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LIFE OF ABRAHAM. The Friend of God Lesson 10. Encounters a foreign king Tells “half-truth” about Sarah King takes Sarah as wife God brings plague upon the king King is angered with Abraham King rewards Abraham. Location of King Communication from God Nature of plague Timing of reward

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LIFE OF ABRAHAM The Friend of God Lesson 10

  2. Encounters a foreign king Tells “half-truth” about Sarah King takes Sarah as wife God brings plague upon the king King is angered with Abraham King rewards Abraham Location of King Communication from God Nature of plague Timing of reward Purpose of reward Prayer of Abraham Pharaoh & Abimelech Similarities Differences

  3. The Birth of Isaac • Isaac conceived, born, circumcised (1-7) • Great feast at Isaac’s weaning (8) • Ishmael mocks (9-11) • God’s plan for Ishmael (12-13) • Abraham sends Hagar & Ishmael away (14-16) • God rescues Hagar & Ishmael (17-21)

  4. Bondwoman (Hagar) Ishmael Born of flesh Mount Sinai (Law) Present Jerusalem Children in slavery Free woman (Sarah) Isaac Born through the promise Free Jerusalem above Children of promise The Two Covenants (Galatians 4:21-31) “He who was born according to the flesh persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit”

  5. Abraham & Abimelech • Proposal of Covenant (22-24) • Problem over the well of water (25-26) • The Sheep, Oxen, and the Seven Ewe Lambs (27-31) • Called on the name of the Lord, the Everlasting God at Beersheba (32-34)

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