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TASMANIAN DEVIL. Louis Carney 7 James. The Tasmanian Devil .

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  1. TASMANIAN DEVIL Louis Carney 7 James

  2. The Tasmanian Devil • SIZE, SHAPE AND CHARACTERISTICS :The Tasmanian Devil has large ears, head and shoulders, powerful set of jaws and strong canine teeth. The Tasmanian Devil is black with a white stripe across the rump and chest. The Tasmanian Devil usually grows to between 50 centimetres to 60 centimetres long.  It usually stands between 20 centimetres and 30 centimetres at the shoulder and can weigh up to 12kg but usually weighs between 6kg to 10kg • HABITAT: The Tasmanian Devil lives in Tasmania. It used to live on the mainland but became extinct on there 600 years ago because of the dingoes.  They live in areas where there is dense bush or scrub land and make their home in hollow logs and rocks. • DIET: The Tasmanian Devil is a carnivorous marsupial which means they eat meat. They will kill birds and small animals but the Tasmanian Devil is mainly a scavenger that prefers to eat the carcasses of dead animals.  • BEHAVIOUR: Although the Tasmanian Devils looks and sounds vicious, they can become very friendly. • BABIES: Most Tasmanian Devils start breeding in their second year. Devils mate in March, the male Devil carries the female around for 3 weeks for safety and she gives birth alone in April.  When  the babies are born they are as big as the top of a matchstick. Tasmanian Devils have up to 20 babies but only four babies can live in the pouch so at least 16 will not make it to the pouch. 

  3. 10 facts about the Tasmanian devil • 1.The Tasmanian Devil once lived on Mainland Australia 600 years ago but is now extinct there. • 2.More then 50 Tasmanian devils die each year. • 3.The tail of a Tasmanian devil looks somewhat like a small bear. • 4.The Tasmanian Devil is mainly a scavenger. • 5.The Tasmanian Devil may be terror of the Spotted Tail Quoll but it may also be its saviour. • 6.The Tasmanian Devil can walk for 16km. • 7. They see in black and white. • 8.  They have bad eye sight and walk rather clumsily. • 9. On rough terrain Tasmanian Devils can run faster then humans but on smooth terrain they cannot run as fast. • 10.  The Tasmanian Devil stores its fat in its tail therefore a fat tail means a healthy devil.

  4. Dear Environment Minister I would like to tell you about an endangered Australian animal called the Tasmanian devil. The Tasmanian devil is the size of a small dog, it lives in areas where there is dense bush or scrub land, it is a carnivorous marsupial; its behaviour can be vicious although they can become very friendly. The Tasmanian devil is becoming endangered for a number of reasons, and one of them is because the farmers believed that it ate large numbers of livestock and poultry and used to hunt it. (This is also why the Thylacine or Tasmanian tiger died.)  Other reasons include that they are often hit by cars as they feed on other road-killed animals. They often get cancer and die from it. Some of the Tasmanian devils have been placed in protective captivity so humans or other animals cannot kill or harm them. We can help the Tasmanian devil from extinction by keeping a clean environment (don't litter), protect habitat (also protect breeding grounds), protect food source (don't waste food source) create a few protected areas where no humans are allowed to go. Thank you for reading. Louis Carney

  5. Bibliography • Tasmanian Devil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia • TasmanianDevils, TasmanianDevilPictures, TasmanianDevilFacts ... • DPIW - Tasmanian Devil Facts for Kids • Facts about the devil • Tasmanian Devil - Habitat and Behaviour • WikiAnswers - What type of habitat do tasmanian devils live inAustralia's • Tasmanian Devil Could Be Extinct Within a Decade ...

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