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Assessment and Renewal of the Statement of Intent. Health Partnership Group Assessment Team 8 October 2013. Assessment Approach. Independent assessment Desk review of key documentation
Assessment and Renewal of the Statement of Intent Health Partnership Group Assessment Team 8 October 2013
Assessment Approach • Independent assessment • Desk review of key documentation • Participatory approach: in-depth interviews and group discussions with ~40 key government and DP stakeholders • Consultative process – email feedback and consultation meeting
Context and operating environment (1) • Viet Nam’s commitment to development effectiveness: • Established HPG in 2004 • Signed SOI in 2009 • Signed IHP+ in 2010 • Signed BPD in 2011 • Developed VPD in 2012 • Viet Nam’s evolution to a MIC: • financial support technical assistance • grants loans • preferential loans ‘hard’ loans
Context and operating environment (2) • Health sector fragmentation: • Weak DP coordination & harmonization • Projectized approach to DP support (currently 38 health sector ODA projects) • MOH budget and spending information fragmented • MOH moving towards reducing fragmentation • Need viable alternatives to projectized support
Context and operating environment (3) • Budget support being piloted, but faces constraints: • MOH planning and budgeting not fully consolidated • Limited collaboration and information sharing between MOH Departments • Program–based approaches (PBA) still embryonic • Key elements for budget support and PBA not yet fully in place: Viable plan, linked to a realistic budget, coupled with a robust joint monitoring system
Achievement of SOI Goals • Process and implementation of the SOI has strengthened country ownership through increased engagement by the MOH in the development effectiveness agenda • SOI lays the foundation for an effective, sustained, inclusive and viable partnership between MOH and DPs • JAHR process is helping to account for development results
Scope for further improvement • Country ownership can be strengthened though: • increased alignment of DPs with government systems • increased focus on strengthening the health system • more consolidated planning and budgeting • Partnerships can be strengthened and expanded through: • improved functioning of TWGs • increased engagement with decentralized levels, civil society and the private sector; • Accountability process can be enhanced through improved utilization of JAHR findings for planning and policy dialogue, through the HPG mechanism.
Achievement of SOI Milestones • Milestones broadly achieved: • Six milestones fully achieved • One milestone largely achieved • Status of three milestones is presently unclear. • Accountability for the achievement of the milestones lay with ICD and DPF • Ownership of the SOI cannot be assumed to be uniform across the MOH or DPs
Functioning of the HPG • HPG has created an open, inclusive and flexible forum to facilitate dialogue on sector priorities. • Scope to further improve the effectiveness of HPG meetings to enhance the depth and quality of policy dialogue • Scope to expand partnerships through increased engagement with decentralized levels, civil society and the private sector
Functioning of the HPG Secretariat • HPG Secretariat has performed its duties effectively and efficiently, despite constraints: • under-resourced in terms of staff • fragmented and unpredictable funding • Secretariat/ICD has taken initiative to expand engagement with decentralized levels: • provincial representation on HPG • provincial field trips • provincial/regional HPG meetings
Functioning of the TWGs • TWGs have the potential for coordination of sub-sectoral activities and generating sub-sectoral policy dialogue to feed into the HPG • However, functioning of TWGs is variable: • unclear status / no official mandate • no operational framework on how TWGs relate and report to HPG • limited resources for meetings and to implement activities
Mandate and utilization of JAHR • JAHR process is broadly inclusive and participatory, and produces high quality reports • JAHR process could be further strengthened • Concerns that policy dialogue related to the JAHR is conducted as a parallel process to HPG policy dialogue
Overview (1) • VHPD should: • follow the format and draw upon the wording of the VPD • incorporate key principles of IHP+ and BPD • highlight increased transparency and accountability of DP contributions and health sector budgets and expenditure • be‘light touch’ and flexible enough to allow for evolution within Viet Nam’s development agenda • Need to increase ownership and utilization of VHPD more broadly within MOH and across DPs • VHPD implementation will need technical and financial commitment and accountability, both from DPs and the MOH.
Overview (2) • VHPD should highlight improved coordination: • within the MOH at sub-sectoral level • between development partners • between MOH and DPs through the HPG and sub-sectoral mechanisms. • VHPD should establish the necessary conditions for PBAs and/or budget support: • a viable plan • related to a realistic budget, and • a robust joint monitoring system
Improved HPG functioning • More preparatory work could be undertaken prior to HPG meetings, including: • well-facilitated TWG discussions on key thematic areas • more regular DP group discussions • preparation of a sharply focused agenda • circulation beforehand of speeches and presentations • Strengthen engagement of TWGs and provinces: • focused presentations from TWGs and provincial clusters on a rotational basis • documented follow-up on the issues at TWG and provincial HPG meetings
Improved Secretariat functioning • Develop interactive web-based donor and INGO databases for improved monitoring of health sector development co-operation • Strengthen Secretariat human resource capacity • Identify a viable and sustainable funding mechanism to support HPG workplan implementation and Secretariat functioning
Improved TWG functioning • Clarify the status of TWGs through official mandate: • documented structure for TWGs • specify responsibilities of TWG leaders and participants • operational framework that outlines how TWGs relate and report to HPG • retain flexibility • Sustained financial and technical support to TWGs
Improved JAHR functioning • Strengthen JAHR process by: • documented standardized methodological framework • including DPs on JAHR team and as peer reviewers • JAHR should assess annual progress towards achievement of the objectives of the 5-year plan • JAHR findings should be formally reviewed by the HPG to: • identify priorities • provide clear recommendations for implementation by MOH departments, institutions and TWGs • Establish mechanisms to follow up the HPG recommendations in TWGs and MOH departments