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Department Safety Liaison . Summer 2014. Agenda. Welcome & Introduction Robert Smith DSL Handbook Review Rose Hall Upcoming Training Opportunities Rose Hall Emergency Mgmt. Bingo Peggy Morales & Cindy Mohat. Crisis Management. Contact Information. ROBERT SMITH
Department Safety Liaison Summer 2014
Agenda Welcome & Introduction Robert Smith DSL Handbook Review Rose Hall Upcoming Training Opportunities Rose Hall Emergency Mgmt. Bingo Peggy Morales & Cindy Mohat
Contact Information ROBERT SMITH Associate Director Environmental Health & Safety (817) 272-2479 rasmith@uta.edu
DSL Program Q. How is a staff member selected to serve as a DSL? A. DSLs are appointed by the department Chair/Director. Q. What do I do if I leave or transfer to another department? A. Send email to ehsafety@uta.edu. EH&S will coordinate with the department Chairperson/Director for a replacement.
Purpose of the DSL Program • The DSL Program was established as an extension of EH&S to increase safety on campus. • DSLs are employees who are appointed to serve as the point of contact for safety and emergency information in their department.
Goal of the DSL Program Maintain a safe and healthful workplace through: Dissemination of fire, life safety, and emergency response information Coordination of educational meetings and safety training Hazard reporting Performing DSL responsibilities
Required Training Topics • CPR/AED (every 2 years) • Bloodborne Pathogens (annually) • Evacuation Chair • Great Escape • Fire Extinguisher • Building Evacuation • Hazard Reporting
Optional Emergency Management Training Incident Command Management • Incident Command System (ICS) 100HE • ICS 200a • ICS 700a • ICS 800a Medical Reserve Corps • Application Form and Identification • Independent Study (IS) 22 • Orientation • Point of Dispensing (POD) • POD Job and Duties • Drills/Tabletops/Functional/ Full-Scale Exercises
DSL Responsibilities Complete required DSL safety trainings Attend DSL meetings Become familiar with the DSL Handbook and associated resources Ensure all department employees are aware of the procedures to follow in the event of an emergency or evacuation Provide information and direction to the department staff during emergency evacuations
DSL Responsibilities Continued Identify and provide safety orientation to individuals in the department who may need assistance in the event of an emergency due to a temporary or permanent disability Coordinate safety training for department staff in cooperation with EH&S Serve as a department point of contact for safety and emergency information and disseminate this information to department employees Report hazards or unsafe conditions to EH&S
Evacuation Procedures • Review the evacuation routes and evacuation assembly point with staff annually or when new employees are hired • Evacuation Maps are located on the EH&S website at http://www.uta.edu/campus-ops/ehs/fire/Evac_Maps.php • Identify individuals who may need some special assistance in the event of an emergency requiring evacuation • Locations of evacuation chairs on campus are listed on the EH&S website on the DSL page
Evacuation and Fire Safety • Obstacles impede evacuation. Storage of any items in the corridors, stairwells or other exit ways is prohibited. • If you notice a blocked exit in your building or a building you are visiting, please report this to EH&S at 817-272-2185. • DSLs should preplan for a fire situation by becoming familiar with the location of fire alarm pull stations and fire extinguishers in their area.
In the Event of a Fire • Pull the fire alarm pull station to activate the alarm and begin evacuation of the building. • If you are not in immediate danger, call the UTAPD emergency number at 817-272-3003 to report the fire. Provide the operator with the following information: • Location – Building, room and/or area • Size and type of fire • Your name • If you are formally trained and are not in immediate danger, you may attempt to extinguish the fire using a fire extinguisher. However, do not place yourself or others in unnecessary danger. • Exit the building by following posted evacuation routes. Do not use elevators during a fire emergency. In the event of an evacuation, building occupants must receive permission from UTAPD, the Arlington Fire Department (AFD) or EH&S before re-entering the building.
Utility Outages It is possible that buildings on campus could lose a utility function such as electrical or water service. In general, you should stay in the building during a loss of utilities unless directed to evacuate by UTAPD, the public address system or other notification methods. To Report Outages: Call the Office of Facilities Management (OFM) Service Call Center at 817-272-2000.
Hazardous Materials If there has been a spill or release of an unknown hazardous material, follow these guidelines: • Pull the nearest fire alarm pull station • Evacuate the building • Contact UTAPD at 817-272-3003 If there has been a spill or release of known hazardous material, follow the guidelines in the DSL Handbook.
Shelter-in-Place Chemical, biological, or radiological contaminants may be released into the environment in such quantity and/or proximity to UT Arlington that it is safer to remain indoors rather than to evacuate employees. Shelter-in-place means selecting an interior room or rooms within your facility, or ones with no or few windows, and taking refuge there. Details on how to shelter-in-place can be found at the Evacuation Plans and Procedures, Shelter-in-Place section of the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA).
Weather Emergencies UTAPD monitors weather conditions on and around the University. The City of Arlington will activate weather sirens in the event that severe life-threatening weather is approaching the University. University Communications will issue official notifications regarding weather emergencies and closings to all faculty, staff, and students. If severe weather warnings are issued, refer to: • Procedure 7-3, Tornado Procedure • Procedure 7-7, Outdoor Group Activities/Weather Hazards
Active Shooter Situations DSLs are provided opportunities to attend active shooter training conducted by the UTAPD. If an active shooter situation should arise, follow instructions in the UT Arlington’s Emergency Procedures Quick Reference Guide.
Bomb Threats Bomb threats should always be taken seriously. An employee receiving a bomb threat over the phone should notify UTAPD at 817-272-3003 immediately. For more specific information, refer to the Bomb Threats Chapter of the Campus Safety Plan.
Emergency Notification Systems Information on the University’s methods of emergency notification can be found at “Safe and Sound in Maverick Country.” Other sources for emergency Information include: www.uta.edu, official University Facebook and Twitter feeds, or you may access the UT Arlington Emergency Information Hotline at 866-258-4913.
Suspicious Letters or Packages All persons should take appropriate steps to protect themselves and others from exposure to harmful chemicals and biological agents by following established guidelines for recognizing and handling suspicious packages and letters. If you believe you have received or encountered a suspicious package, follow the Guidelines for Addressing Suspicious Mail.
Hazard Reporting Employee involvement is encouraged in the implementation of ongoing health and safety programs at UT Arlington. Employees share responsibility for maintaining a hazard free workplace and should follow established hazard reporting procedures. Reporting Hazards and Unsafe Conditions: The Hazard Reporting Flow Chart provides guidelines for reporting hazards to the appropriate department.
Injury Reporting Any employee who sustains a work related injury or occupational disease that arises out of and during the course and scope of employment should immediately notify their supervisor. For information on how to file a workers’ compensation claim visit the EH&S Workers’ Compensation Website.
Medical Emergencies & First Aid DSLs are provided CPR/AED and Bloodborne Pathogens training in an effort to ensure every department has a person on staff who knows how to recognize a medical emergency and knows what to do to help a person in distress. For more information see the First Aid section in the Emergency Preparedness Chapter of the Campus Safety Plan.
Office Safety Common causes of office accidents include the following: • Slip, trip, and fall hazards • Burn, cut, and pinch hazards • Improper lifting and handling techniques • Improper ergonomics • Clutter and/or poor housekeeping • Unobservant and inattentive employees • Improper office layout and arrangement • Dangerous electrical wiring • Exposure to toxic substances • Horseplay
Index of Resource References Department Safety Liaison website - http://www.uta.edu/campus-ops/ehs/dsl/index.php EH&S website - http://www.uta.edu/campus-ops/ehs/index.php Campus Safety Plan – http://www.uta.edu/campus-ops/ehs/campus-safety/index.php Emergency Management website - http://www.uta.edu/campus-ops/police/emergency-management/index.php
Upcoming Training Opportunities CPR/AED Training June 24, 25, July 22, 23 The Great Escape/ July 15, 16, 17 Fire Extinguisher To register, please call 817-272-2185