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TQA EDUCATION CRITERIA 2007. Organizational Profile. System Operation. Leading Triad. Result Triad. System Foundation. ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE. ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE : WHAT. ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE : WHY. ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE. P1. Organizational Description

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  2. Organizational Profile System Operation Leading Triad Result Triad System Foundation




  6. ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE P1. Organizational Description What are your key org. characteristics? P1. Organizational Challenges What are your key org. challenges? b. Org. Relationship a. Org. Env. a. Comp. Env. b. St. context 1. Service/Product 1. Structure/Governance 1. Comp. Position c. Performance Improvement System 2. Culture 2. Cust./Stakeholder/MK 2. Success Factors 3. Workforce 3. Supplier/Collaborator 3. Comparison WHAT ARE YOUR KEY..? 4. Facilities/Tech 4. Supplier, Std., Stakeholder Partnering Relationship & Communication 5. Regulatory

  7. CRITERIA FOR EXCELLENCE 1. Leadership 1.1 How do your senior leaders lead? a. Vision & Values b. Communication & Org. Performance 1. How to set, deploy & show commitment 1. How to communicate & engage workforce 2. How to promote environment 2. How to create action for accomplishment 3. How to create sustainable organization HOW DO YOU…?

  8. c. Support of Key Communities How to identify, support & strengthen key communities CRITERIA FOR EXCELLENCE 1. Leadership 1.2 How do you govern & address your social responsibilities? a. Organizational Governance b. Legal & Ethical Behavior 1. How to review & achieve G-system 1. How to address social impact & legal issues 2. How to evaluate & Improve G-system 2. How to promote ethical behavior HOW DO YOU…?

  9. CRITERIA FOR EXCELLENCE 2. Strategic Planning 2.1 How do you develop your strategy? a. Strategy Development Process b. Strategic Objectives 1. How to conduct strategic planning 1. What are your key ST objectives & goals 2. How to ensure & use key strategic input 2. How to address ST challenges & advantages, innovation, balance short & long term & needs of stakeholders HOW DO YOU…?

  10. CRITERIA FOR EXCELLENCE 2. Strategic Planning 2.2 How do you deploy your strategy? a. Action Plan Dev. & Deployment b. Performance Projection What are your performance projection How to determine & compare your projection How to address performance gaps 1. How to develop & deploy action plan 2. How to ensure adequate resources 3. How to establish & deploy modified AP HOW DO YOU…? 4. What are your key action plans & How to cope key changes 5. What are your key HR plan & How to cope key needs 6. What are your KPI & How to ensure alignment & coverage

  11. CRITERIA FOR EXCELLENCE 3. Student, Stakeholder and Market Focus 3.1 How do you Obtain & Use Student, Stakeholder & MK Knowledge? HOW DO YOU…? a. Std. Stakeholder & MK Knowledge 1. How to identify Std. & market segment 2. How to use VOC & feedback to determine requirement, need, expectation 3. How to use VOC & feedback to become more customer focused & opp. For innovation 4. How to keep customer & MK listening & learning method current

  12. CRITERIA FOR EXCELLENCE 3. Student, Stakeholder and Market Focus 3.2 How do you build relationships & grow Std. & Stakeholder Sat. & loyalty? a. Relationship Building b. Satisfaction Determination 1. How to build relationship 1. How to determine & use sat., dissat. & loyalty 2. How & What are key access mechanism 2. How to follow up & receive feedback 3. How to manage & resolve complaint 3. How to obtain & use info. relative to comp. 4. How to keep your approaches current 4. How to keep your approaches current HOW DO YOU…?

  13. CRITERIA FOR EXCELLENCE 4. Measurement, Analysis & Knowledge Management 4.1 How do you measure, analyze & then improve organizational performance? a. Performance Measurement b. P. Analysis, Review & Improvement 1. How to select, collect, align, integrate. & what are your KPI 1. How to review, analyze, & assess performance & capabilities 2. How to select & use comparative data 2. How to translate review finding into improvement & innovation 3. How to keep PMS current 3. How to incorporate review result into system evaluation & improvement of key process HOW DO YOU…?

  14. CRITERIA FOR EXCELLENCE 4. Measurement, Analysis & Knowledge Management 4.2 How do you manage your Info., Info. Technology & Org. Knowledge? a. Management of Info. Resources b. Data, Info & Knowledge Management 1. How to make needed D/I available & accessible 1. How to ensure accuracy. Integrity, reliability, timeliness, security & Confidentiality 2. How to ensure reliability security & user friendliness of HW/SW 2. How to collect, transfer, identify & share K. , and use K. in strategic planning process 3. How to ensure HW/SW & D/I continuity HOW DO YOU…? 4. How to keep approaches, HW/SW current

  15. CRITERIA FOR EXCELLENCE HOW DO YOU…? 5. Workforce Focus 5.1 How do you engage your workforce to achieve Org. & personal success? a. Workforce Enrichment b. Workforce & Leader development 1. How to determine Engage. & Sat. Factors 1. Workforce development & learning system 2. How to foster Org. culture conducive to high performance & motivated workforce 2. Leader development & learning system 3. How to evaluate dev. & learning system Eff. 3. Workforce performance management 4. How to manage career progress. & successor c. Workforce EngagementAss. 2. How to relate & use assessment finding to improve WF engagement & org. results 1. How to assess WF engagement, sat.

  16. CRITERIA FOR EXCELLENCE 5. Workforce Focus 5.2 How do you build effective & supportive workforce environment? a. Workforce Capability & Capacity b. Workforce Climate 1. How to ensure & improve workplace health, safety & security 1. How to assess WF capability & capacity 2. How to recruit, hire, place &retain new E 2. How to support WF via policies, services & benefits 3. How to manage & organize workforce 4. How to prepare WF for changing capability & capacity need. How to ensure continuity, minimize impact from WF reduction HOW DO YOU…?

  17. CRITERIA FOR EXCELLENCE 6. Process Management 6.1 How do you design your work system? a. Core Competencies b. Work Process Design 1. What are your key work processes How relate to core competencies customer value & org. success 1. How to determine core competencies 2. How to design & innovate work system c. Emergency Readiness 2. How to determine process requirements 3. How to design & innovate work process 1. How to ensure work system & workplace preparedness for disaster or emergencies HOW DO YOU…?

  18. CRITERIA FOR EXCELLENCE 6. Process Management 6.2 How do you manage & improve your key org. work processes? a. Work Process Management b. Work Process Improvement 1. How to ensure design requirements What are KPI & in-process measures 1. How to improve work process, to keep work process current, and share lesson learned to drive learning & innovation 2. How to prevent variability, variation, minimize inspection cost, prevent errors & reworks HOW DO YOU…?

  19. CRITERIA FOR EXCELLENCE 7. Results SUMMARIZE YOUR ORG. KPI SEGMENT YOUR RESULTS SHOW CURRENT LEVELS & TRENDS SHOW COMPARISON 7.1 Student learning outcomes 7.4 Workforce-focused outcomes Student learning results 1. WF engagement, satisfaction, WF dev. 2. WF capability, capacity, retention, skill 3. WF climate, workplace health, safety security, WF services, benefit 7.2 Student- & stakeholder-focused outcomes 1. Satisfaction & Dissatisfaction 2. Perceived value, persistence, + referral, relationship 7.5 Process effectiveness outcomes 7.3 Budgetary, financial & market outcomes 1. Operation performance of WS 2. Operation performance of WP, productivity, cycle time, E&E, Innovation 1. Budgetary & financial & cost containment, viability 2. MK performance, MK share, position, growth

  20. CRITERIA FOR EXCELLENCE 7. Results SUMMARIZE YOUR ORG. KPI SEGMENT YOUR RESULTS SHOW CURRENT LEVELS & TRENDS SHOW COMPARISON 7.6 Leadership outcomes • Accomplishment of Org. Strategy & Action plan • Ethical behavior, stakeholder trust in senior leader & G-system • & breaches of ethical behavior • Fiscal accountability (internal & external) • Regulatory, safety, accreditation, legal compliance • Org. citizenship in support of key communities

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