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NJC PAY CLAIM 2010 – 11

NJC PAY CLAIM 2010 – 11. The Claim. A one year £500 flat rate increase or 2.5% - whichever is the greater - from 1 April 2010 (Our demands for improvements to Green Book terms and conditions will be made separately in the New Year).

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NJC PAY CLAIM 2010 – 11

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  1. NJC PAY CLAIM 2010 – 11

  2. The Claim • A one year £500 flat rate increase or 2.5% - whichever is the greater - from 1 April 2010 • (Our demands for improvements to Green Book terms and conditions will be made separately in the New Year)

  3. What a flat rate increase of £500 or 2.5%, whichever is higher, will mean… • A £500 increase would give a 4.12% increase to members on the lowest scale point (SCP4 is £12,145 so this would increase to £12,6145) • Those below SCP 23 would receive increases above 2.5% on a sliding scale from 4.12%. • Members on SCP 23 and above (£20,198) would receive increases of 2.5% • The overall increase equates to a 2.8% uplift on the pay bill (based on 2008 workforce numbers)

  4. Even the Conservatives would increase pay for the lowest paid! • At the 2009 Conservative Party Conference George Osborne (Shadow Chancellor) said a Conservative government would implement a ‘pay freeze’ across the public sector apart from those earning below £18k a year. There are 475 thousand Full Time Equivalent workers in local government who would therefore receive a pay rise even under a Conservative central government • UNISON estimates that NJC pay is only 89% of average public sector pay – those on higher rates of NJC pay need an increase too!

  5. Comparisons with other Public Sector Workers

  6. The Crisis in Social Work • In 2009, a Press Association survey showed that 16% of social work posts nationwide are either left empty or covered by temporary staff and that, • There are 12 local authorities where more than 30% of positions are either empty or covered by agency workers and at one local authority only 55% of positions are filled by a regular employee • 60% of Directors of Adult Social Services report extra demand for safeguarding related services since October last year, and 85% of those respondents cited a worsening of the situation since April as demand for social services continues to rocket!

  7. Inflation Now

  8. Inflation in the Future

  9. Affordability • Government revenue funding for local authority services in England will be £73.1bn in 2009/10 and £76.4bn in 2010/11, overall grant increases of 4.2% and 4.4% respectively. This means that councils will have had above inflation increases every year since 1997 and an extra £8.9bn through this current 3-year settlement. • In some of the most difficult economic circumstances in recent times, local authorities in England increased their reserves (school, earmarked and unallocated) by £250m(September 2009 Office of National Statistics provisional outturn figures) • The 2008-09 NJC pay settlement reduced expenditure on employee costs by almost 1%

  10. Campaign Action • Tell members and non-members about the claim and use the pay campaign as an opportunity to tell members about the benefits of joining UNISON • Lobby your employer, councillor and MP • Work with other local government trade unions • Engage Councillors and the local press in discussion over the key issues of our claim

  11. RECRUIT! • Use the opportunity at workplace meetings to speak to non members about joining UNISON • It’s so easy for non-members to join us – you can do it on line now at: http://www.unison.org.uk/join/index.asp • We're stronger together, to join us call 0845 355 0845 • Sign up to our ‘Million Voices Campaign’ at: http://www.unison.org.uk/million/index.asp UNISON - the trade union for all local government workers

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