x35 cm, smaller patients ).17x14 in. 35x43 cm, large patients )lengthwise. SHIELDING: Place lead shield over patient’s lap to shield gonads. Patient Position: Patient sits at end of couch, with elbow flexed 90 degree shoulder at level with couch. Part Position: Rotate hand and wrist into true lateral position and support hand to prevent motion if needed, ensure that distal radius and ulna are directly superimposed and included on the film. Distance: 100cm or 40 in. CR: perpendicular to film. CP: directed to mid-forearm. or Midshaft (between the wrist and elbow) Collimation: collimate on four sides to area of interest.
Lateral left Forearm 1. Scaphoid2. Lunate3. Distal end of radius4. Styloid process of ulna5. Head of ulna 6. Ulna7. Radius8. Olecranon9. Tuberosity of radius10. Neck of radius11. Head of radius12. Trochlea Structure shown: lat projection of entire radius and ulna Proximal row of carpal bone, elbow, and distal end of the humerus are visible, as well as pertinent soft tissue, such as fat pads and stripes of the wrist and elbow joint.
AP Elbow Basic Film Size: 10x12 in. (24x30 cm) crosswise. SHIELDING: Place lead shield over pelvic area. Patient Position Patient sits at end of couch, shoulder at couch level. Part Position: forearm supinated, elbow extended on the film, patient then leans laterally to make a true AP position. epicondyles should be parallel to the IR, support hand as needed to prevent motion Distance: 100cm or 40 in. C R: perpendicular to film. C P: directed to mid-elbow joint, which is approximately (0.75 in ( 2 cm) distal to midpoint of a line between epicondyles). Collimation: collimate on four sides to area of interest
RADIOGRAPHIC ANATOMY AP Elbow 1. Lateral supracondylar ridge2. Medial supracondylar ridge3. Olecranon fossa4. Medial epicondyle5. Lateral epicondyle6. Capitulum7. Olecranon8. Trochlea9. Coronoid process of ulna10. Proximal radioulnar joint11. Head of radius12. Neck of radius13. Tuberosity of radius14. Ulna Structure shown: distalhumerus, elbow joint space , and proximal radius and ulna are visible.
E. AP elbow (partial flexion) – trauma case (Basic) Film Size: Film: HD24x30 cm 10x12in (two films) crosswise. SHIELDING: Place lead shield over pelvic area. Patient Position: Patient sits at end of couch, with elbow partial flexed. Part Position: Two projections obtained with: (a) Forearm parallel to the film. (b) Humerus parallel to the film (with support under wrist as need to prevent motion). (a) Distance: 100cm or 40 in. CR: perpendicular to film. C P: Midelbow which is approximately (3/4 in (2 cm ) distal to midpoint of a line between epicondyles ). Collimation: collimate on four sides to area of interest NB/ kV increased to (60 – 75) because of increased part thickness. (b)
AP elbow partial flexion For distal Humerus trauma Trochlea Coronoid process of ulna Structure shown: distalhumerus, is best visualized on humerus parallel projection, Note structures in elbow joint region Are partially obscured, depending on the amount of elbow flexion possible .
AP elbow Partial flexion for Proximal forearm Structure shown: proximal radius and ulna on forearm parallel projection, Note structures in elbow joint region Are partially obscured, depending on the amount of elbow flexion possible.
Lateral (Lateromedial ): Basic Film Size: HD18x24 cm (8x10in) crosswise. * SHIELDING: Place lead shield over patient’s lap to protect gonads. * Patient Position: Patient seated at end of table with elbow flexed about 90. Part Position : rotate hand and wrist into true lateral position, thumb side up. Place support under hand and wrist to elevate hand and distal forearm as needed for heavy muscular forearm Distance: 100 cm or 40 in. CR: perpendicular to film. C P: directed to mid elbow joint which is approximately 1.5 in ( 4cm) medial to posterior surface of the Olecranon process. Collimation: collimate on four sides to area of interest
RADIOGRAPHIC ANATOMY Lateral Elbow Anterior fat pads Supinator fat strip 1. Supracondylar ridge2. Trochlea3. Olecranon4. Trochlear notch5. Coronoid process of ulna6. Head of radius7. Neck of radius8. Tuberosity of radius9. Ulna Structure shown: lat projection of the distal humerus and proximal forearm, the olecranon process, and the soft tissue, and fat pads of the elbow joint. are visible . with the epicondyles superimposed (overlapping).
APO elbow (lateral/external rotation) (Basic) Film Size: HD 10x12 in. (24x30 cm) crosswise. * SHIELDING: Place lead shield over patient’s lap to protect gonads. * Patient Position: Patient seated at end of table. Part Position: Arm fully extended on the film, shoulder at elbow level with shoulder lowered to couch level, hand facing outwards, arm rotated externally (laterally) so that entire elbow is 45 to the film (Patient must lean laterally for sufficient lateral rotation.). Distance:100 cm or 40 in. CR: perpendicular to film. C P: Mid elbow joint (2 cm distal to the midpoint between the epicondyles). Collimation: Collimate on four sides to area of interest NB/ External (lateral) oblique best shows radial head and neck, and Capitulum. AP and lateral oblique
APO elbow (lateral/external rotation) External (lateral) oblique best shows radial head and neck, and Capitulum. Capitulum
APO elbow ( medial/internal rotation) (Basic) Film Size: HD10x12 in. (24x30 cm)crosswise. SHIELDING: Place lead shield over patient’s lap to protect gonads. Patient Position: Patient seated at end of table. Part Position: Arm fully extended on the film, shoulder at elbow level with shoulder lowered to couch level, arm rotated internally so that entire elbow is 45 to the film, palm in contact with the couch (facing the couch) Distance: 100 cm or 40 in. CR: perpendicular to film. C P : Mid elbow joint (2 cm (3/4in)distal to the midpoint between the epicondyles). Collimation: collimate on four sides to area of interest.
APO elbow ( medial/internal rotation) NB/ * Internal (medial) rotation best shows the coronoid process of the ulna and Trochlea in profile.
RADIOGRAPHIC ANATOMY Medial Oblique Elbow The medial oblique will demonstrate • the coronoid process of ulna. • The Olecranon process • The radial head will be overlie the ulna. • Olecranon fossa medial epicondyle trochlea trochlea notch NB/ * Internal (medial) rotation best shows the coronoid process of the ulna and Trochlea in .profile
Radial head Survey (Special) Film Size: 8x10 in. (18x24cm) crosswise. * SHIELDING: Place lead shield over patient’s lap to protect gonads. * Patient Position: Patient sits at end of couch. Part Position: arm flexed 90. Four projections taken. 1.Hand supine maximum external rotation (palm up). as far as patient can tolerate. 2.Hand in true lateral thumb up. 3.Hand prone (palm down). 4. Hand internally rotated maximum internal rotation (thumb down)as far as patient can tolerate. Distance: 100 cm or 40 in. CR:perpendicular to the film. CP: direct to the radial head approximately 2 -3cm or (1in )distal to the lateral epicondyles. Collimation:collimate on four sides to area of interest.
Acute flexion elbow(Axial) – ulnar groove (Special) Jones method Film Size: 8x10in. (18x24 cm) crosswise. * SHIELDING: Place lead shield over patient’s lap to protect gonads. * Patient Position: Patient sits at end of couch with acutely flexed arm resting on cassette. Part Position: Arm acutely flexed and placed on film, fingertips resting on the shoulder. Two projections are taken Distance: 100 cm or 40 in. CR:(a) CR 90 to the hummers* (b) CR 90 to the forearm. Collimation: collimate on four sides to area of interest. (a) Midway between epicondyles CP:(b) 5 cm superior to the Olecranon (a) CR 90 to the humerus (b) CR 90 to the forearm.
RADIOGRAPHIC ANATOMY provide a clear view of the Olecranon process and the surrounding soft tissue. The view is very useful in detecting loose bodies. (a) CR 90 to the humerus Olecranon process Structure shown:
AP Humerus : Basic Film Size: 11x14 in. (30x35 cm, smaller patients )lengthwise. 17x14 in. (35x43 cm, large patients ). SHIELDING: Place lead shield over patient’s lap to shield gonads. Patient Position: May be taken erect or supine. Part Position : Affected side in contact with film, other side raised, arms abducted, hand supinated, humerus rests on the film with shoulder and elbow included, epicondyles of elbow are parallel to the film. Distance: 100 cm or 40 in. C R: perpendicular to film. CP: Midshaft (between elbow and shoulder joints). NB (suspend respiration during Exposure ) to reduce movement and tension. Collimation: collimate on four sides to area of interest
AP HUMERUS Structure shown: AP projection of the entire humerus , including the shoulder and elbow joints, Is visible.
Lateral Humerus :( Lateromedial ) Basic Film Size: 11x14 in. (30x35 cm, smaller patients ). 17x14 in. (35x43 cm, large patients )lengthwise. SHIELDING: Place lead shield over patient’s lap to shield gonads. Patient Position: May be taken erect or supine, body rotated toward the affected side Part Position: elbow is partially flexed, internally rotate arm to give a lateral view so that epicondyles are 90 to the couch. Ask the patient to be relax to avoid motion. Distance: 100 cm or 40 in. C R: perpendicular to film. C P: Midshaft (between elbow and shoulder). NB/ (suspend respiration during Exposure )to reduce movement and tension. Collimation: collimate on four sides to area of interest
Lateral Humerus :( Lateromedial ) Structure shown: A lat projection of the entire humerus , including the shoulder and elbow joints, Is visible.
Lateral Humerus (Mediolateral: Rotational): Basic Film Size: 11x14 in. (30x35 cm, smaller patients ). 14x17in. (35x43 cm, large patients ) Lengthwise. SHIELDING: Place lead shield over patient’s lap to shield gonads. Patient Position: May be taken erect or supine. Part Position :face patient toward the film , and oblique as needed (20 to 30 from PA) to allow close contact of humerus to IR, the elbow flexed 90. Ask the patient to be relax to avoid motion. *Distance: 100 cm or 40 in. C R: perpendicular to film. C P: Midshaft (between elbow and shoulder). NB/ (suspend respiration during Exposure )to reduce movement and tension. Collimation: collimate on four sides to area of interest.
Lateral Humerus (Lateromedial – Trauma case).Basic * Film Size: HD11x14 in. (30x35 cm) smaller patients . 10x12 in. (24x30 cm, ) large patients . SHIELDING: Place lead shield over patient’s lap to shield gonads. Patient Position: Patient recumbent. Part Position : support under the arm, elbow flexed (no rotation in case of injury), cassette placed between the arm and thorax (Top of IR to axilla). * Distance: 100 cm or 40 in. C R: perpendicular to film. CP: Midpoint of distal 2/3rd of humerus NB/ (suspend respiration during Exposure )to reduce movement and tension. Collimation: collimate on four sides to area of interest.
Lateral Humerus (Lateromedial – Trauma case). Structure shown: A lat projection of the mid and distal humerus , including the elbow joints, is visible the distal two thirds of the humerus should be well visualized.