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SSEP PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT. [NAME OF TRANSIT AGENCY] will implement the following process to develop and monitor the SSEP Program: STEP 1 : Participate in Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Transit Security and Emergency Preparedness Planning Technical Assistance and Training Program
SSEP PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT [NAME OF TRANSIT AGENCY] will implement the following process to develop and monitor the SSEP Program: STEP 1: Participate in Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Transit Security and Emergency Preparedness Planning Technical Assistance and Training Program STEP 2: Coordination Meeting with Executive Director and Vehicle Accident Prevention (VAP) Committee to: • Establish how security and emergency preparedness activities will be organized • Outline employee and department responsibilities with respect to security and emergency preparedness Institute threat and vulnerability identification, assessment, and resolution methodology • Develop and track Action Items for Implementation STEP 3: Executive Director will designate an SSEP Program Point of Contact (POC) to coordinate necessary interfaces and activities
SSEP PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT STEP 4: The SSEP Program POC will initiate Needs Assessment to: • Identify current levels of criminal activity • Identify current security and emergency preparedness activities • Complete the Security Baseline Planning Worksheet • Complete the Emergency Preparedness Assessment Worksheet • Develop SSEP Program Objectives • Develop SSEP Program Supporting Activities STEP 5: The SSEP Program POC and VAP Committee will prepare a list of action items and a milestone schedule to address activities required to support SSEP Program Objectives STEP 6: The SSEP Program POC will track implementation status and issue quarterly reports to the Executive Director.
DEVELOPMENT PROCESS To ensure SSEP Program development, [NAME OF TRANSIT AGENCY] will take the following actions: • Establish an SSEP Program Planning Team • Analyze Capabilities and Hazards • Perform Vulnerability Assessment • Develop List of Action Items and Milestone Schedule • Document Activities and Procedures
PLANNING TEAM We will establish an SSEP PROGRAM PLANNING TEAM. We will recruit representatives from throughout the agency, because: • It encourages participation and gets more people invested in the process. • It increases the amount of time and energy participants are able to give. • It enhances the visibility and stature of the planning process. • It provides for a broad perspective on the issues. We will begin with our VAP Committee, and expand membership (if necessary) to make sure we include: Supervisors; drivers; volunteers and contractors; dispatchers; human resources; maintenance; safety and risk management; finance; marketing/community relations; and legal
PLANNING TEAM The Executive Director will be a member of the SEPP PROGRAM PLANNING TEAM, which will be headed by the agency’s SSEP Program Point of Contact (POC). The Executive Director will prepare a memorandum authorizing the PLANNING TEAM, and providing sufficient resources to support its activities. The SSEP PROGRAM PLANNING TEAM will provide an open invitation to all local public safety agencies to participate in meetings. Team members will actively seek public safety personnel review of relevant planning areas, such as security procedures and emergency scene management. The TEAM will make a formal presentation regarding its SSEP PROGRAM PLAN to its community public safety agencies, and will request the initiation of annual drilling and exercising activities with local responders.
SAMPLE VAP COMMITTEE AGENDA I. Status of the SSEP Program Plan II. “Proactive” Items for Discussion · Assess the agency’s current capabilities regarding security and emergency preparedness program · Look for new ways and means to improve security and emergency preparedness · Determine compliance with security and emergency responsibilities · Identify organizational issues that may contribute to security incidents or hinder effective emergency coordination and response · Promote security awareness III. “Reactive” Items for Discussion · Review incidents to determine why they occurred · Debrief incidents, emergencies, drills and training to identify “lessons learned” and means of improvement · Determine what measures should be taken to follow-up on incidents, events, drills and training IV. SSEP Program Action Items
ANALYZE CAPABILITIES The SSEP PROGEAM PLANNING TEAM will initiate activities to determine our agency’s current level of preparedness. We will: 1. Review Internal Plans and Policies, including the following: • Vehicle Safety Program Plan • Rulebook • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) • Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) • Facility and Vehicle Evacuation Plans • Fire protection plan • Safety and health program • Environmental policies • Security procedures • Insurance programs • Finance and purchasing procedures • Employee manuals • Hazardous materials plan • Risk management plan • Capital improvement program • Mutual aid agreements
ANALYZE CAPABILITIES 2. Meet with Outside Groups, including the following: • Community emergency management office • Mayor or Community Administrator's office • Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) • Fire Department • Police Department • Emergency Medical Services organizations • Local Planning Commission • Major Clients (hospitals, retirement homes, etc.) We will discuss our current procedures, ask for any ideas or suggestions these groups may have regarding our procedures, as well as their primary concerns regarding response to an incident at our agency, or a response to a community emergency involving support from our agency.
ANALYZE CAPABILITIES 3. Identify Codes and Regulations, including: • Occupational safety and health regulations • Environmental regulations • Fire codes • Seismic safety codes • Transportation regulations • Zoning regulations • Agency policies 4. Identify Internal Resources and Capabilities that could be needed in an emergency, including the following: • Personnel • Equipment • Facilities • Organizational capabilities • Backup systems
ANALYZE CAPABILITIES 5. Identify External Resources, including the following: • Local emergency management office • Fire Department • Hazardous materials response organization • Emergency medical services • Hospitals • Local and State police • Community service organizations • Utilities • Contractors • Suppliers of emergency equipment • Insurance carriers NOTE: There are many external resources that could be needed in an emergency. In some cases, formal agreements may be necessary to define the agency's relationship with them. 6. Perform an Insurance Review, including • Meeting with insurance carriers to review all policies and coverage levels. Results from these activities will be summarized in minutes prepared for SSEP PROGRAM PLANNING TEAM meetings.
TRAINING AND EXERCISING TRANSIT AGENCY will formulate SSEP Program Training and Exercising (T&E) Plan: • Determine Needs • Outline Plan • Set Goals • Evaluate Current Efforts • Assess Training Staff • Identify Additional Resources • Write Action Plan
TRAINING AND EXERCISING • Issues to consider: • In-house Staff • Local Law Enforcement • Contractors • RTAP Video Library • ODOT • FTA • Other
TRAINING AND EXERCISING • Adult Learning Methods for Transit Training • Demonstrations • Structured/Facilitated Discussions • Behavior Modeling • Brainstorming • Role Playing • Simulations • Lecture • Reading Assignments
TRAINING AND EXERCISING • Opportunities for SSEP Program training: • Organizational Development • Professional Development • New-Hire Driver Skill Training • Driver Skill Retraining: • Mechanic Skill Training • Safety Training • Passenger Relations Training
Public Safety Response • NOTIFICATION: Reporting the incident to transit dispatch and supervisors • EVALUATION: Evaluating the incident • REQUESTING RESPONSE: Notifying local emergency responders; providing essential information • PROTECTING THE SCENE: Perimeter control, evacuation and rescue assistance, emergency first aid • SUPPORTING RESPONDERS: Meeting their requests, specialized services and equipment
Public Safety Response • Dispatching emergency response personnel and equipment to the incident site • Bringing emergency responders to and from the scene • Implementing local incident command system • Providing incident briefings and situation updates • Triage and medical treatment and transportation to medical facilities for all victims
Public Safety Response • Managing the emergency scene – initiating ICS functions as needed • Expanding response to unified command with State and Federal resources (if needed) • Demobilization – as control is restored • Returning the scene to “normal” • Clean-up • Incident debriefings and “after action reports”
TA Support Functions • Evacuation (transportation and identification) • Specialized transportation for mobility-impaired citizens away from scene • Transportation and shelter for emergency response response personnel • Transportation of supplies • Support of road blocks and perimeter control • Weather monitoring and route planning • Specialized equipment • Trained personnel • Communications
REQUIRED COORDINATION • Who’s participating? • Contact information? • Jurisdictional control and authority? • How is the response effort expanded? • Chain of command and control? • Transit point of contact and location? • Equipment and resources available? • Training? • Meetings?
MOUs with Local Responders Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) serve as the basis of mutual acknowledgment of the resources that each agency will provide during response and recovery efforts. These agreements: • Sometimes support Mutual Aid Pacts between two or more local jurisdictions. • May accompany formal, written mutual-aid agreements • May remain as oral agreements
Vulnerability Assessment is a process for identifying and evaluating those areas of transit operations, facilities, and vehicles that are most susceptible to criminal events and the consequences of natural disasters and other emergency situations. Vulnerability Assessment support the need of transit management in four key areas: VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT Vulnerability Assessment is a process for identifying and evaluating those areas of transit operations, facilities, and vehicles that are most susceptible to criminal events and the consequences of natural disasters and other emergency situations. Vulnerability Assessment support the need of transit management in four key areas: Asset valuation and judgment about consequence of loss. What assets must the transit agency protect? How should these assets be valued – both to the transit agency and a potential adversary? What is the impact if these assets are lost -- on passengers, employees, public safety organizations, the general public and the transit operation? Identification and characterization of the threats to specific assets. What are the threats to the system? How can these threats be described and quantified in terms that support management decision-making activity? Identification and characterization of the vulnerability of specific assets. What vulnerabilities -- or weaknesses in the security posture of the asset -- exist that could be exploited? Can the transit operator make design or operational changes to reduce risk levels by altering the nature of the asset itself? Identification of countermeasures, costs, and tradeoffs. What different countermeasures are available to protect an asset? What is the varying cost or effectiveness of alternative measures? In many cases, there is a point beyond which adding countermeasures will raise costs without appreciably enhancing the protection afforded
VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENTPROCESS • Asset Definition • Classify Assets • List the Threats • Classify Threats • Vulnerability Analysis • Document Results
ASSET DEFINITIONPROCESS • Review Submissions to the Public Transportation Facilities and Equipment Management System (PTMS) • Interview Stakeholders • Review Inventories and Financial Reports • On-site “Walk-throughs” At the conclusion of this process, [NAME OF TRANSIT AGENY] will prepare a list that prioritizes identified assets by their value.
ASSET CRITICALITY Identification of Assets • Critical assets, and the essential elements that are associated with them, must be identified and assessed as to their importance. Critical assets include people, activities/operations, information, facilities, and equipment. Assets for a bus system may include bus terminals, buses, bus stops/shelters, maintenance and fuel storage facilities, command control center, and revenue collection facilities. Critical assets are determined primarily through inventories, interviews with asset managers, using structured interview guides, and data reviews – all in an effort to identify those system elements essential for the provision of service and protection of passengers, employees and emergency responders. Identify Asset Criticality • Asset criticality refers to an assessment performed to determine which public transportation assets have the most impact on people (passengers and employees) and the system (ability to maintain service). This assessment makes it possible to identify those assets that are most important to the transit system, and therefore must be protected. In general, critical assets for bus systems include bus terminals, bus vehicles, and fuel storage facilities.
LIST THE THREATS Identify Threats to Critical Assets • This step requires the identification of specific threats from criminal activity and emergency events to critical transit assets, where threat is defined as any real or potential condition that can cause injury or death to passengers or employees or damage to or loss of critical assets. Threats are identified using both historical (trend) analysis of all attacks committed against public transportation targets and surveys of transit professionals. Many transit agencies conduct a thorough review of incident reports to identify past threats, including type of incident, location of incident, and final disposition of incident.
CRIMINAL Part I and Part II Crimes: Burglary & Robbery Larceny & Arson Assault & Theft Bribery & Extortion Vandalism Drug / Alcohol Abuse Terrorism & Sabotage SPECIAL ISSUES: Workplace Violence Crimes against Drivers Crimes against Passengers NATURAL DISASTERS - Floods - Tornadoes - Hurricanes - Blizzards - Earthquakes ACCIDENTS - Hazardous Materials - Fire - Explosion - Industrial Safety - Negligence LIST THE THREATS
CLASSIFY THREATS • PROBABILITY OF OCCURANCE *Probable: Expect Event to Occur *Possible: Circumstances Expected for that Event *Unlikely: Possible But Unlikely • SEVERITY OF OCCURANCE *Devastating: Disastrous Event *Moderate: Survivable *Insignificant: Relatively Inconsequential PREPARE MATRICES WHICH DOCUMENT THREAT CLASSIFICATION.
SCENARIOS Develop Threat Scenarios • In this step, the critical assets and the key threats are paired into scenarios to focus analytical activities. This activity provides for a representative a range of CRIMINAL AND EMERGENCY EVENTS, and allows for detailed analysis concerning the likely impacts of threats on critical assets. Some threats can be easily assessed; while others (such as hostage situations, sabotage, or terrorism) require a more detailed evaluation. Examples of scenarios include the following: • Disgruntled former employee storms into administrative office with shotgun and takes transit staff hostage • Bomb threat is phoned into dispatch which states that caller has placed a bomb on one of the agency’s 15 buses, set to detonate in 30 minutes • Local chemical plant experience major chemical spill, requiring evacuation of downtown
SCENARIOS To complete the vulnerability assessment, the scenarios must be investigated by the PLANNING TEAM. The costs and impacts of these scenarios for the critical assets are then specified using a standard risk level matrix, which supports the organization of consequences into categories of HIGH, SERIOUS, MEDIUM, and LOW (see matrix below). Consequences are assessed both in terms of severity of impact and probability of loss for a given threat scenario. Scenarios with vulnerabilities identified as HIGH and SERIOUS may require further investigation. Scenario-based analysis is not an exact science but rather an illustrative tool – demonstrating potential consequences associated with low-probability/high-impact events. To determine the agency’s actual need for additional counter-measures, and to provide the rationale for allocating resources to these counter-measures, the PLANNING TEAM must use the scenarios to pin-point the vulnerable elements of the critical assets and make evaluations concerning the adequacy of current levels of protection.
SCENARIOS When reviewing the scenarios, the PLANNING TEAM will consider each potential occurrence from beginning to end, and each resource that would be needed to respond. For each we will ask the following questions: • Do we have the needed resources and capabilities to respond? • Will external resources be able to respond to us for this emergency as quickly as we may need them, or will they have other priority areas to serve? • What could we do to improve our capabilities to manage this situation? • Would any of the following activities improve our readiness: • Development of additional procedures • Performance of additional training • Acquisition of additional equipment • Establishment of mutual aid agreements
OUTCOMES The PLANNING TEAM will use the results of the scenario analysis to determine HOW WELL HAVE WE IMPLEMENTED PROCESSES FOR: • Establishing partnerships in advance so the event can be IDENTIFIED, PREVENTED, OR MANAGED with minimum loss to the community • Conducting individual and joint evaluations of risk factors • Identifying what functions are critical to our operations, and understanding those essential functions for public safety agencies • Developing joint emergency plans and procedures that address how community resources can be identified and shared to respond to disasters. • Facilitating resumption and recovery after an incident has been stabilized • Developing training exercises and understanding the value of exercising emergency plans • Incorporating mitigation throughout the entire process and recognizing its significance in preventing a major incident and reducing its potential impact
SAMPLE OUTCOME FOR SECURITY SAMPLE OUTCOME – SECURITY THREATS: The SECURITY threats that are most likely to occur include the following disruptive incidents: · Drunkenness · Disorderly conduct · Disputes · Minor assaults Other potential occurrences include: · Fare evasion · Loud radios/behavior · Smoking · Littering · Eating/drinking Based on past experience, there is no indication that serious system-wide transit related criminal activity is a threat to [NAME OF TRANSIT AGENCY]. However, we remain MOST vulnerable to workplace violence and passengers with weapons.
ACTION ITEMS • PLANNING TEAM will assemble priority activities that must be performed – based on the VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT • MANAGEMENT will review and approve the action item list and milestone schedule • Based on RESULTS, SSEP Program POC will initiate tracking and reporting
COUNTERMEASURES Based on the results of the analysis performed for the SSEP Program, [NAME OF TRANSIT AGENCY] will identify and implement 3 types of countermeasures: • Physical Protection • Improved Coordination with Local Responders • Training and Exercising Our approach to each of these is presented in this section of the SSEP Program Plan.
PRINCIPLES Our agency will implement physical security measures (if recommended) using a FOUR-PRONGED STRATEGY: • DETER • DETECT • DELAY • RESPOND
DETERRENCE • RAISED SECURITY PROFILE • Controlled Access • Increased Uniformed Presence • Visible Technical Systems • Barriers to Assets • Audited Measures & Procedures
DETECTION • IMMEDIATE KNOWLEDGE • Alarms • Security Guards • CCTV • Alert, Committed Drivers and Passengers
DELAY • LAYERS OF PROTECTION TO TARGET • Perimeter Fencing & Checkpoints • Security Personnel • “Channeled” Access • Vehicle Checks • Personnel Checks
RESPONSE • PLANNED IN ADVANCE • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) • Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) • Communication and Coordination • Alarms • Security Guards • Police and Emergency Services • Effective Security Management