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The Rzędowa Rock. It is placed on the north-east of Bzów, near the paved path leading to Kidów. There , a large rock is situated called the Rzędowa Rock.
Itisplaced on thenorth-east of Bzów, near thepavedpathleading to Kidów. There, a large rock issituatedcalledthe Rzędowa Rock.
Thepreliminary researchesconducted by B. Muzolfbetween3rdSeptember- 5th October 1991 confirmed thatthereis a lot of archaeological material to be found in the area of the about 3 ha. The biggestcluster of it was located to the south-east of the rock.Themonumentsweresaid to be fromthe Hallstatt Period, the LusatianCulture and the Middle Ages (XIII-XIV c.). Theopenarea of 120 squaremeters was examinedaltogetherand a little survey was conducted in one of thecaves being under the rock.
In the course of the excavation work three objects were allocated. The firstwere theremains of the cottages of a framework structure, without traces of the fire pit. Theonlythingthatprovesthisfactistheshallow, pit intheshape of rectangle filled up with grey humus in which the large cluster of fragments was found. The second object,whichfunctionisstillunknown, was perhaps a part of the mentioned cottage. The third object is an extensive, quite narrow areawhichresemble the letter „L” inshape. In its range two centres of ceramics were locatedtogether with thepellets of self-madeclayfloor.
The Legend of Rzędowa rock Between villages of Bzów and Karlinthereisthe Rzędowa Rock. There is a small caveinthe rock- it is an interesting tunnel long for 40 meters. According to local people a kind of devilcalled Licho livedthere. When people weregoing to work early in the morning in Bzów’s quarry they were strayedin the fog, were late for work ordid not go to workatall. When a cross was placed on the top of the rock theevilspiritsweregone. It is necessary here to emphasize the factthat the cross was placedthereonlyseven years ago so intheage of thecapitalism. In thecommunist era theevilspiritsledthepeopleawayfromwork,usuallystraightintothelocal bar!
Other legend says that there was no evil spiritatall and thetunnelislinkedwiththe Ogrodzieniec Castlewhichisclearlyvisiblefromthethe Rzędowa Rock. „If somebody doesn't believe thencheckit" - this iswhatlocalssay. Also, thecomplex of rocksis a nice place to checkoneself’sclimbingskills.