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The Facebook Era Tapping Online Social Networks to Market, Sell, and Innovate. 社交网络时代 SNS 引发商务与社会变革. 第一部分 为什么社交网络关乎商业事务. 第一章: 第四次数字 革命 第二 章:新社会规范 第三 章:人际关系和社会资本的改变. 第一章: 第四次数字 革命 The Fourth Revolution. 大型计算机( 20 世纪 70 年代) --- 个人电脑( 80 年代) --- 互联网( 90 年代) --- 社交网络(今天)
The Facebook EraTapping Online Social Networks to Market, Sell, and Innovate 社交网络时代 SNS引发商务与社会变革
第一部分为什么社交网络关乎商业事务 第一章: 第四次数字革命 第二章:新社会规范 第三章:人际关系和社会资本的改变
第一章: 第四次数字革命The Fourth Revolution 大型计算机(20世纪70年代)---个人电脑(80年代)---互联网(90年代)---社交网络(今天) Mainframe Computing---The PC---The World Wide Web---The online Social Graph 7.5亿 200亿分钟 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn MySpace 人人网 Mixi(日本) Odnoklassniki(俄罗斯)
1.1 社会化客户 • 被动接收者---主动参与者 • “新型”客户---公司推销员(把你的公司推销给他们的朋友)和客服人员(在Twitter上回答其他客户提出的问题) • 公司的一切都要围绕其客户的期望、客户的参与及公司组织随时做出改变
1.1.1 互联网时代可以学到什么 社交网络图 ---连接个人、 检索联系对象和联系方式 在正确的时间向正确的人 传递正确的经验 Figure 1.2 Hoover’s Connect (formerly Visible Path), a corporate-sanctioned form of discovery social networking software, allows users to visualize their professional networks and chart the path of connections separating them from a potential target contact. 个人元数据(如一个人的所属网络、我们是怎么认识他的、有没有共同的朋友) 公司和个人能够接触和管理到更多的人和关系,更强大和更富有成效。 例子: 布卢明代尔百货公司
1.1.2 数字媒体进化 • 新技术个性化数字内容 Each digital revolution enables new forms of media. Over time, new technologies are making it easier to deliver the right content in the right context at the right time while reaching larger audiences and reducing cost. • 信息大爆炸 In the ‘90s, the Internet emerged as a powerful new distribution mechanism for media, which provided new incentives for people to get involved in reating content and publishing their work.This resulted in an information explosion. • “社会化过滤器”---好友、@、赞 With the online social graph,we can do even better. Already, social filtering on social networking sites is making the content we come across more relevant, interesting, and personal than ever before • 社会化、个性化、实时化
1.1.3 社交网络与社会化媒体 • 社交网络:不以内容为中心 • 用户和用户之间的关系 • 社会化媒体(用户生成的内容):博客、维基、投票、评论 • 社交网络让用户通过使用媒体找乐子、搜索客户信息、联系朋友及客户等,为社会化媒体赋予了新的生机。 Figure 2.1 Prior to the social graph, greater distribution resulted in more junk. With the social graph, we can use our friends as filters for finding the right content and data at the right time.
1.3 Facebook制胜原因Why Facebook Is Different • 电子邮箱域名确认系统 Trusted Identity • 真实的关系 Clearly Defined Networks • 隐私设置 • 独家性 Exclusiveness • 不断让用户参与
1.4 Google Buzz • Gmail用户直接提供新的社会化分享服务 • 结合手机、地图、搜索引擎、电子邮箱、Youtube、Piccasa、Google Reader等应用软件
1.5 私有社交网络Affinity Networks and Private Networks • Many clubs and organizations, such as university alumni associations, have added online networking capabilities to their Web sites to reach and better engage their membership. • 网站提供的内容能够吸引人们登录注册 • 在访客数量激增的情况下能保证网站运转自如 • 网站具有独家特色,而不是盲目追求访问量 Figure 1.4 iDraw&Paint, a specialized social network community for artists hosted on Ning. Figure 1.3 New Orleans, Louisiana-based John F. Kennedy High School’s specialized social network community hosted on Ning.
1.6 社交网络平台 • 平台生态系统三方共赢 • 用户可以使用更多的功能 • 软件开发商可以接触到数据和用户 • 社交网络更加生动、更有价值、更具吸引力,且参与度更高。 Figure 2.2 MyStarbucksIdea is an online ideation community for Starbucks customers that boasts hundreds of thousands of ideas, comments, and users. Figure 2.3 MyStarbucksIdea for Facebook takes the original application and applies social filtering from the friend graph to make the ideas and comments shared more relevant and engaging.
1.6.1 平台软件 • Figure 2.4 • Causes is a popular Facebook application that allows users to promote their favorite charities on their profile page. FamilyLink Another example comes from FamilyLink, a genealogy database company that provides ancestry tracking tools to 17,000 or so subscribers. FamilyLink developed a Facebookapp,We’reRelated, that lets people show whom on acebookthey are related to and create family tree visualizations. 必胜客 Pizza Hut and FamilyLink might view Facebook merely as a nice extension to their marketing efforts, but for iLike, Slide, and the million or so other social application development companies, the social networks can make or break their business.
1.6.2 拓展社交网络Facebook for Website • Facebook for Website Eventbrite---看到好友中有谁也准备参加这一活动 Citysearch---根据好友写的关于餐厅和夜店的评论筛选 CNN The Forum---观看演说视频,上网实时聊天 Xbox Live---facebook的资料导入微软游戏平台 Virgin Airlines---知道有无facebook好友搭乘同一航班
新社会规范 2.1 社交网络上的身份、分享和影响 • 公开分享个人资料/个人状态、交流、相片和活动邀请 • 建立个人品牌 personal brand • 建立公司品牌 • 发掘社交网络数据
以客户为中心的重要性 • 一致的体验 • 持续的反馈 • 行动和反馈 • 衡量和问责制
信任传递 • 社交网络地图 • 信任如何在共同好友间传递
3 人际关系和社会资本的改变 3.1 什么是社会资本 • 人力资本VS社会资本 • 社会资本---人际关系:知识、思想、机遇、支持、声誉和显著性 Individuals with greater social capital close more deals, are better respected, and get higher-ranking jobs. Online social networks offer accesstosocial capital, empowering those who are well connected with private information, diverse skill sets, and others’ energy and attention. • 社交网站上的社会资本资源Early research already shows that bringing networks online makes people more capable and efficient at accumulating, managing, and exercising social capital. Consciously or unconsciously, people are using sites like Facebook and LinkedIn as tools for maximizing their social capital from relationships: 私人信息和谈话Private information. 多种技能汇合Diverse skill sets. 其他人的帮助和关注Others’ energy and attention
3.2 社交网络上出现的沟通新模式 Establishing a New Category of Relationships • 对于沟通方式不断变化的期望 Communication required time and planning. Social networking sites, on the other hand, are designed for easy, lightweight, ad hoc communication. • Facebook:个人的客户关系管理系统 Two important innovations in particular have reduced the cost of staying in touch. First, social networking sites provide an easy-to-use database for managing contacts. Facebook is CRM for the masses. 趣味性和直观性fun and intuitive, 可视化visual, 主动性active, 可供搜索searchable, 自我更新self-updating:
3.3 弱连接的力量The strength of weak connections • 弱连接携带了最大化的社会资本 • 关系选项 • 发现有价值的关系 • 潜在价值:选项派上用场之时 Figure 3.1 Online social networking sites like Facebook are like contact databases that increase our capacity to maintain relationships. We potentially no longer have to forego as many fringe,“long tail” relationships.
3.4 利用在线互动补充离线网络 Online Interactions Supplement Offline Networking • One common objection to online social networking is that it sacrifices relationship quality for quantity. • Facebook专注于支持离线网络,而不只是考虑在线关系 Social networking sites tend to augment, rather than replace, offline interactions. One of the reasons why Facebookhas been so successful compared with its predecessors is the focus on supporting offline networks over online-only relationships. • Facebook并不是传统关系消亡的信号,它的成功就是一个有力的证据,证明没有什么比面对面联系更有力度。
3.5 扁平化影响The Flattening Effect • Because there are fewer barriers in place, people are empowered to build social capital in more informal, entrepreneurial, and ad hoc ways. On most social networking sites, registration is open to anyone, and every member more or less starts on level footing. Sites like Facebook were designed without hierarchy没有特权so real-world social structures that are hierarchical don’t translate well.They tend to flatten out. • Using online social networking, employees might also be able to bypass traditional organizational hierarchy and boundaries to network directly with senior managers or colleagues in other departments, units, and geographies.绕过传统的阶级限制
3.6 从网络效应中创造新的价值 Creating New Value from Network Effects • 互惠环 The Reciprocity Ring • 在线设计图互惠环 • 参与的障碍减少 Figure 3.2 The first step in the reciprocity ring exercise was to write down your name and a request to put forth to the group, and then place these in a circle.
3.6 从网络效应中创造新的价值 Figure 3.3 Next, each participant scanned the set of requests and volunteered to help where they could provide value. Figure 3.4 The result was every request received help and every participant helped provide a favor.
第二部分公司内部的社交网络 • 第四章:社交网络时代营销Social Sales • 第五章:社交网络时代的客户服务 • 第六章:社交网络时代的市场推广 Social Network Marketing • 第七章:社交网络时代的产品创新和协作 Social Innovation • 第八章:社交网络时代的人才招聘 Social Recruiting
4 社交网络时代营销Social Sales Customer relationship management, or CRM, attempts to capture the science of sales with software and processes to handle all of a company’s interactions with its customers. Sales force automation, in particular, builds in processes like forecasting, e-mail templates, dashboards, activity management, and deal alerts so that managers have visibility and sales teams can be more productive预测,电子邮件模板,仪表板,活动管理,并处理警报,使管理人员和有知名度的销售团队可以更有效率(see Figure 4.1). Online social networking adds another dimension of possibility to CRM by enriching critical sales practices with contextual information and relationship-building tools.获得,建立关系的工具 Figure 4.1 CRM systems like this one from salesforce.com offer business visibility for managers, improved rep productivity, and effective selling processes.
4.1.2 B2B Versus B2C Sales • As we go up in price and complexity, B2C begins to resemble business to business (B2B). Especially when “intangibles” like warranties, customer support, authenticity, and service quality factor into a sale, trust and relationships become critical differentiators特别是当“无形”之类的保证,客户支持,真实性,和服务质量的因素为销售,信任和关系成为关键差异(see Figure 4.2).
4.1.2 建立信誉Establishing Credibility • 借助社交网站来建立信任Today, sales reps and others can accelerate the process of building trust by using social networking sites to convey qualifications. • 双向可见有助于促进相互信任 Bidirectional visibility helps foster mutual trust. With this information on hand (which you have chosen to share), prospective customers are empowered to “check you out” as a sales rep and hopefully gain confidence in your knowledge and competence in helping them find the right solution for their needs.
4.1.3 开拓市场Sales Prospecting • 发掘潜在的客户:朋友、家人和熟人social networking sites also allow you to reach friends of friends and greater extended networks, expanding your addressable prospecting audience.延伸到更远的客户群
4.4 电话推介The First Call 最简单的邮件得到最多的回应simplest e-mails solicit the most responses. Figure 4.4 A sample sales prospecting e-mail sent to a social network contact. It’s a good idea to keep initial contact short and simple, and if possible, find common ground to establish early interpersonal rapport.
4.1.4 电话推介The First Call They can begin to know the person and try to tailor a sales call that is more personal and relevant. They might even ask mutual friends for introductions.量身定做个性化和相关性强的销售计划 Faceconnector pulls real-time Facebook profile and friend Chapter 4 Social Sales information—such as schools attended, past employers, favorite books, interests, and friends in common如就读学校,过去的雇主,喜爱的书籍,利益和共同的朋友—into Salesforce CRM so that reps viewing a lead or contact record inside Salesforce can see more than just the title and company (see Figure 4.5).
4.1.5 了解复杂的客户组织 Navigating Complex Customer Organizations • There are a few subtle but critical pieces of information for which he is always on the lookout that greatly affect his strategy on a particular deal适时调整某一交易中的营销策略: • 政治实力和任期Political strength and tenure. • 成为拥护者或是拦路石的可能性Likelihood of being a champion or roadblock. • 组织结构Organizational structure • 交易团队成员的共性Commonality with deal team members
4.1.6 销售团队协作Sales Team Collaboration • 利用在线社交网络实现跨职能沟通、协作Another important use of enterprise social networking is for discovering expertise within the selling organization. Especially in large vendor companies with vast product portfolios and high employee turnover, it is often a challenge for account reps to find the right product experts internally to involve in the deal.
4.1.7 提供社会化客户推荐Customer References 现有客户的推荐给产品提供了最有说服力的社会证据 Customer references are critical for establishing trust to close deals.Testimonials from existing customers provide the most convincing social validation of your product.They have voted with their money and time.
4.1.8 建立和维持关系Building and Sustaining Rapport • 趣味性的、随时性的互动是销售代表与联系人保持及维持关系的一种简便方式 Facebookcan help. Casual interaction modes, like Facebook pokes and messages, together with proactive updates in the form of News Feed alerts and Birthday Reminders (both described in Chapter 3) on social networking sites help reps save time staying in touch with their portfolio of customer and prospect contacts.
4.2 社会化CMR—The First Social Network? • At its most basic level, CRM is a fancy contact database. It is a one-way单向的 social networking tool that lets sales reps view “profiles” of their accounts, capture deal information,查看客户资料、交易信息track performance, communicate with contacts, and share information internally with sales managers and other members of their account team. • The main difference with social networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook is that these offer bidirectional visibility and interaction. 可见的、互动性的This transforms the sales dynamic into much more of an even-sided partnership (see Table 4.1).
5. 社交网络时代的客户服务 5.1 整体思考客户体验 • 客服人员需要思考的是如何留住客户并追加销售 • 客户服务正从一个极端保守的职能转变为客户体验的一个战略基石 • 关于客户反馈,需要记住以下几点: 从建设性的反馈中寻找价值 将愤怒转化为忠诚 彰显公司员工的个性 以谦卑的态度快速做出反应 利用SEO
5.2 成功实现社会化客户服务的5个步骤 • 倾听 Hootsuite 同步监控和应付来自同一地点的多种社交动态。多个Twitter帐号或跟踪多个话题
5.2 成功实现社会化客户服务的5个步骤 • 透明度 不要害怕未经审查的客户反馈,让他们知道公司如何应对这些问题。
5.2 成功实现社会化客户服务的5个步骤 • 反应(承认错误) 一名加拿大音乐人为了表达对美国联合航空公司弄坏私人物品的不满,创作了歌曲《联航损坏了吉他》(United Breaks Guitars)并上传至互联网,在短短几天时间内,这段歌唱视频产生的巨大社会影响力让航空公司不得不低头认错。
5.2 成功实现社会化客户服务的5个步骤 • 众包 当公司拥有众多拥护者时,可以将大量的客户服务众包。 • 关心客户 客户希望感到公司倾听并重视他们提出的意见。
5.3 计算节省的成本 • 客户之间相互帮助带来的成本节约 • 利用广告传播的、可搜索的客户解决方案获得乘数效应 • 在社区生成的内容上建立改良后的知识库所节约的经费 • 计算解决问题的平均时间
6. 社交网络时代的市场推广Social Network Marketing 6.1 市场营销新规则 • 客户比以往更信任自己的朋友 • 在市场营销渠道中,可以借助facebook和twitter等社交王子 认知 兴趣 评估 交易及后续
6.2 超定位Hypertargeting • Hypertargeting (also called microtargeting), the ability on social networking sites to target ads based on very specific criteria, is an important step toward precision performance marketing. 超定位是社交网站上按照特定标准定位广告目标的能力,是实现精准营销的重要一步。 • Facebookand MySpace are leading the charge with sophisticated targeting tools.facebook和linkedin让广告人可以选择某些特定的人群接收他们的广告。 • Their advertisers can target member profiles based on filters like location, gender, age, education,workplace, relationship status, relationship interests, and interest keywords.性别、年龄、爱好、工作场所等
6.2.1 不要把广告浪费在永远不会购买的人群中 Stop Wasting Ads on People Who Will Never Buy With hypertargeting , advertisers can cut out audience segments from their campaigns that areunlikelyto buy or have lower probability of buying (equates to lower ad return on investment [ROI]) and focus on probable buyers.把精力放在有交易的人身上。
6.2.2 针对特定的观众制广告活动 Tailor Specific Campaigns Not only can advertisers cut out undesirable audience segments, among the people they do want to target it is now possible to segment and tailor what ads are shown to whom. 进一步细分,定位广告人群,量身定制广告。 Figure 5.2 Bonobos’ ads on Facebook have done well because they appeal specifically to the hypersegment. For example, this ad is meant for Boston Red Sox fans.
6.2.3 利用更好的观众数据 Test with Greater Precision • Instead of having to optimize campaigns globally across all audience segments collectively, marketers can hypersegment, test, and iterate to optimize for each individual segment.按人群划分,测试广告,并针对每一个进行优化。
6.2.4 以符合成本利益的方式找到被动买家 Cost-Effectively Reach Passive Buyers There is value in showing ads to “passive buyers”—that is, people who aren’t actively seeking out your product but might be interested in buying if encouraged. 如果受到鼓励,他们可能会有兴趣购买。