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Run That You May Obtain The Prize 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. Pastor Matt Zwitt November 6, 2011. How should we run ?. 1. Run to seize the prize. Christian life is a race. Gal. 2:2, 5:7; 2 Tim. 4:7; Heb. 12:1-2; Philip. 2:16 More of a 100 meter foot race than it is a marathon.
Run That You May Obtain The Prize1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Pastor Matt Zwitt November 6, 2011
1. Run to seize the prize • Christian life is a race. • Gal. 2:2, 5:7; 2 Tim. 4:7; Heb. 12:1-2; Philip. 2:16 • More of a 100 meter foot race than it is a marathon. • We can run in such a way as to not obtain the prize (vs. 24). • If you walk to Jesus, you don’t receive the prize; if you jog to Jesus you don’t receive the prize. • The Greek words used here for “receive” and “obtain” are different words. • “Obtain” lit. means “to gain control of something through pursuit; catch up with and seize; overpower, overcome.” • Our running does not earn us the prize; it testifies that we are worthy of the prize.
Think of yourself as an athlete. • Athlete (vs. 25)-lit. means “struggle, fight, compete; to strive to do something with great intensity and effort; to make every effort.” • Christians are fighters/competitors. • 2 Extremes the Church and/or the World has told us. • Passionate Christians-but they are prideful and judgmental. • Passive Christians-weak doormats. • Jesus was the most passionate and compassionate man who ever lived. • He loved the people and he loved them by fighting for them. • Not with weapons of this world, but with weapons of righteousness: prayer, the Word, the Spirit.
2. Run with self-control to gain an imperishable wreath • Self control-“to keep one’s emotions, impulses, or desires under control; control oneself.” • Modern athlete’s self control • Eat six times a day; every meal planned • No refined sugar, no fast food, no soda, no carbs after 6pm • Every calorie is accounted for. • It is a sad reality that a lost NFL athlete exercises more self control and discipline over his body in order to gain a ring or a trophy, than a Christian who runs to inherit a crown that will not fade.
We have believed the lie that self control and discipline are legalistic and done for the wrong reasons. • Fix your eyes on the praise of man-wrong reason. • Fix your eyes on your own self righteousness-wrong reason. • Fix your eyes on Jesus-take up your cross with joy. • Run to get an imperishable wreath. • The question is not whether you will get a wreath or not. The question is “Will your wreath last?” • 1 Peter 1:4-those who are born again will receive “an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you.” • The way we receive this crown is through the Word of God (1 Peter 1:23).
3. Run towards a fixed target • 3 Ways to find the target: • Fix your eyes on Jesus. • “Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus.” Heb 12:1-2 • We discern the race course through the Word of God. • Psalm 119:105-“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” • If we do not know the Word, we will be led astray by many camera trucks, or we will be hit by oncoming traffic.
Be intentional in your race. • Aimlessly (vs. 26)-“one who has no fixed goal” • Know what your goal is; do not run this race simply seeing how things will turn out • Analogy of a boxer (vs. 26) • Everybody is registered for the race. The question is “Are you on the right track?” • How sad would it be to get to the end of the race only to find out you were running in the wrong direction. • Even if you run in the semi-right direction, you still get “disqualified.” (vs. 27)
4. Run with discipline • What does this discipline look like? • “Discipline my body” (vs. 27) - lit. means “to blacken an eye, to strike in the face; punish, treat roughly, torment.” • This word is taken from the figure of a prize fighter. • Luke 18:5-judge who fears the persistent widow • “Keep it under control” literally means “make it a slave.”
2 Cor. 11:24-27 • Countless beatings and often near death • 5 times received 39 lashes • 3 times beaten with rods • 1 time stoned • 3 times shipwrecked (spent night & day in the sea) • Danger from: rivers, bandits, Jews/Gentiles, the sea, wild beasts, and false brothers • Gone without: sleep, food, drink, shelter, and clothing • Imprisoned at: Philippi, Rome and Caesarea
The Christian life was never intended to be easy. • Rocky • Why do they do it? They do it because they love the crown. They love the crown more than their physical health, pleasures, or desires; they are willing to do anything to get it. • Do we love Jesus this way?