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Resource Mgt Tools

Resource Mgt Tools. Miguel Marquina. LCG-PEB - Jan 22, 2002. Contents. Project Management in short Basic Elements Qualities of a PM tool: authoring Qualities of a PM tool: browsing Considered Tools: GDPM-MSP-Xproject-PPT Conclusions References: General, LHC. PM in short.

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Resource Mgt Tools

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  1. Resource Mgt Tools Miguel Marquina LCG-PEB - Jan 22, 2002

  2. Contents • Project Management in short • Basic Elements • Qualities of a PM tool: authoring • Qualities of a PM tool: browsing • Considered Tools: GDPM-MSP-Xproject-PPT • Conclusions • References: General, LHC Resouce Mgt Tools Miguel Marquina

  3. PM in short • where are we today/going in the end understand/define the goal(s) to achieve Assess/state present situation • how do we arrive Monitor/review goals/milestones/deliverables • when do we arrive Monitor/review schedules/deadlines/delays • who is who understand/define roles, partnerships, contribution methods Resouce Mgt Tools Miguel Marquina

  4. Basic elements • Planning: goals and milestones • Tracking: tasks, schedules and deadlines on deliverables • Inter-relationships: roles, peers • Resourcing: human/financial • Communication: reviews, reports, negotiations Resouce Mgt Tools Miguel Marquina

  5. Qualities of a PM tool: authoring • Maintain the inter-dependence between the different elements (PBS, OBS, WBS) • enable maintenance by different authors at different levels of ownership/responsibility • Follow-up: e.g. deadline triggers, contingency paths • Reporting: data projections according to needs • Logging/tracking, import/export Resouce Mgt Tools Miguel Marquina

  6. Qualities of a PM tool: browsing • Granularity in browsing levels (PM, “office”, internal/site/external partners) • Communication/Feedback channel(s) Resouce Mgt Tools Miguel Marquina

  7. Considered Tools GDPM MS Project Xproject PPT OBS Maintenance yes yes yes yes WBS Maintenance yes yes yes yes Shared/Web Authoring - yes? (2002) yes yes Shared/Web Browsing - yes (MPS+lic) yes yes Import/Export yes (lim) yes (lim) yes yes Communication Paths - - ?? Yes Usage by ALICE - wide - - ATLAS - Detectors US, Comp Det (14) CMS - ?? - yes LHCb - yes - - Software licensing com com free free Sofware status prod prod dev prod Resouce Mgt Tools Miguel Marquina

  8. Conclusions • Preference for “freeware” tools (enable to share across sites/labs/US+EU) • “in-house” (HEP) development may be useful (match/taylor to project needs), resourcing? Choosing may in the end be determined by LHCexp-wide adoption Resouce Mgt Tools Miguel Marquina

  9. References - General GDPM http://w3.gdpm.no/prosoft/english/gdpm.asp MS Project 2002 http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/Press/2001/Dec01/12-12ProjectUnveilingPR.asp Xproject http://atlassw1.phy.bnl.gov/Planning/usPlanning.html#sw PPT http://ppt.cern.ch Resouce Mgt Tools Miguel Marquina

  10. References - LHC PM Usage by ALICE http://cern.ch/alice-project-management/tools.html http://cern.ch/promansys/documents/ia-report-ce.doc ATLAS http://ppt.cern.ch/uni/ppt.home http://cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/SOFTWARE/OO/planning/ CMS PPT (conceiled) LHCb http://cern.ch/lhcb-comp/Support/html/LHCbProjectPlanTemplate.html Resouce Mgt Tools Miguel Marquina

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