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DEFINITION & ABBREVIATION Trainees: A group of personnel directly undergoing the respective training with real CWA. Exercise (Works) Director: A person directly responsible for general training organization and training fulfilment in line with previously concluded technical (training) arrangements. Supporting Staff: A group of personnel supervising and supporting but not directly undergoing the respective training with real CWA. Training Curriculum: The particular training subjects that the trainees will exercise during the particular training period.
DEFINITION & ABBREVIATION Field Live Chemical Testing & Training Facility (FLCATF): An area with a set of buildings and installation primarily intended either for conducting tests and experimental works or for training with real CWA in field condition. It includes areas A, B, C and D. Live Chemical Agents Training Site (LCATS): An area consisting of special infrastructure enabling to conduct tests and experiments or to conduct training with real CWA. It includes roofed CWA working area, buildings for the works (training) control and support, wastes stores and other safety appliance. It is equal to area „CHARLIE“ as depicted further. CWA Working Area: An roofed area within the LCATS with special hardened surface, resistant against chemicals and with independent drainage system and only where real CWA may be applied on different equipment. It mostly includes a few working stations depending on the works (training) tasks character. It is equal to „Hot Zone“.
DEFINITION & ABBREVIATION Safety Zone: An area that is directly endangered by CWA or highly toxic agents‘ vapours while training or conducting tests and experiments. Safety zone radius is fenced and marked by warning sings. Protective Zone: An area that may have been contaminated by CWA or highly toxic chemicals agents‘ vapours in order of extreme weather conditions. Consumption Limit: The total mass amount of all CWA or highly toxic agents used by single application on determinate working place inside safety zone. Impermeable x Permeable Protective Suits further
OPCH-05 OPCH-90 PO TRELLCHEM VAUTEX ELITE S IMPERMEABLE PROTECTIVE SUITS A full body surface protection means containing of a insulating protective material (mostly made of iso-butyl rubber) intended for specialists who accomplish tasks in the terrain contaminated by liquid phase of CWA or aerosols. They protect against hazardous gases, vapours, aerosols and against liquid phase of CWA
FOP-96 SARATOGATM PERMEABLE PROTECTIVE SUITS A body surface protection means made of composite filter fabric based on highly activated and hard carbon which is fixed onto textile carrier fabric. They protect against hazardous gases, vapours and partially against aerosols
15 km 6 km MILITARY TRAINING GROUND BASIC DATA Area Total: 15,817 ha (39,085 acres) For military use: 2,200 ha (5,436 acres) 75 km of paved roads Main Facilities: • Infantry Shooting Range; • AFVs‘ Firing Range; • Artillery Firing Range; • Tanks‘ Firing Range; • Branches Training Sites;
MILITARY TRAINING GROUNDWILDLIFE MANAGEMENT • Vojenské lesy a statky, s.p. • (Military Forests & Lands) • Wildlife Management • Timber Production • Environmental Protection
MILITARY TRAINING GROUNDENTRY RULES • Borders marked on entries by Warning Sings with notice „MILITARY AREA, DO NOT ENTER “ combined with appropriate pictograms; • Entry and movement allowed upon special entry permission card (temporary entry permission) issued by respective Military Authorities; • Driving speed thorough Military Training Ground limited to 60 km/h (37,28 MPH); ZONE MILITARY TRAINING GROUND Driving Speed Limit DO NOT ENTER Entry allowed upon special entry permission With exclusion of the Army of the Czech Republic, Police and Military Forests and Lands authorities
MTG SAFETY RULES Permission holders are obliged: • Carry entry permission card (temporary entry permission card) at all times; • Move along routes and areas only clearly marked on entry permission card; • Subject entry permission documents on request for check to MP or to authorized Military Authorities accompanied by MP; • Report immediately any finding of ammunition, mark It is strongly forbidden: • Move along or within restricted areas(see restricted areas); • Touch to any found ammunition (especially dud ammunition); • Set up a fire; • Take photos; • Take animals (pets) with; • Pollute, damage or behave violently towards environment;
LCATS LAYOUT 2 6 3 5 1 7 4 8
TRAINING CONTROL BUILDING Training Manager Control Room Workers‘ (Trainees‘) Transit Room KEY: 1.12 – Main Entrance 1.05 – Showers 1.03 –Undressing Room 1.04 – Airlock Chamber 1.02 – Filters Units 1.07 – IPE Decontamination Showers
Front View MaR Monitor Cameras‘ Monitors Cameras‘ Joystick CWA Detectors‘ Monitor Meteo-station Display Differential Manometer Sensor TRAINING CONTROL BUILDINGTOWER • Intended for oversight of training (works) conducted inside Area „CHARLIE“ • Full FVAC systems(gas masks with – sudden overpressure drop!!!) • Necessary data recorded and stored on hard-disks
Dressing Room Trainees‘ Transit Room Hygienic Circuit Room TRAINING CONTROL BUILDINGGROUND FLOOR Undressing Room Decontamination Showers Air Lock Restrooms Main Entrance FVAC Room
TRAINING SUPPORT BUILDING Multipurpose Trg Room IPE Drying DECON Hygienic Circuit Room Equipment Storeroom Kitchenette Restroom Workroom • Technicians‘ Rear Area • Equipment Storing • Preparation of specimens • Drying IPE • Indoor CWA Training (Testing) FVAC Corridor Front View
ROOFED CWA WORKING AREA Roofed CWA Working Area Contamination of samples Simple CWA Detection Field CWA Analysis Decon Efficacy Vehicles Mass Decon Personal Decon • Special hardened surface (waterproof isolation layer resistant against chemicals) • Independent drainage and waste collection system • Illuminated • Water, electricity pressured air distribution point • Continual passage of wheeled vehicles (up to 25 t)
WASTE STORAGES Toxic Liquid Waste Storage Solid Waste Storage • Toxic and non-toxic solid waste • Collection and separation toxic liquid waste • 3 tanks 50m3 (1,765 ft3) each • Disposal - certified company (incineration)
AGENT FATE TESTING PAD • For experimental work only • Intended for CWA persistence testing • Vaporization under dynamic conditions • Pad setup radius 2.5 m (8.20 ft) • 10 x 10 m (32.81 x 32.81 ft) totally • Special design of device for spraying CWA onto pad
BUNKER (ILLICIT LABORATORY) • Based on experience taken from Afghanistan • Initially intended for storage of decontamination mixtures • Scenario based training • SICA Teams training • CWA Simulating agents for time being only • Reconstruction and adaptation 2010-2011
IPE TESTING CHAMBERS Portable Gas-Mask Testing Chamber PZK M-10 IPE Testing Chamber • Intended for IPE integrity check • Impermeable suits only • Employing CS • Intended for gas-mask tightness check • Permeable suits • Employing CS
PERIMETER Stationary CWA Detectors combined with IR Cameras Safety Zone I Safety Zone I Warning Signs Safety Zone II
CWA: GB GD VX and its derivates HD HN Lewisite Closed Radioactive Emitters: 137 Cs 60 Co BIO Simulating Agents (Pending) Bacillus Subtilis SCOPE OF AGENTS No open radioactive emitters No real BWA No aerosols
CWA consumption limits: • 7 g / by single application; • 100 g / per day as a maximum The worst case scenario for 100 grams of volatile nerve agent (GB). Temperature: 200C; Wind speed: 5 m/s Atmospheric stability: inversion Red isoline: Permissible exposure limit PCt50 = 1. 10-4 mg.m-3 Safety Zones: 90 m (7 g) and 300 m (100 g)
CWA WORKING SAFETY RULESGENERAL PROFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS Physical proficiency: • Personnel at the age of 18, and more; • Physically and mentally sound; • Who undergone a profound medical examination and based on examination outcomes are allowed to work with CWA and highly toxic substances; Professional qualification: • Personnel who are proficient in: • CWA toxicological effects and symptoms; • Protection against CWA; • First aid principles, and • Ways of decontamination.
CWA WORKING SAFETY RULESEXERCISE DIRECTOR (MANAGER) PROFICIENCY Professional qualification: • Universities‘ graduates, who: • Graduated in the accredited master‘s study curriculum focused on general medicine or on pharmacy; or who graduated in accredited master‘s study curriculum focused on zoo-pharmacy or on hygiene; • Graduated in accredited master‘s study curriculum focused on chemistry; • Gained master degree in the area of pedagogical branches focused on chemistry; • Graduated of any university and possess the appropriate certificate on whole live education entitled him (her) to work in health services, or who possess the appropriate certificate on whole live education in the area of toxicology; • Graduated in the accredited master‘s study curriculum focused on botany, or who graduated in whole live educational program focused on botany; • Individuals, who graduated from any different university than is stated above and who passed successfully appropriate proficiency exam and possess the certificate on qualification for handling with highly toxic chemicals;
CWA WORKING SAFETY RULESGENERALLY • Any works (training) either with open radioactive emitters or with biological warfare agents (BWA) are strictly forbidden at the LCATS; • Contamination of different materials specimens, surfaces and matrices and their decontamination after the end of works (training) can be solely carried out by experienced and skilled VTÚO Brno Division workers; • Workers (trainees) are allowed to utilize the LCATS under condition of strict safety rules adherence and solely for specific testing and experimental works, which must be endorsed by VTÚO Brno Division Director in advance, or for training tasks fulfilment purposes which may involve; • Detection and identification of CWA; • Protection against CWA; • Decontamination operations; • Sampling operations, and • First aid training
CWA WORKING SAFETY RULESGENERALLY • maximum permitted number of personnel to be coincidentally presented at the CWA working area istwenty (20); • Any works (training tasks) can be performed only under presence of project (training) manager supervision; • Prior to the works (training) commencement the workers (trainees) have to be thoroughly examined by unit‘s doctor who is supposed to issue the workers (trainees) „Medical Examination Report“; • In addition, the workers (trainees) are obliged to always undergo casual medical check-up either imminently prior to the start and either at the end of daily work (training) programme;
CWA WORKING SAFERY RULESPRE-ENTRY PROCEDURES Trainees (workers) must be informed about: • characteristic of CWA which are intended to be used during the works (training); • toxicological effects of those CWA on human being organism, symptoms and first aid principles; • conducted, drilled or trained tasks; • work safety regulations and health safety principles; • warning signals;
CWA WORKING SAFERY RULESPRE-ENTRY PROCEDURES • all works (training tasks) which will be conducted afterwards with real CWA must be firstly rehearsed (drilled) in advance with simulating agents thoroughly; • conduct rehearsals (drills) with simulating agents or decontamination mixtures preparation with IPE putting on only; • check thoroughly IPE for any damage; • check protective masks for tightness in the protective masks testing chamber (once checked for tightness they can be put off after thorough decontamination only); • keep an appropriate record on IPE and protective masks tightness in official form; • deploy the sentry, close and secure the appropriate safety zone borders; • give an audible alarm signal of imminent use of CWA by means of sound system (15 minutes taking sound of interrupted warbling siren)
CWA WORKING SAFETY RULESDURING TRAINING (WORKS) • continuously secure the respective safety zone borders; • conduct all works with IPE worn in NBC dress category „HIGH“ (MOPP-4); • conduct continual meteorological observation of ground layer of atmosphere with special emphasis on the wind speed and direction and on its changes; • strictly keep prescribed SOPs for work with real CWA and for decontamination; • use of decontamination mixtures which have been installed within armies and approved by respective state authorities only; • conduct all works with real CWA by twos (by couples) at least; • permanently check the working safety rules adherence, discipline and working area tidiness, and not to permit the working safety rules trespassing; • continuously check fot the perfection and integrity of IPE and immediately expel the personnel from LCATS who do not have their IPE in perfect order; • keep maximum continuous working time of wearing IPE;
CWA WORKING SAFETY RULESDURING TRAINING (WORKS) Maximum continuous working time of wearing IPE in NBC dress category „HIGH“ (MOPP-4) in dependence of temperature and physical workload at which overheating of human being organism is not endangered. Taken from CZAF FM Chem-2-2
CWA WORKING SAFETY RULESDURING TRAINING (WORKS) It is strongly forbidden: • permit the personnel, who do not meet the proficiency requirements, to work; • permit the personnel, who do not have their IPE in perfect order, to work; • stay inside the safety zones without having IPE appropriately worn in NBC dress category „HIGH“ (MOPP-4) since audible alarm signal of imminent use of CWA had been given until alarm signal „All clear“; • leave working place without being permitted by the ExD(manager) and without carrying thorough decontamination out; • work alone on whichever working place; • put IPE off without being permitted to do it by ExD(manager); • smoking, eating, drinking or preserving food and beverages at the CWA working area and while working;
CWA WORKING SAFETY RULESDURING TRAINING (WORKS) Workers (trainees) are obliged: • dress and undress IPE only at the places destined for this purpose; • attentively watch out for the perfection and integrity either of their own or co-workers (co-trainees) IPE; • watch out for the ExD‘s(manager‘s) commands (signals); • not to lay devices, equipment, or material aside on the contaminated places or objects; • put used decontamination means and other solid waste into appropriate containers and bins destined for this purposes; • not to touch to contaminated objects; • report immediately to the ExD(manager) or to instructor anypotential contamination of any parts of IPE by liquid CWA, and conduct thorough decontamination upon his instructions; • report immediately to the ExD(manager) or to instructor any feeling of malaise, nausea, sudden sight deterioration or any other health problems, and to be abided further by his/her instructions;
CWA WORKING SAFETY RULESPRE-EXIT PROCEDURES • conduct thorough decontamination of IPE prior to the live CWA working area leave by using 10% of water suspension of Ca(ClO)2 or by other approved decontamination mixture; • put contaminated material (used detector papers, detector‘s inlet and outlet filters, used detector tubes, muzzles, rubber hoses to CWA detectors used for sampling of contaminated air, laboratory glass, tampons etc.) into containers filled with 10% of water suspension of Ca(ClO)2 or with other approved decontamination mixture and keep it immersed indecontamination solution during 24 hrs at least; • keep the appropriate IPE undressing SOPs;
CWA WORKING SAFETY RULESAFTER FINISH THE TRAINING (WORKS) • conduct thorough decontamination of CWA working area surface, working places, vehicles, equipment, stainless trays and containers used for contaminated specimens and other material employed during the works (training) by using 10% of water suspension of Ca(ClO)2 or by other approved decontamination mixture (e.g. waterless alcohol-amine solution contained cyclohexylamine, ethanol, monoethanolamine and alkali-metal) and after at least 10 minutes of taking decontamination mixture into effect to rinse it properly by clean water stream; • leave all equipment which was used during the works (training), although it was not evidently exposed or contaminated by liquid CWA (e.g. CWA detectors, detection kits and sets, decontamination means, sanitary equipment, means of communication, standby electricity supplies etc.) on place and take it back not soon than after 2 hrs of profound aeration;
CWA WORKING SAFETY RULESAFTER FINISH THE TRAINING (WORKS) • take the samples from the surfaces of CWA working area and places, vehicles, equipment, outfit and other material employed during the works (training) with special emphasise on spots which might have been most contaminated for analytical check of residual contamination; • clearly mark the spots within CWA working area surface, and on vehicles, equipment, outfit and other material employed during the works (training), which were not decontaminated properly, and to take appropriate counter-measure in order to remove residual contamination and to resume appropriate level of protection against CWA; • after 2 hrs of equipment and material aeration to move within CWA working area with protective mask putting on and not to touch to spots which were contaminated by liquid CWA without having protective gloves, unless efficacy of decontamination is confirmed; • organize personnel and hygienic decontamination and routine medical check-up of all personnel participated in the works (training); • take workers‘ (trainees‘) blood samples for verificationof acetylcholinesteraze activity; • elaborate the protocol on works (training) mutually signed by the FLCATF head and the ExD(manager);