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Civil Liberties: First Amendment Freedoms

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Civil Liberties: First Amendment Freedoms

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    1. Civil Liberties: First Amendment Freedoms Chapter 19 Section 1 The Unalienable Rights

    2. “I disagree profoundly with what you say, but I would defend with my life your right to say it.” Voltaire

    3. Vocabulary Civil Liberties – protection against the government Civil Rights – positive acts of the government Alien – a person who is not a citizen of the country where they live

    4. Vocabulary Due Process Clause – no state can deprive a person of basic liberties Process of incorporation – the 14th Amendment merged with the Bill of Rights

    5. Major Court Cases Some of the major court cases are known by name recognition Miranda v. Arizona Marbury v. Madison But there are hundreds of other decisions which have resulted in additional rights for all of us

    6. Goal of the Constitution The framers outlined a formal government plan in the Constitution Their goal was to guarantee personal freedoms The power of the government is limited Personal freedoms are also limited

    7. Ratification of the Constitution After the Constitution was sent to the states for ratification, several states would not approve it without a Bill of Rights These rights were the first to ensure basic liberties.

    8. Ratification of the Constitution About 200 suggestions were given to James Madison. After discussion, revisions, and consolidations, the Bill of Rights were written and approved.

    9. Civil Liberties The rights people have as human beings. They include freedom of religion, speech, press and fair trials against government. Remember that England tried to infringe on each of these during colonial times.

    10. Civil Rights The rights people have to further their individual growth They include assistance by the government prohibiting bias based on race, sex, religious beliefs or national origin.

    11. Limited Government Our Constitution restricts the power of our government Our government only has the powers that we, the citizens, give to it.

    12. Individual Rights Individuals have the right to do anything they want, as long as they do not infringe on the rights of others People may not pollute, instigate a riot, or create a dangerous atmosphere

    13. Your Rights No one has complete freedom to do what ever they wish You may not Yell “fire” in a theater Speed down a highway Hit another person

    14. Your Rights Your rights end where another person’s rights begin. You may not use obscene language in public or incite others to commit a crime

    15. Schenck v. US, 1919 Charles Schenck was charged with encouraging men to avoid enlistment during WWI. The USSC found Schenck a “clear and present danger” under the Espionage Act

    16. Sam Sheppard Trial Sheppard was accused of killing his wife (like in The Fugitive) The national newspapers covered the story Sheppard received a new trial where he was found not guilty

    17. Individual Rights The USSC has used the 14th Amendment to ensure the rights of individuals It has stated that no state can deprive freedoms from an individual

    18. 14th Amendment The Due Process Amendment, makes sure that everyone is treated fairly under the law Not everyone agrees with the decisions that afford these protections.

    19. Individual Rights ApolloMedia Corporation v. United States 1999 The USSC upheld a federal law that makes it illegal for anyone to send obscene and intentionally annoying e-mail via the internet

    20. Should people be allowed to… Have a parade for Nazis? Promote Communism? Suspend students without a hearing? Deny interracial dating and marriage to students in college?

    21. 9th Amendment Americans have additional rights other than those provided for in the Bill of Rights. The 9th amendment gives people more rights than those written. Ex. – right to marry who you choose, career choices, etc.

    22. Civil Liberties: First Amendment Freedoms Chapter 19 Section 2 Freedom of Religion

    23. Vocabulary Establishment Clause – the government is not permitted to establish a religion Parochial – church-related Free Exercise Clause – the guarantee that everyone can believe as they choose

    24. Separation of Church and State One of the frequently argued aspects of the Constitution Should cities display a cross, menorah, or nativity scene? Should kids pray in school? Should tax dollars be given to private, parochial schools?

    25. Separation of Church and State Should “under God” be part of the pledge or on our money? Should church property be tax exempt? Should the 10 Commandments be displayed in courthouses?

    26. Establishment Clause The government is prohibited from Establishing a religion Interfering with religion

    27. Separation of Church and State The government does not avoid religion – They swear oaths They pray at meetings The Pledge and currency use the word God

    28. Separation of Church and State The courts have been asked to hear cases regarding religion Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 1925 – gives parents/students the choice to attend parochial schools rather than mandatory public school.

    29. Separation of Church and State Everson v. Bd of Education, 1947 decided that it was permissible for taxpayers to support bus transportation to parochial schools. (based on safety for children)

    30. Can students be released for religious instruction during school time? McCollum v. Bd of Education, 1948 – religious instruction may not be held in a school facility Zorach v. Clauson, 1952 – allowed release time for religious instruction

    31. What about Prayers in school Through the 1960s and 1970s, it was common to hear Christian prayers being recited in schools and see religious symbols frequently displayed.

    32. What about Prayers in school The USSC has consistently ruled against any visible forms of religion in school. This now includes moments of silence and student led prayers at sporting events.

    33. What about religious classes? Almost any organization which has a sponsor may use school facilities to hold meetings, religious groups may as well Churches may rent facilities during non-school times.

    34. Evolution or Creationism? Should schools teach the theory of evolution, that God created earth or both? Epperson v. AR, 1968 – USSC struck down a law outlawing teaching the scientific theory of evolution.

    35. Aid for Parochial Schools? Should private schools get tax dollars for books, tests, equipment and supplies? Yes, students must have them. Tax dollars cannot pay for teacher salaries

    36. Lemon v. Kurtzman – Lemon Law 1. Aid must be clearly secular, not religious 2. Aid must not advance or inhibit religion 3. Aid must avoid ‘excessive entanglements’ between government and religion

    37. Manger or Menorah? Nativity scenes may not be displayed on public land Menorahs may because of the limited number of symbols representing Chanukah

    38. Prayers at State Meetings? Can a chaplain begin a government meeting with a prayer? Yes, they volunteer and adults are not easily indoctrinated.

    39. Can I have 2 Wives? The Mormons challenged Utah law over their practice of polygamy. They lost.

    40. Other Decisions Schools can require vaccination of students States can prohibit the use of poisonous snakes in rituals Businesses can disregard ‘Blue Laws’ and open on Sunday

    41. Other Decisions States cannot discriminate on marchers but can require parade permits. The Air Force can deny an Orthodox Jew from wearing a yarmulke on duty

    42. Other Decisions Businesses can deny employment based on prior drug use. The military can draft people who have religious objections

    43. Other Decisions Wisconsin v. Yoder, 1972 – Amish children do not have to attend school after 8th grade McDaniel v. Paty, 1978 – unemployment benefits not available to someone who quits over religious beliefs

    44. Other Decisions Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah, FL, 1993 – outlawed animal sacrifices as part of church services.

    45. Other Decisions Minersville School District v. Gobitis, 1940 – students are required to recite the Pledge. WV Bd. Of Education v. Barnette, 1943 – compulsory flag salute is unconstitutional

    46. Freedom of Speech and Press Chapter 19 Section 3

    47. Vocabulary Libel – false and malicious use of the printed word Slander – false and malicious use of the oral word Sedition – an attempt to overthrow the government by violent acts Seditious Speech – advocating/urging sedition behavior

    48. Vocabulary Prior restraint – the courts cannot restrain speech BEFORE it occurs Shield law – laws that give reporters some protection against revealing the sources of their information Symbolic speech – transfer of ideas through some means besides speech Picketing – walking in front of a business to encourage others not to work or patronize the establishment

    49. Can you say anything? No, words can be dangerous so people do not have complete freedom to say anything they like They cannot yell “fire” in a theater or joke that they have a bomb in their luggage at the airport Freedom of speech ends where other people’s rights begin

    50. 14th Amendment People are guaranteed the right to free expression, written, spoken and any other means People are guaranteed the right to a full, wide-ranging discussion of public affairs You have the right to have their say and hear other people

    51. 14th Amendment Some forms of expression are not protected under the Constitution You may not jeopardize another persons health or safety You may not libel or slander another You may not use obscene words, print obscene material or use false advertising

    52. 1ST Amendment Seditious speech is not protected The Sedition Acts under John Adams were unconstitutional Anyone convicted of violating the Alien or Sedition Acts were pardoned by Thomas Jefferson

    53. Sedition Act of 1917 During WWI, the Espionage Act made it a crime to interfere with the military draft, obstruction of recruiting, hinder the sale of government bonds or speak/write anything bad about the US More than 2,000 people were convicted of violating the Espionage Act

    54. Schenck v. United States, 1919 Charles Schenck, with the Socialist Party, attempted to disrupt the military draft by passing out leaflets encouraging men to resist the draft. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote the majority opinion

    55. Schenck v. United States, 1919 Holmes established the “clear and present danger” rule No one may communicate ideas which generate a criminal act.

    56. Smith Act, 1940 During WWII Congress passed the Smith Act, making it a crime to advocate the overthrow of the govt In 1951, the Supreme Court heard Dennis v. United States It was decided that it was also illegal to communicate ideas to overthrow the government

    57. Yates v. United States, 1957 Overturned the Smith Act It is not illegal to belong to the Communist Party or urge others to join It is still illegal to urge someone to do something criminal

    58. Obscenity “I don’t know how to define obscenity, but I know it when I see it.” US Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart The 1st and 14th Amendments do not protect obscenity, but people cannot agree what obscenity is.

    59. Obscenity Congress passed an obscenity law prohibiting obscenity from being distributed by mail. In 1957, Roth v. US upheld the law but could not provide an accurate determination of what was obscene.

    60. Miller Test Miller v. CA, 1973 decided that material is obscene if it fulfills each of the following criteria 1. The average person, applying contemporary community standards, and taken as a whole finds the work obscene

    61. Miller Test 2. The work depicts/describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct 3. The work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value

    62. Community Standards

    63. Porn at the Library

    64. Prior Restraint

    65. NY Times v. US, 1971

    66. Censorship

    67. Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 1988

    68. The Media

    69. The Media

    70. The Media

    71. The Movies

    72. Radio and Television

    73. Radio and Television

    74. Radio and Television

    75. Radio and Television

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