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California WIC Business-Community Alliance. Why Are We Doing This? . WIC Funding Challenges NOT an entitlement program Full funding guaranteed only through FY 2013 Damaging sequestration cuts in FY 2014 and beyond – time for action. WIC Needs Bipartisan Support in Congress
Why Are We Doing This? • WIC Funding Challenges • NOT an entitlement program • Full funding guaranteed only through FY 2013 • Damaging sequestration cuts in FY 2014 and beyond – time for action. • WIC Needs Bipartisan Support in Congress • Our ties to business resonate with Members of Congress who may not be our usual allies. • “All politics is local.”
How Are We Doing This? • The BCA is an Endorsement Strategy to Show Wider Support for WIC • Ask WIC business and community partners to sign a simple WIC Support Statement. It is NOT a lobbying statement– and you are not lobbying. • The BCA Campaign will (1) educate our partners about WIC; and (2) let Congress know that business and community leaders support full funding for WIC.
How Are We Doing This? ASK THEM TO ENDORSE THIS STATEMENT: “ We the undersigned see firsthand the benefits of the WIC program in our community every day. WIC creates jobs and generates millions of dollars for California’s economy while promoting healthy families. We understand that cuts in WIC funding would mean depriving our state's young children the opportunity of a healthy start in life, taking away purchasing power in local economies, and increasing long-term health care costs. We are proud to be a supporter of the WIC program and a partner in California's WIC-Business-Community Alliance.”
How Will This Work? Four Easy Steps! Join Up! Think Up! Divvy Up! Follow Up!
1. Join Up! All Hands On Deck! We need every Local Agency to identify a BCA “point person” to link with us. BCA Point Person- Return the Commitment Form and you’ll be entered to win exciting prizes! It’s simple, easy and fun – just a few minutes a day.
2. Think Up! Brainstorm a list of potential supporters with your colleagues and friends. Think of all the businesses and community partners that you have worked with over the years… Exception: Do not contact WIC-Authorized Grocers due to conflict-of-interest rules!
Who Should You Contact? • Focus on businesses and non-profits, NOT individuals • Office vendors, such as landlords, janitors, office supply vendors, caterers, IT and banking providers, etc. • Local medical offices, community clinics, hospitals, and public health departments. • Local/regional military associations and support groups. • Local farmers, associations, farmer’s markets. • Local Chapters of State associations (ACS, AHA, ALA, etc.) • Boards of Supervisors, City Councils, Chambers of Commerce
2. Think Up! Tips Use existing relationships and known supporters. Don’t waste effort on contacts that are not going anywhere. Seek endorsements when you do WIC outreach or partnering.
3. Divvy Up! Once you have initial list, divide it up between your staff- remember to use personal contacts if they exist. Get everyone involved! Incorporate brief check-ins at staff meetings. Need Help? Contact Michelle Turner at mturner@calwic.org
3. Divvy Up: CWA On-LineToolkit Step-by-Step “How To” Guide WIC BCA Messaging Sheet Email Outreach Templates Scripts for Phone Calls FAQ’s- Send CWA questions as you get them.
4. Follow Up! Be persistent! Follow-up calls and e-mails. Endorsers can electronically sign on at www.calwic.org OR: use paper endorsement forms. Make sure endorsers are authorized to sign on behalf of their business or organization. Collect photos as you get signatures and share with us on Facebook!
Concerns: Can We Do This? YES! This is NOT lobbying! Lobbying = Directly urging legislators to vote a certain way on a bill. BCA Campaign= Asking our partners to endorse the Statement in support of WIC.
WIC BCA Timeline • Goal= 500 endorsements statewide by end of August! • June: Rally the troops (Join Up & Think Up!) • July-August: Action (Divvy Up & Follow Up!) • CWA Weekly “Theme” emails • Use these for ideas on who to contact • Raffle Contest- every agency sign up! First Prize: $200 in healthy snacks for the office, plus one trip to DC for NWA’s 2014 Leadership Conference
WIC BCA: Use Social Media! “Like” CWA on Facebook for more updates! Do you tweet? Use the Twitter hashtags #WeNeedWIC and #WICBCA, and tag @calwic to talk about your progress!
Who Can Help Me? • All Materials on CWA’s Website: http://calwic.org/policy-center/we-need-wic • Michelle Turner and Donna Hoffman at CWA: mturner@calwic.org & dhoffman@calwic.org • Michelle can help you follow up! She is here to help and be your resource on the ground. Consider her your “WIC BCA Community Liaison”
Now…Get started! Ready, Set…GO! Questions? Contact your local agency office lead, or Michelle Turner and Donna Hoffman at the California WIC Association. And…THANKS!!!