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Poornima Narayana

Consortia and Web:Access to E-Journals, International Databases and In-house Information Services. Poornima Narayana. Information Centre for Aerospace Science and Technology National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore. Library Consortia What for?. Union Lists/ Shared Online Catalogue

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Poornima Narayana

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  1. Consortia and Web:Access to E-Journals, International Databases and In-house Information Services Poornima Narayana Information Centre for Aerospace Science and Technology National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore

  2. Library Consortia What for? • Union Lists/ Shared Online Catalogue • Shared library system • ex: Automation Software • Electronic content licensing • Access to International databases • Access to electronic journals • Electronic content loading • Digital library initiatives

  3. Contd... • Physical storage facilities • ex:A common place to store back volumes • Arranging meetings/seminars/training programs • Creation of electronic database • Collection sharing / Inter Library Loan / Document Delivery

  4. Consortia Models • Participants Oriented • Purpose Oriented • Clients Oriented

  5. Participants Model • Geographical location linked • ex: BSLG • Libraries in the same discipline • ex: Aerospace libraries group • From the same parent organisations • ex: CSIR, IITs • Libraries of Academic organisations • ex: Inflibnet

  6. Purpose Oriented Models • A group of libraries for accessing electronic journals • A group of libraries to avoid duplication collection • A group of libraries for joint training workshops for library staff

  7. Client Oriented Models • Clients according to their age • ex:Children, Senior citizens etc. • Clients according to their interest • ex:Sports, Cooking • Clients according to their educational background • ex:Technical, Professional

  8. CoMSAC: Consortium for Materials Science and Aerospace Collection (An initiative taken by ICAST, NAL) • CoMSAC Partners • Service Providers • CoMSAC Databases • CoMSAC Pricing • Links to Full Text Journals • CoMSAC Problems

  9. CoMSAC Partners (Those who have given consent in principle) • NAL - Bangalore • NML - Jamshedpur • NPL - Delhi • RRL - Bhopal • IIT - Delhi • ADE - Bangalore • GTRE - Bangalore • ADR&DE - Agra • NMRL - Thane • Microwave Tube R & D Centre - Bangalore

  10. Service Providers: CSA/IDS • Access to more than 70 databases • Coverage: Life sciences, Environment and Acoustic sciences, Computer science, Material science, Engineering, Aerospace, Social sciences and Humanities. • Quick and Advanced search facilities • Output: Print, Download, e-mail • Usage reporting • Document Delivery

  11. CoMSAC Databases 1. METADEX 1966+ 2. Advanced Polymers Abstracts 1986+ 3. Ceramic Abstracts/World Ceramic Abstracts 1975+ 4. Corrosion Abstracts 1980+ 5. Composite Industry Abstracts 1986+ 6. Copper Data center Database 1965+ 7. Engineered Materials Abstracts 1986+ 8. Materials Business File 1985+ 9. Mechanical Engineering Abstracts 1981+ 10. Aluminum Industry Abstracts 1972+ 11. WELDASEARCH 1967+

  12. CoMSAC Pricing (Based on 2000 pricing in Dollars) Consortium With Aerospace Without Aerospace Members Database Database List Price 16,900 10,000 Consortium Price 4-5 12,675 7,500 6-7 11,830 7,000 8-10 10,140 6,000 11+ 8,450 5,000

  13. Links to Full Text Journal More than 5500 E-Journals held by following Document Suppliers • OCLC • CatchWord • EBSCO Online • HighWire Press • IDEAL (Academic Press) • Information Quest (RoweCom) • Kluwer Online • LINK (Springer) • ScienceDirect • SwetsnetNavigator

  14. CoMSAC Problems • New concept in the country • Heterogeneous group • Perpetual Access • Discontinuation of memberships • Copy Right Issues

  15. Consortia for CSIR LICs: Suggestions • 1. All CSIR LICs • Access to E-Journals by publishers like Elsevier covering larger interest • Acquiring standards and Specifications on shared basis ASTM, ANSI … • Acquiring Technical Reports on shared basis • 2. A Group of CSIR LICs • Engineering • Access to International databases • Acquiring E-Journals by specific publishers • Standards and Specifications • Advanced series, etc

  16. What ICAST, NAL can offer for CSIR Consortia Initiative • Host Union Catalogue of Serials • Host Union Catalogue of Books and other documents of Engineering LIC’s • Training CSIR LIC manpower for adopting IT for services

  17. Library Websites - Why? • Facilitate and promote library use • Basic information about library and its services • On-line access to local sources • Gateway to networked information sources • Integrate Push-based services

  18. Thankyou

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