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TQA CONCEPTS & CORE VALUES. What TQA?. Are the foundation of the National Quality Program Define performance excellence Are globally recognized Can be used by diverse types of organizations. Source : NIST. What Are the Criteria?. A set of expectations or requirements

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  2. What TQA? • Are the foundation of the National Quality Program • Define performance excellence • Are globally recognized • Can be used by diverse types of organizations Source : NIST

  3. What Are the Criteria? • A set of expectations or requirements • A structured approach to performance improvement • A framework for a systems view of performance management Source : NIST

  4. Criteria Purposes • To help improve organizational performance practices, capabilities, and results • To facilitate communication and sharing of best practices • To serve as a tool for understanding (& reflecting) and managing performance Source : NIST

  5. Basic Goals of the Criteria Source : NIST

  6. Criteria Background • Created in a consensus-building process with the community • Reviewed and modified regularly • Validated Source : NIST

  7. Criteria Evolution Continuously improved • to best stimulate competitive success • to emphasize and improve linkages • to focus on key areas of performance • to increase ease of use and broaden the user base • to emphasize the importance of data, information, and knowledge management • to emphasize good governance • to emphasize business sustainability • to emphasize innovation Source : NIST

  8. Criteria—Key Characteristics

  9. Criteria—Key Characteristics

  10. Criteria—Key Characteristics • Place a primary focus on teaching and learning • Students are the key customers of education organizations,but there may be multiple stakeholders (e.g., parents, employers, other schools, and communities) • While the Education Criteria stress a focus on • student learning for all education organizations, • individual organizational missions, roles, and • programs will vary for different types of org.

  11. Criteria—Key Characteristics The concept of excellence includes 3 components: (1) a well-conceived and well-executed assessment strategy; (2) year-to-year improvement in key measures and indicators of performance, especially student learning; (3) demonstrated leadership in performance and performance improvement relative to comparable organizations and to appropriate benchmarks.

  12. Criteria—Key Characteristics

  13. Criteria—Key Characteristics

  14. Criteria—Key Characteristics

  15. Baldrige / TQA?

  16. Baldrige / TQAFramework

  17. Core Values & Concepts • Visionary Leadership • Learning-Centered Education • Organizational and Personal Learning

  18. Core Values & Concepts • Valuing Faculty, Staff, and Partners • Agility • Focus on the Future • Managing for Innovation

  19. Core Values & Concepts • Management by Fact • Social Responsibility • Focus on Results and Creating Value • Systems Perspective

  20. Q & A

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