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Pharaohs and the Afterlife: The Art of Ancient Egypt

Explore the iconic art of ancient Egypt, from the majestic pyramids to intricate tomb paintings, spanning Pharaohs and the afterlife. Discover the mastery and symbolism in sculptures, temples, and burial rituals, depicting a rich cultural heritage.

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Pharaohs and the Afterlife: The Art of Ancient Egypt

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  1. Pharaohs and the Afterlife: The Art of Ancient Egypt Gardner’s 11th edition Chapter 3

  2. Watercolor copy of wall painting Tomb 100 - Hierakonpolis, Egypt3500-3200 B.C.

  3. Palette of King NarmerHierakonpolis, Egypt 3000-2920 B.C.

  4. Palette of King Narmer (back)Hierakonpolis, Egypt 3000-2920 B.C.

  5. Palette of King Narmer (front)Hierakonpolis, Egypt 3000-2920 B.C.

  6. Stepped Pyramid - Imhotep Djoser, Egypt 2630-2611 B.C.

  7. Stepped Pyramid plan - Imhotep Djoser, Egypt 2630-2611 B.C.

  8. columnar entrance Imhotep 2630-2611 B.C.

  9. façade of the North Palace Imhotep 2630-2611 B.C.

  10. Great Pyramids, Gizeh, Egypt 2490-2472 B.C.

  11. Section of the pyramid of Khufu Gizeh, Egypt

  12. Reconstruction drawing of Dynasty IV Pyramids of Khafre 2520-2494 B.C.

  13. Great Sphinx with Pyramis of Khafre Gizeh, Egypt 2520-2494 B.C.

  14. Great Sphinx Gizeh, Egypt 2520-2494 B.C.

  15. Great Sphinx Gizeh, Egypt 2520-2494 B.C.

  16. KhafreGizeh, Egypt 2520-2494 B.C.

  17. KhafreGizeh, Egypt 2520-2494 B.C.

  18. Menkaure and Khamerernebty Gizeh, Egypt 2490-2472 B.C.

  19. Seated ScribeSaqqara, Egypt 2450-2350 B.C.

  20. Ka-Aper Saqqara, Egypt 2450-2350 B.C.

  21. Ti watching a hippopotamus hunt Saqqara, Egypt 2450-2350 B.C.

  22. Goats treading seed and cattle fording a canal Saqqara, Egypt 2450-2350 B.C.

  23. Rock-cut tombs Beni Hasan, Egypt 1950-1900 B.C.

  24. Interior hall of rock-cut tomb of Amenemhet, Beni Hasan,Egypt 1950- 1900 B.C.

  25. Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut - Senmut Deir el-Bahri, Egypt 1473-1458 B.C.

  26. Hatshepsut with offering jars Deir el-Bahri, Egypt 1473-1458 B.C.

  27. Temple of Ramses I, Abu Simbel, Egypt 1290-1224 B.C.

  28. Temple of Ramses I, Abu Simbel, Egypt 1290-1224 B.C.

  29. Interior of temple of Ramses II Abu Simbel, Egypt 1290-1224 B.C.

  30. Plan of Amen-Re Karnak, Egypt begun 15th century B.C.

  31. Hypostyle hall, temple of Amen-Re Karnak, Egypt 1290-1224 B.C.

  32. Model of hypostyle hall, temple of Amen-Re 1290-1224 B.C.

  33. Temple of Amen-Mut Khonsu Luxor, Egypt 1290-1224 B.C.

  34. Temple of Amen-Mut Khonsu Luxor, Egypt 1290-1224 B.C.

  35. Temple of Horus Edfu, Egypt 237-47 B.C.

  36. Temple of Horus

  37. Senmut with Princess NefruaThebes, Egypt 1470-1460 B.C.

  38. Senmut with Princess NefruaThebes, Egypt 1470-1460 B.C.

  39. Fowling scene, from tomb of Nebamun Thebes, Egypt 1400-1350 B.C.

  40. Musician and dancers, from tomb of Nebamun 1400-1350 B.C.

  41. Akhenaton from temple of Amen-ReKarnak, Egypt 1353-1335 B.C.

  42. Nefertiti by Thutmose Tell el-Amarna, Egypt 1353-1335 B.C.

  43. Tiye Gorub, Egypt 1353-1335 B.C.

  44. Smenkhkare and Meritaten Tell el-Amarna, Egypt 1335 B.C.

  45. Innermost coffin of Tutankhamen from tomb at Thebes, Egypt 1323 B.C.

  46. Death mask of Tutankhamen Thebes, Egypt 1323 B.C.

  47. Painted Chest, Tomb of Tutankhamen Thebes, Egypt 1333-1323 B.C.

  48. Last judgment of Hu-Nefer, from his tomb at Thebes, Egypt 1290-1280 B.C.

  49. Last judgment of Hu-Nefer, from his tomb at Thebes, Egypt 1290-1280 B.C.

  50. Mentuemhet Kharnak, Egypt 650 B.C.

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