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MQF HAI Subcommittee: HAI Plan Update. June 24, 2013 Peg Shore, MT, MSPH, Ph.D., CIC HAI Prevention Coordinator. Introduction to HAIs. Healthcare-Associated Infections 99,000 deaths/ year (more than breast cancer, prostate cancer and AIDs combined!) 1.7 million HAIs per year (2002)
MQF HAI Subcommittee: HAI Plan Update June 24, 2013 Peg Shore, MT, MSPH, Ph.D., CIC HAI Prevention Coordinator
Introduction to HAIs • Healthcare-Associated Infections • 99,000 deaths/ year (more than breast cancer, prostate cancer and AIDs combined!) • 1.7 million HAIs per year (2002) • Cost: total $36 billion to $45,000,000,000 (2007 dollars)/ year in U.S.
Types of HAIs • Central line infections (CLABSIs) • SSIs: superficial and deep • Catheter-associated UTIs • Clostridium difficile • MRSA-HAI
Deaths by HAIs, U.S., 2002 • Pneumonia 35,000 • Bloodsteam infection 31,000 • UTI 13,000 • C. difficile** 9,000 • SSI 8,000
CDC estimates • Could reduce between 33% to 50% of these infections, at a savings of $6.6 to 8.4 billion. • Could save 33,000 lives/ year in U.S.
Changing Healthcare Landscape • Since 2002, shift in philosophy: Public demand for: • Accountability • Transparency • Financial reimbursement (Medicare & MaineCare-Medicaid primarily)= no pay for HAIs
Maine State Reporting Mandates-All hospitals • 2007: Central line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs), central line bundles, central line insertion practice (CLIP), surgical care improvement program (SCIP), ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) bundle. • 2011: Added MRSA-HAI and C. difficile (lab confirmed- inpatients only)
Current Medicare (CMS) Mandates: IPPS hospitals only (CAHs exempt) • Central line infections (CLABSIs) • Catheter-associated UTIs (CAUTIs) • SSIs: colons, abdominal hysterectomies • MRSA bacteremias • C. difficile- Lab ID event • HCW influenza vaccination
Medicare Reimbursement: How Important is it? • For larger hospitals, Medicare is 50 percent of hospital’s payment for services. • Critical access hospitals, it is often 2/3rds of hospital reimbursement. • Mandated reporting of HAIs (CMS): if miss deadline, reduce payment by 2%. (5.5 months lag)
Public Health & HAI Prevention: ARRA funding • As 5th cause of death in the US, it has become a public health issue. • 2009, American Recovery and Rehabilitation Act (ARRA) funded 49 states to build programs. • HAI Prevention Programs: 1) infrastructure, 2) prevention & surveillance, 3) communication.
Maine HAI Prevention Program • Initially, focus on hospitals with Maine Infection Prevention Collaborative as the advisory group. • Expanded into LTC. Worked with QIO. Offered 10 day long seminars all over the state. • Working on antibiotic stewardship to reduce C. difficile and resistant organisms (multiple drug resistant organisms-MDRO).
Data validation • How do we know if the numbers reported are accurate? • Must validate the data • State law: Maine CDC must validate C. difficile and MRSA-HAI • Maine Quality Forum: validating CLABSI. Being done by John Snow Institute (JSI)-Boston, MA.
Maine HAI Plan • Create infrastructure • Surveillance & Prevention • Communication • After 3 years of work, we are in a NEW place. We have created program in Maine CDc, gathered & validated data, are analyzing, and communicating with hospitals.
State of Maine HAI Plan • We have accomplished all that was in the grant, and more: • LTC • ASP • Outbreak reporting and assistance • Distributed educational materials for patients • Surveillance and feedback to hospitals • Self-sustaining model for HH compliance • NHSN used by all hospitals/ validation of data
ASP • Maine CDC is analyzing MaineGeneral antibiogram and creating pocket reference guide for outpatient prescribing. • Working with MMA- Maine Independent Clinical Information Service to do academic detailing of antibiotics. Rollout is scheduled for November, 2013.
CLABSI validation • JSI plans to do a 2 day visit to Peer Group A hospitals. • Will do a 1 day visit to 2 of largest hospitals in Peer Group B (St. Mary’s and Mercy). Other B hospitals will be done by sharing data remotely.
Types of Communication • Facility-specific dashboard reports to hospital • Hand hygiene compliance every 6 months • Influenza vaccination of HCW comparing all hospitals, yearly. • Meet with MIPC monthly= all hospitals IP • Maine Quality Council: HAI subcommittee
State of Infection Control & Prevention(Maine CDC/ MQF Annual Report) • CLABSI- adult and NICU: • CLABSI: high mortality rate 14%-25% • majority of infections are in the 3 largest hospitals/ more complicated patient/ more CLs • Device utilization statewide is low • MMC made huge progress in past 5 years but is still above the national average for CLABSIs.
Statewide analysis: CAUTI • CAUTI for IPPS hospitals: Mandated reporting by CMS/ Most common type of HAI. • A few larger hospitals had higher CAUTI rates, sometimes in a single unit. • Most hospitals had decreasing urinary catheterization utilization rates. Again, some units had high DU rates. Often these units also had high CAUTI rates.
SSI • Very limited data, CMS requires only colon and abdominal hysterectomy data from IPPS hospitals. • Critical Access Hospitals do not report any SSI data.
MRSA-HAI • Rates varied widely between hospitals. • 50% in ICU and 50% in non-ICU • Highest type of MRSA-HAI • SSI 42% (47) • Pneumonia 22% (25) • BSI 19% (22)
C. difficile • Every peer group had one or more hospitals with higher than average rates. • Rates varied from 0 to 19/10,000 patient days. • State average is 6.6/ 10,000 days. This will become the threshold by which to measure progress. • Rates included healthcare facility onset and community onset/ healthcare facility associated.
C difficile categories in NHSN • Healthcare facility onset (HO:) Patient had positive specimen on day four or later. • Community onset Healthcare Facility associated (CO-HCFA): specimen from patient who was discharged from the facility 4 weeks or less. • Community Onset (CO): specimen occurs
MQF Annual Report Three new pages (see handout or pages 33,35,36 of the report): • MRSA-HAI for 2011 (validated data) by hospital/ by peer group. • C. difficileLabID rates (2011Q4-2012Q3, all validated data). Does include both HO and CO-HCFA data. Is a proxy measure. When viewing all 3 (HO, CO-HCFA, CO) it shows the hospital burden of C. difficile.
C. difficile Results 10/1/2011- 9/30/2012 • Total Inpatient positive labs (whole state): 780 • Total hospital-related C. difficile (HO & CO-HCFA): 397 • 397 C. difficile compared to 119 MRSA-HAI Summary: C. diff bigger problem than MRSA
Prevention: Statewide Efforts • HH: All hospitals doing internal and external audits. Slowly improving with each external audit. Median: 63% in Fall of 2011 to 81% in December of 2012.
Statewide analysis Influenza vaccination of HCWs: • State average last year was 77%. • 2012-13 state average improved to 84%. • (New Hampshire: hospitals w/o a policy=78%, hospitals with a policy=93%, hospitals that terminate unvaccinated HCW w/o an exemption=98% vaccination rate.)
MQF Annual Report • HAI 3: Central line bundle: improved from 71% (2007-08) to 94%(2011-12) • CLABSI rates: improved from 2.5/ 1,000 CL days (07-08) to 1.7/1,000 (2011-2012). National avg=1.2in 2010. • NICU CLABSI rates: improved from 3.8/ 1,000 CL days (07-08) to 2.5 (11-12). National average=1.6 in 2010.
Are we seeing improvement in Maine? • CLABSIs: Yes, although a few hospitals still above national average. Huge improvement since 2007 (66) to 2011 (47)= 19 less, 5 persons who didn’t die in 2011. • MRSA and C. difficile: too early to tell, but we now have baseline. • SSIs: not enough data, only following 2 surgeries. • CAUTI: only collected since 2012, but device utilization is low in most hospitals and very good in nursing homes.
HAI program work continues • Validation of NHSN MRSA-HAI • Validation of NHSN C. difficile lab ID • Continue working with hospitals to audit hand hygiene. • Continue to analyze data, communicate analysis to hospitals. • Increase efforts to LTC and physician offices.
New Efforts • Collaboration with QIO to reduce C. difficile in the Augusta area: early diagnosis, contact precautions, environmental cleaning, antibiotic stewardship. • ASP: Educating several hospitals, working with MICIS, developing physician pocket reference. • CRE: include as a reportable, ASP as prevention. Develop state lab as reference to confirm. • Outbreak assistance for LTC C. difficile outbreaks.
HAI Network • Maine CDC collaborates with: • Maine Infection Prevention Collaborative and MIPC-CC • MHDO & MQF • UNE School of Pharmacy • Maine Medical Association- MICIS • Maine Healthcare Association (LTC) • QIO/MaineGeneral Med. Ctr./ 5 area NHs • Maine Health • Legislature/ rule making process.