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Dive into pre-math activities to engage young learners through hands-on play, exploration, and integration of math concepts into daily life. Develop counting, sequencing, time, classification, measurement, statistics, patterns, and shape recognition skills with interactive exercises.
Pre-MATH More than 1 - 2 - 3
TRY TO MEMORIZE THESE SYMBOLS Top to bottom, left to right: 1, 7, 12, 3, 6, 4, 5, 10, 8, 9, 11, 2
NOW TEST YOURSELF: This is a taste of what a child has to accomplish when learning numbers
Math is exciting but frustrating so make it fun! Math concepts that adults understand may be very confusing to a young child, but pre-math activities are used in all of the LEARNING CENTERS, MUSIC, and GAMES – NOT just a specific math center.
Math Area and Small Manipulative Area • Shelves to display all of the items • Items in clear containers • Tables and chairs for the children to sit at play with their selection so they can: • Practice following directions • Practice problem solving skills • Increase visual perception skills • Observe and analyze objects • Practice new concept skills (on next slides) • Attach language and new vocabulary to the math concepts such as…
MATH VOCABULARY(not just #’s in preschool) group Long, tall, & Short High & Low Big & Little First, middle & Last Wide & Narrow Few & Many Once - Twice Light and heavy Highest & Lowest Bunch Pair together Same and different most More and less
EARLY MATH PROGRAMS should also: • Be HANDS ON (manipulatives – anything tangible) • Sorting piling, and arranging things • Filled with PLAY • Include EXPLORATION • Based on their level & interests • Integrated into every day life • Sequencing- compare / contrast, #, Cooking - Time - Money - Square Footage Fractions - Percents - etc.
Concept #1 = Counting(Introduce # recognition) • Learned by repetition and memorization • Let them hear frequent counting • Finger plays, nursery rhymes, and songs • One to one correspondence - Knowing that each object is counted once • Touch each object as you count • Playing games like Chutes and Ladders. • Feed the Bear • (roll a dice and throw that number of Bean Bags into the bears mouth) • Counting each square as they hop into it • Counting as you clap
TOUCH DOT NUMBERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
CONCEPT #2: Getting around Spatial relations Maps Follow directions
Concept #3 = SEQUENCING • The order of how things happen. • What will happen 1st, 2nd, 3rd; First, middle, and last; beginning and end.
SEQUENCING (cont.) • Activity: Divide into 4 groups. Assign each a group an action. • 1 = Stand at attention • 2 = Arms straight out to side • 3 = Clap hands above head • 4 = Hands on waist • Count and have every group do their movement – • Do it faster. • Do all 4 actions together. • What else can you put in a SEQUENCE?
Concept #4 = Time • Children can start to read a clock • Time concepts must relate to their world • The length of their favorite TV show, “sleeps” • Before and after, sequence, timers • Salt / Water Timer in a cup. Have a digital clock next to a face clock
Concept #5 = CLASSIFICATION-SORTING & MATCHING • Putting things that are alike or belong together; categorizing. • Ask: Does this belong? • Sorting trays help organize. clear cup, egg carton, muffin tin
CLASSIFICATION- SORTING & MATCHING • Activity: • Cereal Sort – how can you sort them? • What else can you SORT or MATCH? • Candy, shells, beans, socks, rocks, people
CONCEPT #6: Measure up • Measurement comparisons • Use your cereal to measure objects. • Measuring units: inch, pound, quart
CONCEPT #7 = Statistics & Probability • Graphing various qualities of an object. - Graph types of shoes that students are wearing (tie, slip-ons, sandals/flip flops) - Drop chips into a can and lay them out to see how many you made = a comparison graph between kids. - Graph the Cereal you are given. • Graph by Color, shape, …. • Can also use the candy to measure items, fill spaces of a picture, do basic add and subtract problems, create a pattern, …
Using crayons or markers, trace the number and do the following: 1 = Red 2 = Blue 3 = Green 4 = Orange 5 = Yellow 6 = Purple 7 = Pink 8 = Brown 9 = Black 10 = Your Favorite Color Concept #8 = ColorMATH SUN 6 3 5 10 7 8 4 2 1 9 6
CONCEPT #9: PATTERNS • Putting items in a certain, organized way. • Repeating specific group. • Pattern Pig - place a pattern of stickers on a paper strip and “feed” the pig through a slit in his mouth
PATTERNS (cont.) • ACTIVITY - • Pass out Fruit Loops on a paper plate for every couple of students. • Students are to make a pattern on a very small (coffee/hot chocolate) using 10 fruit loops. • Put a small marshmallow on each end. You have just created an EDIBLE ABACUS • What else can be put in a PATTERN?
Concept #10 = Shapes and Form • The shape of objects • 2 & 3 dimensional • Shape identification - Use correct names of shapes • Spheres, cubes, squares, triangle, rectangular, prisms, cylinder • Pictures of shapes need name written on it (language development) • Play a game & move the # of spaces of the # of sides (circle=0) • Introduce Symmetry of shapes
Concept #11 = SERIATION • Size Relationships and Differences • Putting things in order based on Size, weight, and volume • Lightest to Heaviest • Largest to Smallest • Tallest to Shortest • Go Fishing: attach a paper clip to fish of different sizes. Attach a magnet to a rope and fish. Put the fish in order by size.
SERIATION (cont.) • ACTIVITY: • Take one piece of Shoe String Licorice and break into 4 pieces of different sizes. Put in order of Shortest to Longest • Have 4 students come to the front of the room. Group them according to body height and then hair length. • What else is an example of SERIATION?
Concept #12 = Money • Playing store helps children gain a sense of the cost of things • Children can start to identify coins • Pile High Game: Put 20 pennies in a pile. Roll a die and take that many pennies from the pile. When the pennies are gone, the player with the most wins. Variation: if roll a 3 then put 3 pennies back.
“SMART”by Shel Silverstein My dad gave me 1 DOLLAR BILL ‘Cause I’m his smartest son- And I swapped it for 2 shiny QUARTERS ‘Cause 2 is more than 1! And then I took the QUARTERS And traded them to Lou- For 3 DIMES – I guess he don’t know That 3 is more than 2! Just then, along came old blind Bates And just ‘cause he can’t see He gave me 4 NICKLES for my 3 DIMES And 4 is more than 3! And I took the NICKLES to Hiram Combs Down at the seed-feed store, And the fool gave me 5 PENNIES for them, And 5 is more than 4! And then I went and showed my dad, And he got red in the cheeks- And closed his eyes and shook his head…. Too proud of me to speak!
MATH in Books SONGS & FINGERPLAYS • What are some Books, Songs & fingerplays that deal with MATH concepts? • 5 Little Monkeys in a tree or on the Bed • 5 Little Speckled Frogs • 5 Little Ducks • 1,2,3,4,5 once I Caught a Fish Alive 6,7,8,9,10 Then I let him go again. Why’d-ya let him go again? Because he bit my finger so! Which finger did he bite? This little finger on the right.