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Nikken’s. Where It All Started in 1975 The “Humans Being More” Company. Nikken Headquarters Fukuoka, Japan. Magsteps!. Became the fastest growing company in Japanese history with one product…. From Page 1 of the Manual, 1991.

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  1. Nikken’s

  2. Where It All Started in 1975The “Humans Being More” Company Nikken Headquarters Fukuoka, Japan Magsteps! Became the fastest growing company in Japanese history with one product….

  3. From Page 1 of the Manual, 1991 Nikken, Inc.’s business is based on three main purposes. One purpose is to provide an opportunity for each person to attain their full potential. We offer the opportunity to those who want to take on a new business challenge so that they can expand their potential according to their lifestyle. The second purpose is to contribute to society by promoting health. Nikken offers everyone the opportunity for a healthier new life through the utilization of Nikken’s unique products and services. The third purpose is to develop and maintain warm friendships among people. Through the establishment of person-to-person product distribution, we help others fulfill themselves through their new friends. Through Nikken business activities, we help people around the world create new prosperity and a healthy life.

  4. For a Healthier World in the 21st Century…Extending the Linkage of Good Health These days it’s not enough just to survive. We must live each moment to the fullest and build ourselves physically and psychologically, growing from the inside out. For Nikken, this is the path to a better life. Nikken was founded in 1975 with the aim of promoting the five areas of health to enrich human relations and human happiness. Now a world leader in all branches of the health industry, Nikken continues to seek new ways to enhance the human condition. Nikken looks not only at physical health, but at the individual as a whole. Moving toward the future, and adopting a global viewpoint, the Nikken Family are continually meeting new friends, sharing experiences and discovering ways to expand their human potential. By fostering human happiness and social harmony, we at Nikken hope to brighten the world’s future.

  5. The Nikken Family Pledge • I will grow day by day through accepting new challenges and enlightening myself and others. I will not spare any efforts toward this purpose, and I will do my very best. • As a member of the Nikken Family, I will proudly help create sincere and trusting human relationships. • I will contribute to overall society by promoting health maintenance, which every person wishes to attain, and by sharing my health and happiness. • I will make true, heart-to-heart friendships with others, valuing each personal encounter, and I will faithfully practice the Nikken Family pledge.

  6. Introduced to North America 1991 1989 Westwood Place, Suite 250 10866 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 1851 Ahtanum Road South Fork Yakima, WA

  7. Moving in 1995…. 1995 1995 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA Vermontville Road Vashon Island, WA

  8. Moving in 1999 - 2000 1999 52 Discovery Irvine, CA 2000 274th Lane Vashon Island, WA

  9. NIKKEN In The “Humans Being More” Industry

  10. Nikken’s Logical, Simple, Fair and Effective Distribution System Nikken sends you a “Thank You” Check You create your Wellness Environment 1 5 Experience Improved Wellness Connect people to Nikken to make their wellness investment Nikken ships directly to the Consumer 2 Share 3 4 and Family

  11. Nikken’s Distribution System Duplicating YOUR Income Generating “ASSETS” Creating More Global Income Generating “ASSETS” You Earn as Your Team Continues to Reproduce Globally

  12. “You Alone” Trading Time for Money 96% of the population • 80% not fulfilled by their job or career…& are stressed. • Highly vulnerable…Illness? Injury? Job Security? • Job? Ceilings: Paid what the job is worth..not what you are worth. • Own Business? Do you own it or does it own you? • The more successful you become…the busier you are! • Lack of balance, burnout, stuck on daily “treadmill” • Little chance of personal or financial freedom. • Work for 30 – 40 years, and never get ahead, and may never be able to retire.

  13. Build Financial FreedomWith Nikken! You…with a “TEAM” Example of how to earn $2,000 - $3,000 per month Help 6 people do this & YOU earn over $100,000/yr Create YOUR DREAM LIFE in 3-5 years…. THROUGH LEVERAGE!

  14. The Power of “Leverage” What if you could work 24 hours a day……. 7 days a week for a year…non-stop? That’s 24 hrs x 365 days = 8,760 hours In Nikken….sponsor 6 who sponsor 6 through 6 levels = 55,986 consultants They each “work” one hour a year…. 60,000 Fans! 55,986 hours divided by 8,760 = 6.4 years!

  15. Our First Five Months In Nikken • Had no training for anyone….. • Sponsored 15 people in the first six weeks. • Had 70 people in our organization at the end of six weeks. • Had 50 to 60 people joining our personal group each month. • Generated $250,000 in business. • The average order was a little over $300.

  16. Our First Year In Nikken • Ended up with 700 people in our personal group • Generated $720,000 in volume • Approximately $1,000 per consultant for the year • A lot of people doing a little bit

  17. Geometric Progression Kicked In • Generated $5 Million in business the 2nd year • Generated $25 Million in business the 3rd year • Earned a 7 figure income the fourth year • Have since helped around 45 of our friends become members of the “Millionaire’s Club”, and helped thousands of others earn substantial full or part-time incomes.

  18. Our “Wall of Fame” We are poised for YOU to do what we’ve done & more!

  19. Two “HOT” Introductory Products Home or Office On-The-Go Waterfall Sport Bottle

  20. Your Body’s Acid/Alkaline Balance • Your body needs to be slightly alkaline for optimum health. • The average Western diet is acid-producing, and actually produces a low-grade systemic acidosis in otherwise healthy people. • Dozens of studies document the negative impact low-grade acidosis has on health. • The body’s adaptation to even mild metabolic acidosis involves stresses and strains that create a fertile breeding ground for various forms of chronic illness that is now experienced by more than one out of every three Americans.

  21. Your Body Needs To Be Slightly Alkaline 10,000 times more Acid than 7.0 A glass of cola has a pH of 2.5, and would “kill” you if your body didn’t have the protective mechanisms it has. It takes 32 glasses of alkaline water to overcome the negative effects of 1 glass of cola.

  22. An Easy & Convincing Demo! 4 Drops of the reagent in each glass…. For optimum health, we should drink half of our body weight in ounces of pure, great tasting, alkaline PiMag water every day!

  23. Diamond Terry Latham’s Script: • “How many people do you know that drink water?” • “Of those people, how many would be interested in a more economical and healthier source?” • “Fantastic….Let’s test that theory.” • Conducts the Demo • “Do you want you and your loved ones to keep drinking the water you’re drinking now, or do you want to drink our water?” • “Fantastic….do you want it retail or at a discount?

  24. 10 Reasons You Need A Home Business Today! • Options: Most people have little if any financial options, and this can give you life options that most only dream of. • Direction: Many people are “directionless” in life, and are working on someone else’s plan. • Possibilities: Most people live their life in “miniature”….Why not turn your annual income into your monthly income! • Creativity: Forces you to THINK outside the box, and has proven to be a great creative catalyst for many things. • Tax Advantages: The tax advantages are enormous in many ways. See your CPA and he/she will explain how.

  25. 10 Reasons You Need A Home Business Today! • Personal Development: Nikken is a personal development program, masterfully molded into a business. • Freedom: Your own “Declaration of Independence”. Be able to do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do it, help whomever you want to help…..and never have to ask yourself….”Do I have the time or the money?” • Leadership: Learn leadership and communication skills, become an example and teach others. • Helping People: One of the greatest rewards in this business. Make a positive difference in the lives of tens of thousands of people all over the world!

  26. 10 Reasons You Need A Home Business Today! • Secure Your Future: Work it at your pace, at your place and with people you want to work with, and how you want to work. It allows you flexibility in a way a job could never do. • BONUS REASON: Travel! A Home Business can take you places you never thought you would go. Our business has taken us to every state in the country, Norway, Sweden, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan, China, The Philippines, and all over the Caribbean (14 cruises) to name a few places. Let’s Get You Started Now! Where do you want Nikken to send your checks?

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