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Science Bell Ringers. Mrs. Cook’s Class 6 th Grade Science Team Hope. Bell Ringer #1. 1. Define what inertia is and which of Newton’s Laws of Motion does that word belong? Science root: - ology -Means the study of Example : Biology- The study of life 35 points (answer worth 5 pts.).
Science Bell Ringers Mrs. Cook’s Class 6th Grade Science Team Hope
Bell Ringer #1 • 1. Define what inertia is and which of Newton’s Laws of Motion does that word belong? • Science root: -ology • -Means the study of • Example: Biology- The study of life • 35 points (answer worth 5 pts.)
Bell Ringer #2 10/26/11 • 1. What is acceleration, how do you solve for it, and which of Newton’s Laws of Motion does that word belong to? • Science root: astro- • -Means star • Example: Astronomer- Person who studies stars • 40 points (answer worth 5 pts.)
Bell Ringer #3 10/27/11 • 3. Two vehicles are at a starting line, one is a dump truck the other is a mini cooper. They leave the starting line at the same time with the same amount of force. Which vehicle will reach the finish line first & why? Which of Newton’s Laws of Motion is this? • Science root: atmos- • -Means air • Example: atmosphere- layers of air • 71 points (answer worth 5 pts.)
Bell Ringer #4 10/31/11 • 4. Which type of friction is stronger at slowing something down, sliding friction or rolling friction and why? • Science root: boreal- • -Means northern • Example: aurora borealis- the northern lights • 36 points (answer worth 5 pts.)
Bell Ringer #5 11/1/11 • 5. Which of Newton’s Laws are taking place in this situation: A ball is thrown in a straight line until it is hit by a batter. The ball goes in the direction of the hit until it is picked up by the outfielder. • Science root: a- • -Means not • Example: abiotic- not living • 59 points (answer worth 5 pts.)
Bell Ringer #6 11/2 /11 • 6. Here on planet Earth what are the two things that will eventually stop inertia? • Science root: epi- • -Means upon • Example: epidermis- upon the skin • 32 points (answer worth 5 pts.)
Bell Ringer #7 11/3/11 • 7. What is the difference between weight & mass? Explain. • Science root: cephalo- • -Means head • Example: cephalopoda- mollusk with a head (muscle) • 29 points (answer worth 5 pts.)
Bell Ringer #8 11/4/11 • 8. If a car is traveling at 10 mph and increases to a speed of 50 mph in 10 seconds, what is the car’s rate of acceleration? • Science root: morphos- • -Means form • Example: metamorphosis- a complete change of form • 46 points (answer worth 5 pts.)
Bell Ringer #9 11/10/11 • 9. Which of Newton’s Laws of Motion is this: A rocket ship blasting off to space. Explain your answer. • Science root: paleo- • -Means ancient • Example: Paleolithic- ancient time • 30 points (answer 5 pts.)= 35 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #10 11/11/11 • 10. Do I still have paper after these events? Explain why. • A) A piece of paper is torn into smaller pieces. • B) A piece of paper is lit on fire. • Science root: neo- • -Means new • Example: Neolithic- new time • 40 points (answer 5 pts.)= 45 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #11 11/14/11 • 11. Are these physical or chemical changes & why? • A) a nail rusting • B) chopping up wood • C) milk spoiling • D) cake mix baking in the oven • Science root: litho- • -Means land • Example: lithography- map of land • 38 points (answer 5 pts.)= 43 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #12 11/15/11 • 12. Which of the five senses would you use in these situations? Explain. • A) opening a can of Coke • B) building with Play dough • C) writing in your agenda • Science root: pseudo- • -Means false • Example: pseudoscience- false science • 40 points (answer 5 pts.)= 45 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #13 11/16/11 • 13. Choose 3 of the best physical properties you would use to describe each of these items: • Piece of paper • Red apple • Pencil • Science root: thermo- • -Means heat • Example: thermometer- measures heat • 34 points (answer 5 pts.)= 39 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #14 11/17/11 • 14. Identify which state of matter each object is in (solid, liquid, or gas): • Science root: pyro- • -Means fire • Example: pyromania- addicted to fire • 32 points (answer 5 pts.)= 37 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #15 11/18/11 • 15. Place the four states of matter in order according to temperature from the coldest to the hottest. • Science root: sub- • -Means under • Example: submarine- under water • 33 points (answer 5 pts.)= 38 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #16 11/21/11 • 16. Draw a picture to represent the molecule structure for each of the four states of matter. • Science root: zoo • -Means life • Example: zoology- study of life • 30 points (answer 5 pts.)= 35 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #17 11/28/11 • 17. What is the difference between a physical change and a chemical change? • Science root: tetra • -Means four • Example: tetrahedral- four sided • 25 points (answer 5 pts.)= 30 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #18 11/29/11 • 18. What type of chemical change are these? • A) a nail rusting • B) wood burning • C) milk spoiling • D) silver tarnishing • Science root: strato- • -Means layers • Example: stratosphere- layers of air • 34 points (answer 5 pts.)= 39 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #19 11/30/11 • 19. What are the six signs that a chemical change has taken place? • Science root: audi- • -Means to hear or listen; sound • Example: auditorium- lecture hall • 29 points (answer 5 pts.)= 34 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #20 12/1/11 • 20. You see a bright flash and then flames during a class demonstration. Is this an example of a physical or chemical change? Explain your reasoning. • Science root: pal- • -Means to stab; stake • Example: impale- to be stabbed with an object • 44 points (answer 5 pts.)= 49 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #21 12/2/11 • 21. What is the Law of Conservation of Mass? • Science root: crani- • -Means skull • Example: cranium- human skull • 21 points (answer 5 pts.)= 26 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #22 12/5/11 • 22. Is this a factual statement: “…and then it just disappeared!”? Explain your answer as to why or why not. • Science root: deb- • -Means owe • Example: debt- owe something to another • 34 points (answer 5 pts.)= 39 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #23 12/6/11 • 23. If you have 5 single Lego pieces weighing .5 grams each and then the 5 pieces were stuck together, are they going to weigh more, less, or the same as a large block? Explain your answer. • Science root: de- • -Means remove • Example: delete- remove or erase • 51 points (answer 5 pts.)= 56 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #24 12/7/11 • 24. What are the 4 physical properties of a metal? Explain what each property is. • Science root: neur- • -Means nerve • Example: neurosurgeon- doctor/surgeon of nerves • 29 points (answer 5 pts.)= 34 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #25 12/8/11 • 25. In the presence of flame and heat, what type of change will take place? • Science root: rubr- • -Means red • Example: ruby- red precious gemstone/birthstone • 29 points (answer 5 pts.)= 34 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #26 12/12/11 • 26. What is a hypothesis & how do you phrase it when you write one? • Science root: acu- • -Means sharp • Example: acupuncture- medical treatment using a series of needles • 32 points (answer 5 pts.)= 37 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #27 12/13/11 • 27. What is an independent and a dependent variable? Are these necessary for an experiment and why? • Science root: agri- • -Means field • Example: agriculture- growing crops in a field/ farming • 33 points (answer 5 pts.)= 38 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #28 12/14/11 • 28. What is the proper unit of measurement for each of the following items: • A. A handful of birdseed • B. Half a glass of water • C. The length of the room • D. The volume of a box • Science root: urb- • -Means city • Example: urban- highly populated area with • in a city • 53 points (answer 5 pts.)= 58 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #29 1/3/12 • 29. What are and what causes surface currents in the ocean? • Science root: trem- • -Means tremble • Example: tremor- shaking or vibrating • 24 points (answer 5 pts.)= 29 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #30 1/4/12 • 30. What is the difference between the current flow in the Northern Hemisphere vs. the Southern Hemisphere? What is the boundary between them? • Science root: zo- • -Means animal or living being • Example: zoo- place where animals live • 40 points (answer 5 pts.)= 45 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #31 1/5/12 • 31. What is an El Nino and why is it important to ocean life? • Science root: vulner- • -Means wound • Example: vulnerable- to wound/hurt one’s feelings or physical being • 32 points (answer 5 pts.)= 37 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #32 1/9/12 • 32. Explain why the surface water is cooler off the coast of California compared to the surface water off the coast of South Carolina? • Science root: sil- • -Means quiet or still • Example: silence- absence of sound • 38 points (answer 5 pts.)= 43 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #33 1/10/12 • 33. Explain what the difference is between a spring tide and a neap tide. • Science root: hemi- • -Means half • Example: hemisphere- half of a spherical shape • 29 points (answer 5 pts.)= 34 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #34 1/11/12 • 34. A surfer wants to catch the biggest waves possible. Would he want to go far out from shore or stay closer to shore and explain your reasoning. • Science root: hal- • -Means breathe • Example: inhale- to breathe in • 41 points (answer 5 pts.)= 46 pts. Total
Bell Ringer #35 1/12/12 • 34. Describe how molecules of water move in a wave and what causes the wave to break. • Science root: phalang- • -Means finger bones • Example: phalanges- the fingers on your hands • 33 points (answer 5 pts.)= 38 pts. Total