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Lane Clark Debrief. Implications for MRPS Inquiry Learning Pedagogy. Outcomes and points for consideration are highlighted throughout,. Friday, 11 Sept, 2009 Carey, Trish, Daniel, Tracy, Judy, Mark. Cell Coordinator Roles
Lane Clark Debrief Implications for MRPS Inquiry Learning Pedagogy Outcomes and points for consideration are highlighted throughout, Friday, 11 Sept, 2009 Carey, Trish, Daniel, Tracy, Judy, Mark
Cell Coordinator Roles • Does the role of cell coordinator need to be reinstated to its original, former status? Cell Coordinator roles need to be revisited and revised. Cell Coordinator never used to be included in Admin meetings. Now it is felt that the Admin meetings are taking the cell coordinators away from their previous areas of responsibility, that being to manage cell budgets, coordinate resource purchasing, revise and keep Inquiries up-to-date and on track, help to develop Inquiry Units, ensure relevance and appropriate coverage through all learning areas and curriculum framework. • Is there a real need for cell coordinators to attend Admin meetings? Probably not, as long as the information is being disseminated to staff through Monday Mumblings, email, staff meetings, face-to-face meetings.
Cell Meetings • MUST be recognised and reinstated to allow for vital cell business to be discussed. • Staff to ensure they are keeping informed by reading email on a daily basis. As Cell Meetings were originally set up to discuss issues relevant directly to the three cells (Junior, Middle and Upper), it is important that one is held each term (the other being a whole school meeting). Ensures that items such as learning area coverage through Inquiry topics is adequate and relevant, scope and sequence, assessment, monitoring, resourcing issues can all be addressed. Where Administration need to address staff regarding vital school or DET issues, they can visit individual cells or have one of the Administrators at each meeting. It is also an expectation of staff that they check email on a regular basis to keep track of information coming out from Administration (Monday Mumblings are a prime example).
Thursday Meetings MUST be reinstated as per their original purpose (ie. as a means of sharing and reflecting on teaching pedagogy across the school to support implementation of ICT and Inquiry Pedagogy). They have evolved to become just another staff meeting which was never their intent. In their current form there are serious EBA issues to consider (ie. only two meetings per term). As the Thursday sessions are not compulsory to attend, and as some staff have openly stated that they don’t wish to see work samples etc, (but seem OK about sitting in yet another meeting), then it has been suggested that teachers visit classrooms on a fortnightly basis during morning recess in order to share, reflect and discuss strategies etc being used. This would be on a voluntary basis, with the hope that the non-participants do feel the need to upgrade and share in the whole school ICT, Inquiry process, particularly from year levels where ICT and Inquiry process is falling down.
Lane Clark Debrief What exactly needs to be looked at in detail from our PD? How will our new learning impact on our school’s current Inquiry pedagogy?
Lane pointed out that the 22 Inquiry Concept Keys that we are currently using across the school for Big Question development were fine, but she has seen a need to simplify them down to just seven keys which cover all possible conceptual questions, as outlined on the following slides. As a group, we made a beginning at linking in the keys we currently use to the seven keys now suggested by Lane to use. This key is one of the THREE MAJOR keys to be used.
Students can be challenged to write a 2-Key Question, a 3-Key Question, etc. This key is one of the THREE MAJOR keys to be used.
We were wondering what exactly this key meant and how it would be used to help formulate questions.
So What? is the main outcome at the Inventing Level and the Inquiry driver It was discussed that there is a need to reword these two questions to make them more understandable to students. It was also discussed that we, as a staff, develop a series of cards (or something similar) with these So Whats? on them. On the back there needs to be examples of the meaning of the particular So What? and also criteria or guidelines for developing that particular So What? at different year levels.
Implications For MRPS Inquiry Model Ensure adequate and relevant LA coverage across all year levels. Avoid overlay and repetition! Take into account DET requirements and also Local Planning • Curriculum Design • National Curriculum • Don’t throw out what we have already developed over the last ten years. • Build in ThinkCharts, ThinkBox, ThinkItGreat, etc. • Plan for ‘deep learning’ and ‘far transfer’ • Concept keys to help develop the So What? • Resource banks in shared drive • Reinstatement of Cell Leaders as the main drivers. Value Add/Develop
Examining the MRPS Inquiry Model The next series of slides shows what our current MRPS Inquiry Model looks like. As a team, we have begun to compare our (successful) MRPS Inquiry Model to Lane Clark’s ThinkTower™, her ThinkBox™ and also the Think!nQ™ (real learning process). We have started to identify where changes have to be made to our MRPS Inquiry Model.
Think!nQ™ Process Immersion Suggested changes for MRPS Inquiry Model. So What? This drives your need to establish content, knowledge, understanding and purpose. • Ensure The Immersion: • Engages the 5 senses • Uses experts! • Uses a minimum of 4 tools from the ThinkBox™ • Engages the whole thinking brain (use the MIs) • Examines at least 2 OPVs (other people’s points of view) Use Concept Keys To find out! (eg. What are the characteristics of an excellent brochure? Builds knowledge, understanding, comprehension and leads towards analysis and evaluation. Develop Petite Inquiries to suit needs Set up a WONDERINGS and DISCOVERY Wall As students have a need to ask questions or they make a discovery, they add to the WALL, and sign their addition (to show ownership).
Think!nQ™ Process Brainstorm Suggested changes for MRPS Inquiry Model. There is little need to change our Brainstorm level Also a very good idea to provide the opportunity for students to question and wonder at this stage and include them on their brainstorms. Michael Pohl’s Extended Brainstorm would be an excellent tool for this. • Key considerations at this level: • Students tell you what they now know • There is no input from teachers – you need to see what the kids actually think and now know. • Examination of the Brainstorms will tell you how effective the Immersion has been. May open up the need for reteaching or target teaching of certain understandings. • May lead to revised or new So Whats? Brainstorms should become working documents that students visit and revisit to update as they investigate and find out at the deeper level.
Think!nQ™ Process Big Question/Action Plan Suggested changes for MRPS Inquiry Model. As a whole class, revisit the WONDERINGS and DISCOVERIES wall to consolidate ideas. If the IMMERSION has been done successfully, students should have no problems at this level. If kids don’t know what they don’t know, then they will not know what Big Questions to ask! Well designed ACTION PLANS are vital to success if the Big Questions are to be effectively examined and developed and taken through to full/deep learning. There need to be different ACTION PLAN models developed for use at the Junior, Middle and Upper Primary Levels. It is very important that you map all the tools and strategies that you and your students have used so far in the Inquiry. These tools and strategies should be colour coded to show the different immersion activities that were used. PETITE INQUIRIES need to be undertaken as students need them. For example, PETITE INQUIRIES would be developed for, “How to produce an excellent PowerPoint”, “How to write and present and excellent speech”, etc.
Think!nQ™ Process Finding Out Suggested changes for MRPS Inquiry Model. To be covered next Friday.
Think!nQ™ Process Stop And Think! Suggested changes for MRPS Inquiry Model. To be covered next Friday.
Think!nQ™ Process Creating It Suggested changes for MRPS Inquiry Model. To be covered next Friday.
Think!nQ™ Process WOW! Celebrating Suggested changes for MRPS Inquiry Model. To be covered next Friday.
Think!nQ™ Process WOW! Celebrating Suggested changes for MRPS Inquiry Model. To be covered next Friday.