By Rebekah Wilson Photo Project
The three M’s • Throughout history assistance for the venerable population has come from individuals, to churches, to organizations with slight governmental assistance, to governmental assistance. Over time and the use of the three M’s we have come from individual assistance to governmental assistance. The three M method is one of many ways we can defend learning outcome 1 “Summarize the historical roots of community development and organizing, advocacy, and social movements.” The three M’s which are Marketing; Medium and Message have been a crucial factor in developing communicational/sociological change throughout our history. They have been used as methods to promote and cause societal/communicate changes as well as the development of organizations and perform advocacy. The three M’s are used when we are developing communicational change. We would need to decided who our market (people we want to influence) is, how we want to influence them with our message (change we want to occur) and the medium (method used to sharing our message) we use to reach them. We then we are able to present our true intent of what we want to communicate to the population you want to influence. Courtesy of Googleimages
The Three M’s Pictures Courtesy of Googleimages Courtesy of Googleimages
Puzzle pieces that makes society • Learning outcome 2 “Analyze community system and structure, and design and evaluate processes to initiate and sustain change through specific strategies, tactics, activities and social policy advocacy.” • According to Homan (2011) community system is a system created by the pieces in society that can be as narrow as individuals and cultural systems, while others are broader such as neighbors, organizations, and cities. Each piece that makes society has its input and produces output that is run from actions taken place within a system. In order for a system to change, action must take place with consideration of individual’s norms, perceptions, values, experiences and culture that alter from person to person. Learning how to control these systems as well as making sure power is used, not abused, helps each system run smoothly among themselves and along with other systems. In order to create functional systems different tactic, activities, and social policies must be developed and followed such as assessing community needs and maintaining community relationships, creating policies and fine-tuning policies to create a healthier system.
Reflection on Experiences • Learning outcome 3 “Record, assess, and reflect on experiences with community and the influences of human services values, attitudes, and ethics in relationship to community change”. • Society has gone through multiple stages to become where it is today, yet it still has a long way to go. Human service was once based off of the kindness of individual and church. Over the years human service has developed in to a discipline that is run by organizations, government, and non-profit agencies all designed to assist the needy population. Human service providers became pioneers and developed the Praxeology perspective. Praxeology , which is useful tool in creating change within a community, creates an environment where we realize we see things from our own perspectives and experiences while realizing and accepting others dignity, perspectives and experiences to change our community. Once we realize we are key factors in changing our society the better positioned we are to make it better. The human service profession also values diversity and has developed ethical guidelines in the 1960’s. These guidelines are created to maintain professionalism while still accepting and assisting the venerable population, which in return creates change with in our community.
Accept Difference • Learning Outcome 4 “Analyze the systemic issues related to culture, diversity and social class in the context of community systems” (Kincaid, 2013). There are many different aspects of the “community system”. One aspect that is a current problem understands what group rights are and how to make sure all aspects of cultures in our society are taught without prejudice. Social status is also an issue with in our community, because it creates an unspoken segregation among members in different classes. Another issue with in our community is grouping individuals as the same. When we group our community into sections we delete the value of diversity, cultures, and the individual rights of the people. Grouping also creates an atmosphere where we treat people within that group the same (stereotypes and all). Acceptance of the difference in culture, diversity, sexuality, race, norms, and so on is important to create a productive society. A diverse community makes a complete society because it presents different perspectives and solutions to problems. Since we are all different we should be applying individual rights instead of group rights.
We are all members of society • Over the duration of this quarter I have learned so much about my community. I have learned about the fictional parts and the not so fictional parts. I have learned that my community is a very independent private neighborhood and lots of other neighborhoods are not like that. The policy brief assignment was an eye opener for me in learning about the homeless encampments. I live in a county where homeless camps are something normally not seen due to the rural area. Learning about how they function, their rules, rules of our government, and public opinion really shocked me. What influenced me the most about this homeless encampment was how the homeless felt. I realized that they are dehumanized because of their income. It saddens me to think about how we treat our fellow human beings just because they lack funds. I learned that homeless encampments need to be researched more because closing and displacing there camps is only a temporary solution. I also learned about community organizations and their systems and realized that my community does not have a lot of the key factors. I learned that human service organizations assist the issues people face, however advocacy and housing are the two least provide assets in the human service field due to a lack of workers.
Reference • Reference • Alcorn, R. (2012). Election 2012, Part 2: Which Candidate Will Best Protest Religious Liberties? [Photograph] May 5, 2013 from http://www.epm.org/blog/2012/Oct/15/election-2012-part-2 • Briody,B. (2011) Rich Baby, Poor Baby: Overspending on Kids Is a Waste. [Photograph] May 12, 2013 from http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2011/07/26/Rich-Baby-Poor-Baby-Why-Overspending-on-Kids-Is-a-Waste.aspx • Community System Group. (2013). Welcome to Community Systems Group. [Photograph] March 14 from http://communitysystemsgroup.com/core/2012/hello-world/ • College Must Begin in 8th Grade (n.d). Welcome to the development of the college must begin in 8th grade literary series! [Photograph] May 07, 2013 from http://cmb8thgrade.webs.com/ • Deakin University Online Induction. (2012). Scope of Equal Opportunity [Photograph] March10, 2013 from http://communities.deakin.edu.au/staff-induction/node/66 • Deah. (2012) Portrait of a group of people standing together. [Photograph] May 07,2013 from http://thenohypementor.com/niching-will-limit-you/portrait-of-a-group-of-people-standing-together-2/ • Designmom. (2007) Holiday Giveaway #13- Pettiskirt & Tops from OopsyDasy Baby. [Photograph] March 17, 2013 from http://www.designmom.com/2007/11/holiday-giveaway-13-%E2%80%94-pettiskirts-tops-from-oopsy-daisy-baby/ • Education Germany (n.d) Living in Germany A multicultural society. [Photograph] May 07 2013 from http://www.educationgermany.no/living-in-germany.html
Mc Clintic, Kevin. (2011). West Seattle ‘Nickelville’ camp: Mayor says they can stay. [Photograph] March 14 from http://westseattleblog.com/2011/05/west-seattle-nickelsville-camp-mayor-says-they-can-stay • New Direction Consulting. (2011). Cultural Understanding: The Challenge of Working Arcoss Cultures. [Photograph] March 17 from http://newdirectionsconsulting.com/4662/blog/blog-the-challenge-of-working-across-cultures-2/ • Owlhaven, M. (2007). Books For African American Children. [Photograph] May 7, 2013 fromhttp://ethiopia.adoptionblogs.com/weblogs/books-for-african-american-children • Religious Life. (n.d) Emancipation Proclamation in Nashville. [Photograph] May 17 2013 from https://anchorlink.vanderbilt.edu/organization/religiouslife/calendar/details/226613 • Rothbard, N. M. (2012). J.B. Say and the Method of Praxeology. [Photograph] May 5 2013 from http://mises.org/daily/5981/ • Royalty Free Stock Photos. (n.d). Stock Photo- Businesspeople smiling at meeting, businessman handing over document sitting at table. [Photograph] May 7 2013 from http://www.123rf.com/photo_6578817_businesspeople-smiling-at-meeting-businessman-handing-over-document-sitting-at-table.html • Soda Head. (n.d). Tomboy Girl. [Photograph] May 16, 2013 fromhttp://www.sodahead.com/fun/are-you-a-tomboy-or-a-girly-girl-quiz/question-2180717/?link=ibaf&q=&esrc=s • Spagnoli, F. (2010). Segregation, A Collection of Images. [Photograph] May 10, 2013 from http://filipspagnoli.wordpress.com/2010/05/22/segregation-a-collection-of-images/ • Speed of Trust. (n.d). SOT Organization Index. [Photograph] May 1, 2013 from http://speedoftrust.com/new/trust-measurement/sot-organizational-index/
Reference • University of Wisconsin System Ecampus. (n.d) Organizational Administration BLS (UW Oshkosh) [Photograph] May 10, 2013 from http://ecampus.wisconsin.edu/online-bachelors-degree/organizational-administration-bls-uw-oshkosh.aspx • Yang, XiXi (2012). Popstop TV: Pop Culture for the Next Generation. [Photograph] May 11, 2013 from http://popstoptv.com/entertainment-411/kourtney-kardashian-scott-disick-give-birth-to-daughter-penelope-scotland-disick-14962.html • Unknown. (n.d) Devoted mothers buffer children from poverty’s ill effects. [Photograph] May 07, 2013 from http://www.thisisreallyinteresting.com/devoted-mothers-buffer-children-from-povertys-ill-effects/ • Royalty Free Stock Photos. (n.d). Stock Photo- Businesspeople smiling at meeting, businessman handing over document sitting at table. [Photograph] May 7 2013 from http://www.123rf.com/photo_6578817_businesspeople-smiling-at-meeting-businessman-handing-over-document-sitting-at-table.html