1. AS/NZ4755 Update Mark Paterson
EL 054 Chair / CSIRO Manager Smart Grid Partnerships
Dr George Wilkenfeld
Consultant to Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3)
2. “The world’s electricity network will change more in the next 20-years than it has in the last 100”
IBM Energy & Utilities, ‘Smart Infrastructure – Building the Intelligent Grid of Tomorrow’, Enercom Conference (March 2009).
3. How do you manage all these growing loads?
4. What if you can’t build network fast enough?
5. The challenge of integrating large scale renewables
6. Imagine relying on a generator output like this? 14MW (US PV)
Weather forecasting & characterising
Cascading Events – ie inverter trip limits – trips causing trips
14MW (US PV)
Weather forecasting & characterising
Cascading Events – ie inverter trip limits – trips causing trips
7. And what if failure looks like this...?
8. What is as/NZ4755? Suite of standards to the functional outcomes and supporting technologies to enable remote demand response, load shifting, energy storage and/or storage discharge of compliant electrical products
Improve the utilisation of electricity network infrastructure through moderating the extremity of peak demand; and,
Enhance the adoption of renewable generation in a manner that assists network stability through better matching electrical product inputs with intermittent generation outputs.
10. Basic AS4755 architecture
11. AS4755 DR Modes – all products
12. DRM for A/C already under way Can indicate DR capability on energy label
Some models are registered as ‘AS4755-compliant’
6+ Mfrs already offer models with AS4755
Investigating making interface mandatory for ACs from Oct 2011
Working to develop international interest
IEA DSM & 4E Annexes
EU also interested in this approach (for ACs)
Opportunity to make AS4755 a global standard
13. The DRED Benefit can only be realised if:
There is a communications pathway to the interface
Utility offers a DR program or tariff
Customer agrees to participate in DR program
Technical pathway options:
Separate utility-owned DRED (many already in use)
Customer-owned DRED (none yet)
DRED capability built in to Smart Meter (none yet)
SM could be universal, reliable, low-cost DRED
14. Single-product DRED
15. Multiple-product DRED
16. Smart meter configuration
17. DR Participation – IF optional
18. DR Participation – IF mandatory
19. Conclusions New national ‘smart appliance/smart meter’ architecture within reach (world first)
Governments considering mandating AS4755 interfaces for priority appliances (via energy labeling and standards legislation)
Will benefit households with or without SM
20. An important step in the journey to the ‘smart grid + Smart Home’
el·e·gance (noun)
...millions of devices operated in concert to unlock new market and social value that is currently inaccessible