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NON-INSECT PESTS. Achatina fulica. Phylum: Mollusca, F:Achatinidae Siput babi eats a wide range of plant material, fruit and vegetables Control: hand collecting use of molluscicides use salt. Deroceras laeve. Phylum: Mollusca ; F:Limacidae Lintah bulan /SLUG
Achatina fulica • Phylum: Mollusca, F:Achatinidae • Siput babi • eats a wide range of plant material, fruit and vegetables • Control: • hand collecting • use of molluscicides • use salt
Deroceraslaeve • Phylum: Mollusca; F:Limacidae • Lintahbulan/SLUG • Damages: seed hollowing (during seedling), shoot cutting and leaf shredding, produce slime trails • also devalue harvests due to their mucus trails and faeces deposition
Control:chemicals such as metaldehyde or methiocarb • Biocontrol: use nematodes
AVES: Passer montanus (ciak/tree sparrow) • Feed on variety of fruits, • Also feed on grains (bijirin)
Control in rice field: • 1)Habitat modification. Roosting and nesting sites can be reduced by blocking entrances larger than 2 cm. • 2)Reduce their food sources: removing edible human refuse • 3)protecting small crops with bird netting, • 4)practisingclean livestock feeding techniques. Feed also needs to be covered to protect it from bird droppings. • Shooting (air guns), trapping, poisoning, and repelling. Traps (mist net) • use scarecrows and motorized hawks.
Rodents Rattus argentiventer Rattus tiomanicus
Rosakkantanamanbijirin, tebu, coconut, k.sawit,stored product (grains) • Control: • 1)Sanitation: clean the farm surrounding, destroy breeding site • 2) Traps
Rodenticides: rat baits (racuntikus) usually in pellet form • ‘maluumpan/bait shyness: the rats avoiding the traps or baits • Ultrasonic • Bio control barn owl (Tyto alba)