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Electricity production Location = Narita Angle on roof = 26.6 degree

Japanese Business Case Residential house. Electricity production Location = Narita Angle on roof = 26.6 degree Production variable every month Estimated production = 5 667 kWh/year = 1286 liter of fuel/year = 1782 kg CO2/year = 127 trees planted

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Electricity production Location = Narita Angle on roof = 26.6 degree

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  1. Japanese Business Case Residential house Electricity production Location = Narita Angle on roof = 26.6 degree Production variable every month Estimated production = 5 667 kWh/year = 1286 liter of fuel/year = 1782 kg CO2/year = 127 trees planted 20% own consumption – electricity price = 22.86 JPY/kWh 80% sold on network – special feed-in-tariff = 42 JPY/kWh From 2013 April 1st = 37.8 JPY/kWh Gain = 216 321 JPY / year (Mitsubishi Panels) Installation cost 24 panels x 212 W/panel = 5088 Wpeak total Cost of panel only <100 JPY/Wpeak Subsidy – State + city = 0.3 MJPY If total cost: 450 JPY / Wpeak 2.3 MJPY  2.0 MJPY (after subsidy)  Payback = 9.2 years If total cost: 300 JPY/Wpeak  1.5 MJPY  1.2 MJPY (after subsidy)  Payback = 5.5 years

  2. BelgianBusiness Case Residential house Electricity production Location = Fernelmont, South-East Angle on roof = 35 degree Production variable every month Actual production = 4805 kWh/year Electricity = 20 EUR cent/kWh = 961 EUR/ year Green Certificate =7CV/MWh at 65 EUR/CV = 2186 EUR/year Tax reduction (ended in 2011) – gain = 4000 or 5000 EUR (Soluxtec Panels) Installation cost (2011) 20 panels x 250 W/panel = 5000 Wpeak total Cost of panel only <1 EUR/Wpeak Total cost: 3.2 EUR / Wpeak 15.9 kEUR Payback < 3 years Today cost in Belgium: 2 EUR/Wpeak System changed in Belgium = lot less advantageous in 2013

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