Space Tourism Could Exacerbate Climate Change Some scientists now warn that space tourism could exacerbate climate change. While billionaire Richard Branson prepares his Virgin Galactic enterprise from Spaceport America in Las Cruce, New Mexico featuring suborbital launches cost $200,000 a ticket, a new study says such an industry may not be so green after all. Such increases in space travel could cause more climate change, not from carbon dioxide, but from the soot of the rocket motors.
Exacerbate -- verb to make worse November 9, 2010 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- Ten months after a devastating earthquake, the people of Haiti are now dealing with an outbreak of cholera. Officials are concerned that floods triggered by Hurricane Tomas on Friday and Saturday could exacerbate the spread of the disease.
Boisterous – adj. loud, excessive, stormy The lunchroom erupted in boisterous laughter when the teacher tripped and spilled his lunch on the floor.
MUNDANE -- relating to that which is commonplace, ordinary, or routine. Life is made up of mundane moments like eating, brushing your teeth, and talking to others.
FEIGN – verb to give a false appearance; to fake The child feigned sickness so she didn’t have to go to school.
CONDUCIVE -- tending to be helpful or favorable (does not describe a person) . Eating donuts is not conducive to losing weight.
Heinz Ketchup Packet Makeover by Amy Crocker Sliced bread can move aside, another food innovation is about to take America by storm.Currently being tested in the Midwest and Southeast, the new Heinz packet contains three times as much ketchup and will be conducive to both dipping and squirting - with a rounded bottom and a tear-off end. Designers tested their product in a minivan to ensure ease of potato consumption.
Collapse of New Bridge Underscores China’s Infrastructure Concerns By KEITH BRADSHER Published: August 24, 2012 HONG KONG — One of the longest bridges in northern China collapsed on Friday just nine months after it opened, triggering a storm of criticism from Chinese Internet users and underscoring questions about the quality of construction during China’s rapid expansion of its infrastructure.
Euphemism-- We all know enhanced interrogation is just a euphemism for torture.. An agreeable word or expression substituted for one that is potentially offensive
Infrastructure (n.) -- the basic foundation or framework of an organization or system