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BEtter management and implementation of NATURa 2000 sites

Brussels , November 12 th 2013 Round Table : “Better management of Natura 2000 sites: challenges and chances for the future”. BEtter management and implementation of NATURa 2000 sites. Zsuzsa Fidlòczky Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation Association (LP) Hungary. Project Background

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BEtter management and implementation of NATURa 2000 sites

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  1. Brussels,November 12th 2013 Round Table: “Better management of Natura 2000 sites: challenges and chances for the future” BEtter management and implementation of NATURa 2000 sites Zsuzsa Fidlòczky Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation Association (LP) Hungary

  2. Project Background • One of the current most important and demanding challenges is to face the loss of biodiversity, encompassing the diversity of both habitat and species types. • A strong EU legal basis for the nature conservation provides the foundation for the preservation of the EU natural heritage. Natura 2000 Network (SCI/SAC and SPA) Directive 92/43/EEC “Habitat” Directive 09/147/EU “Birds”

  3. Project Background • Than the Natura2000 network was established but this is: • not a system of strict nature reserves where all the human activities are excluded • in fact, it can include nature reserves privately owned and/or where human activity is strongly present

  4. Project Background • For many reasons, the Natura2000 management & implementation is often difficult and controversial. • Most of the partner areas still experience difficulties in the application of the Directive due to: • the lack of proper instruments at national level for implementation • the combination of different economic interests affecting the target environment

  5. Project Background • For many reasons, the Natura2000 management & implementation is often difficult and controversial. • Serious environment pressure is caused - i.e. by tourism, agriculture and infrastructure, and also by the presence of several alien species of flora • Overall problem: the fragmentation is very high and difficult to maintain. • The definition of precise and accurate strategy for the environment conservation is therefore necessary in order to be able to achieve good conservation outcomes.

  6. Objectives • General objective of the project is: • To face the loss of biodiversity bydefining common action plans and strategyto preserve the natural heritage and the landscape in SEE region, • with priority for habitats and species that are: • - protected by the 92/43/EEC and 79/409/EEC Dir. • - typical of these eco-regions and/or • - threatened by changes of environment (caused by climate changes and wrong management).

  7. Objectives • To conserv species and habitats common to the Partners areas, this way concretely implementing the EU legislative framework, by the definition of : • - a Transnational Joint Strategy for the better management and improvement of Natura2000 network • - Joint Transnational Action Plans • Using the knowledge and best practices gained within the consortium as a basis • Project Duration

  8. Partnership

  9. Partnership

  10. TransnationalApproach • The involved project areas are characterized by common habitats and species protected by the 92/43/EEC and the 09/147/EU directives, endemic or mainly distributed in these eco-regions and/or migrating across SEE eco-region and/or threatened by the changes of the environment (climate change and human activity). • Given that the SEE Countries are at different stages of the application of 92/43/EEC Directive for the implementation of Natura2000, as well as of management of natural sites, transnational cooperation is necessary: • to face the loss of biodiversity in a coordinated and homogeneous way according to the EU framework, • to produce a wider and more concrete impact compared to isolated initiatives.

  11. TransnationalApproach • BE-NATUR aims toimprovethe better management and implementation of Nature 2000 sites in the SEE eco-regionsthroughimplementingtransnationalactivities. • TransnationalActivities • Trainings. Communication, dissemination and raising awareness. • The participation and joint work of all PPs is required in all activities.

  12. Innovative Character • As the definition of specific Action Plans for the protection of habitat and species, it is a requirement of the Directive 92/43/EEC, plans have already been developed on national level, but to prepare transnational Action Plans through transnational cooperation makes BE-NATUR very innovative. • Once the plans will be adopted, they'll represent a tool, to which a number of countries will refer to, developing concrete actions of conservation coordinated and responding to the same indications. And this can concretely bring toward gap reduction.

  13. Outputs - Communication activities Project Website

  14. Outputs - Communication activities Dissemination materials - mor than 10.000 people were reached

  15. Outputs • Transnational joint strategy and tools for the better management and implementation of Natura 2000 sites • Individuation of gaps in the management and implementation of Natura2000 sites were collected and summarized in the GAP analysis • Definition of Joint Transnational Action Plans for common habitats/group of habitats and species - 3 JTSPs for species and 3 for habitats were developed • Bilateral meetings were organized with the participation of decision makers regarding the national adoptation of the JTAPs

  16. Outputs • Transnational joint strategy and tools for the better management and implementation of Natura 2000 sites • A TransnationalTool and Strategyfor the the better management and implementation of Natura2000 siteswasdeveloped • Transnational visits for experts - 5 visitswereorganized

  17. Outputs • Concrete implementation of the strategy and improvement of knowledge of human capital • Training sessions, at local and nationallevel – 36 sessionswereorganized and 147 expertsweretrained • Direct interventions of preservation and reintroduction of species - 5 species werepreserved and reintroduced • Direct interventions of restoration and preservation of habitats - 3 habitatswerebettermanaged • 3 Management plans forbetter management of sitesweredevloped

  18. Outputs • Awareness rising actions and promotion of sustainable tourism • Organisation of targeted workshops and didactic visits - focusing on wetlands, their habitats and wildlife – using the output didactic material developed by hte partnership • – at least 4.000 students and teachers were reached and participated on the workshops organized by each project partner

  19. Brussels,November 12th 2013 Round Table: “Better management of Natura 2000 sites: challenges and chances for the future” • Thank you BEtter management and implementation of NATURa 2000 sites Zsuzsa Fidlòczky Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation Association (LP) Hungary

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