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Section 7: Special Education Services and Programs Podcast Script

Section 7: Special Education Services and Programs Podcast Script. Laura LaMore, Consultant, OSE-EIS. Via Podcast . August 4, 2010. Welcome .

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Section 7: Special Education Services and Programs Podcast Script

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  1. Section 7: Special Education Services and ProgramsPodcast Script Laura LaMore, Consultant, OSE-EIS Via Podcast August 4, 2010

  2. Welcome • On behalf of Eleanor White, of the Office of Special Education and Early Intervention Services (OSE-EIS) at the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) WELCOME! • This podcast details Special Education Services and Programs and is part of a series of 9 podcasts designed to walk and talk you through the state model forms for Individualized Education Program (IEP) and Notice

  3. Getting Started • We want to thank you for tuning in • My name is Laura LaMore and I am a consultant with the OSE-EIS • Before we get started, if you have not already done so, we recommend that you download the Quick Reference Guide, Section 7: Special Education Services and Programs, to view with this podcast

  4. Foundation • Students are educated based on need and not by disability area • The Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE) provides a comprehensive list of services and programs and their descriptions, to help in the decision making process for IEP development • The IEP team will identify related services and programs from the MARSE or from the federal regulations

  5. Purpose • The purpose of this section is to identify the special education services and programs necessary to meet the needs of the student and ensure progress

  6. Purpose • Information used in determining the services and programs necessary to meet the student’s needs comes from and aligns with: • Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance • Secondary Transition Considerations • Goals and Objectives/Benchmarks • Supplementary Aids and Services

  7. Focus on Student Needs • Keep in mind while developing this section, methodology does not belong in the IEP • This section is designed to describe the services and programs the student needs, not the method of instruction (e.g., co-teaching, team teaching, etc.) that will be used • Identification of methodology in the IEP process limits a district’s ability to be responsive to the student’s needs

  8. Focus on Student Needs • For each service and program identified, the IEP team will determine the specific amount of time a service or program will be provided • The team will also need to indicate the frequency of the delivery • For each service and program, indicate the time and frequency in such a manner to ensure the district’s commitment of resources are clear

  9. Providing Services and Programs • All services and programs must be provided according to the implementation date of the IEP, except in certain circumstances (e.g., grade level move-ups, trimesters, graduation, etc.) • If a service or program will not be provided for the duration of the IEP, the beginning and end date must be indicated under the heading “Duration”

  10. Location, Location, Location • For each service and program, under the heading “Location,” the IEP team is to identify the specific environment in which the student will receive the service or program • Locations such as “general education,” “special education,” “building,” or “all” lack specificity and could lead to confusion • A more accurate description is recommended (e.g., content area, classroom)

  11. Related Services • Related services are the first considerations because they are generally less restrictive than programs • Identify the needed service by name and rule number

  12. Placement With a Teacher With a Particular Endorsement • The IEP team is to consider the student’s needs—not just the student’s eligibility—when making a determination about placement with a teacher • A teacher’s endorsement does not have to match the eligibility of the student • Options become limited when decisions are aligned to student eligibility; therefore, Michigan promotes a practice of making decisions based on student needs

  13. Programs • Programs are to be selected in order to meet the student’s needs and ensure progress • Identify the program by name and rule number • In the second column, indicate if the program is departmentalized in the building

  14. Dates of Programs and Services • Services and programs begin on the implementation date of the IEP unless otherwise indicated

  15. Extended School Year Services • ESY services are provided if the IEP team determines that the services are necessary for the provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) • Extended School Year (ESY) services are provided to a student beyond the traditional school calendar at no cost to the parent • ESY services must be considered

  16. Extended School Year Services • The team must consider the following ESY standards in relation to each of the student’s goals: • Regression and recoupment • Nature and severity of the disability • Critical stage or area of learning

  17. Extended School Year Services • The IEP team must make data-based decisions for ESY services • For more information: • see Standards for Extended School Year Services in Michigan, Michigan Department of Education, August 2008

  18. Instructional Time • Identify the minutes/hours per week the student is receiving general education instruction • Identify the minutes/hours per week the student is receiving special education instruction (i.e., special education programs) • Add the general education instruction and the special education instruction • The total represents the minutes/hours per week the district offers instruction

  19. Educational Environment • Extended School Year (ESY) services are provided to a student beyond the traditional school calendar at no cost to the parent • This section is included in the IEP model form to provide transparency and detail for where instruction is taking place and is used for reporting on the third Wednesday in November (3WiN) • It is also the starting point for meeting annual performance reporting requirements

  20. Participation in a Regular Early Childhood Program • Complete this section for students who participate in a regular early childhood program • Document if the student spends 10 hours or more, or less than 10 hours, in the program per week • Then indicate if the student receives the majority of special education and related services inside or outside the program

  21. Participation in General Education • Educational environment documents the time spent in an instructional location • It can be described as “where the student is sitting” • Any time spent in a general education classroom (including while receiving special education services and programs) is documented in this section as General Education Environment

  22. Participation in General Education • On the IEP form, the team need only indicate “separate facility” when applicable • For actual annual performance reporting, the district will need to identify the separate facility as one of the following: • residential facility; • homebound/hospitalized; • public/private special education building at public expense; • correctional facility; or • parentally placed in private schools

  23. Special Transportation • Although transportation is a related service, it receives special consideration in the IEP process as it is commonly a general provision for all students • Document if special transportation is necessary for the student to have access to a FAPE • If special transportation is needed, describe the service

  24. Section 7: Special Education Services and Programs

  25. Thank You • Thank you for participating in this podcast detailing Services and Programs • As a reminder, this is the ninth in a series of podcasts designed to walk and talk you through the state model forms for IEP and Notice • Watch for more informative podcasts on the IEP Development Process • The next podcast is titled IEP Amendment

  26. Contact • OSE-EIS – Main (517) 373-0923 • www.michigan.gov/ose-eis

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