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Adjektivendungen. Let’s start by reviewing our basic case endings for Nominativ , Akkusativ , Dativ and Genitiv …. ein_ Auto ( das Auto). Welch es Auto? – Dies es Auto! Da s Auto ist neu. Basic rules for adjective endings:.
Adjektivendungen Let’s start by reviewing our basic case endings for Nominativ, Akkusativ, Dativ and Genitiv…
ein_ Auto (das Auto) Welches Auto? – Dieses Auto! Das Auto ist neu.
Basic rules for adjective endings: • As soon as an adjective PRECEDES a noun, it MUST have some ending. • Articles have “first dibs” on the above primary endings. • If the article can’t have the above ending, as is the case e.g. with “ein_ Auto” (and NOT eines Auto!), it then goes on the adjective.
Basic rules: • PRECEDES a noun, MUST have ending. • Articles have “first dibs”. • article can’t have ending? on the adjective. die
Basic rules: • PRECEDES a noun, MUST have ending. • Articles have “first dibs”. • article can’t have ending? on the adjective. AKK
Basic rules: • PRECEDES a noun, MUST have ending. • Articles have “first dibs”. • article can’t have ending? on the adjective. Deutsches Brot schmeckt gut. es ? Ein__ deutsch__ Brot schmeckt gut. as e D__ deutsch__ Brot schmeckt gut.
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