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Stained Glass Window Reflection. Church of St. Raphael East Meadow, NY. Rose Window: Entrance. “No need to fear. You are safe. I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who enter and serve before the glory of the Lord. Thank God, now and forever.”. Rose Window: North.
Stained GlassWindow Reflection Church of St. Raphael East Meadow, NY
Rose Window: Entrance “No need to fear. You are safe. I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who enter and serve before the glory of the Lord. Thank God, now and forever.”
Rose Window: North “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, though they should die, will come to life. And those who are alive and believe in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
Rose Window: Altar “You, too, are living stones, built as an edifice of spirit into a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone.”
Rose Window: South “Suddenly from up in the sky there came a noise like a strong driving wind. Tongues as of fire appeared which parted and came to rest on each of them. All were filled with the Holy Spirit.”
“Participants in Worship and Service” “Grant us happiness and mercy” (Tobit 18:7) “Do whatever he tells you” (John 2:5)
“Messengers of Healing” “The light of my eyes” (Tobit 11:14) “I am the light of the world” (John 9:5)
“Community of Disciples” “The way is safe” (Tobit 5:16) “Stay with us” (Luke 24:29)
“Stewards of the Gospel” “It is better to give alms than to store gold” (Tobit 12:18) “You will have treasure in heaven” (Matthew 19:21)
“Let There Be Light!” (Genesis 1:3) Loving God, you created all that surrounds me, all I can sense, and all beyond my senses. You created me. And you looked at all you created, and you looked at me, and you saw goodness. Thank you for the light – for the goodness – in creation, and in me.
“A Sign of My Promise” (Genesis 9:12) What is a sign of your promise? The ark? The rainbow? The dove? The olive branch? What today is a sign of your promise, your faithful, unconditional love? Loving God, help me to be a sign of your promise.
“This is Holy Ground” (Exodus 3:5) Where? Where is the holy ground you speak of? I believe you told Moses the ground on which he stood – the ordinary ground on which he stood every day – was holy; you were present there. The ground on which I stand is holy, for you are present. Throughout my life, wherever I am – home, work, school, church, city, country – wherever I am, you are, and you remind me, “this is holy ground.”
“On My Holy Mountain” (Isaiah 11:9) Lion and lamb … Symbols of strength and of gentleness … Perhaps fears faced and calmed … Needs shared … Comfort given … Peace.
“Do Whatever He Tells You” (John 2:5) Mary speaks, and trusts. Mary, help me to hear His words. Help me to take action, to work for change, to experience transformation. Help me to listen, to trust, to act, to notice ‘ordinary miracles,” and to make a difference.
“On Him My Favor Rests”(Matthew 3:13) Your favor – resting on Jesus, resting on me. Such a gift! Such a delight! Such amazing grace!
“You Are In My Hand” (Jeremiah 18:6) Loving God, how firm and how delicate your touch… strengthening and forming, guiding and supporting, tenderly healing and renewing… I am in your hand. Let my trust in your touch grow, so I may share your tenderness and your care with others.
“Come to the Water” (Isaiah 55:1) Come to the source and sustainer of life! Come to the feast! Splash! Cleanse! Drink! Dive in! Wade in! Just enter! Be refreshed … Be energized … Be forgiven … Be loved. The gift is there for the receiving … Be quenched – yet always thirsty for more.
“The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me” (Luke 4:18) Gracious Spirit, come upon me. Grant me strength to do justice; wisdom to seek God; courage to live compassion.
“You Are the Light of the World” (Matthew 5:11) Me??? Are you sure? Then tend my flame. Help me shine. Beam your love through me.
“Her Many Sins are Forgiven Because of Her Great Love” (Luke 7:47) Love comes first – always. We can’t see our sin without first knowing love. Love reveals our sin. Love releases our sorrow. Love seeks forgiveness. Love forgives, heals, and yields – love.
“He Was Lost and Is Found”(Luke 15:24) Lost – at times in my own thoughts, or my own desires, or my own sin, or my own world. Found – the embrace of love, guiding me back, bringing me beyond myself, welcoming me home.
“The Seed Is the Word of God”(Mark 13:4) So many seeds … So many words … All rooted in one Word, Jesus, who spoke words of love – real love, tender and tough. Plant your seed in me. Tend your seed in me. Help me to sink deep roots. Help me to grow branches stretching outward. Prune when necessary. Let my blooming be a reflection of you. Help me be a sower of your seed, your Word.
“Give Them Something to Eat Yourselves” (Matthew 14:16) How? Look within. I am within you. Release me! Release the goodness in you! Share, and there will be an abundance. Such a challenge … Such a responsibility … Such a privilege.
“I Have Given You an Example”(John 13:15) Washing feet … feet! Such an awkward action. Done out of obligation , an embarrassing action … Done out of service, a humbling action … Done out of love, a tender, bonding action. Jesus, help me follow your example. Help me to wash your feet, tenderly, in loving service to others.
“Overcome Evil with Good”(Romans 12:21) This is a challenge. The words and intent come easily in the abstract, but when specifics of realities of life set it, this is a challenge. But again, you give us an example, and you do not leave us alone. You heal, and invite us to heal. You light the darkness. You never give up. And you, your light, your goodness, are always stronger. Overcome evil with good. Help me to fulfill this challenge.