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Hot Topics DEC . Resource/ CoTeachers Middle and High School. Goal Setting. Improve Communication and Efficiency of Established Procedures Review Procedures to Ensure Comprehension Respond to questions. State Mandated Assessment. What is MAAS?.
Hot Topics DEC Resource/ CoTeachers Middle and High School
Goal Setting • Improve Communication and Efficiency of Established Procedures • Review Procedures to Ensure Comprehension • Respond to questions
What is MAAS? • MAAS=Modified Academic Achievement Standards Assessment • An Alternate Assessment based on Grade Level curriculum standards • Remains challenging for eligible students, but may be easier than the General Achievement Assessment • The manner in which student’s are assessed is more appropriate for this population
How is MAAS more appropriate? • Test design is specific for MAAS • Shorter Assessment • Shorter Reading Passages • Fewer Items per Content Area • Three Answer Options • Decreased Cognitive Complexity • Simplified Language • Charts, Graphs, Tables are Simplified • MAAS Specific Words Emphasized • Segments Culled to be Included with the Item • More Simplistic Print Style • Larger Print Type • Increased White Space
Eligibility Guidelines: TCAP MAAS • The student has an IEP based in the general curriculum standards. • Functionally Delayed is NOT an IDEA disability. A student with a primary disability of FD may be assessed with MAAS. However, scores will count as Non-Proficient and he will be counted as a Non-Participant for AYP purposes.
Eligibility Guidelines: TCAP MAAS • The student’s progress to date in response to appropriate instruction, including special education and related services designed to address the student’s individual needs, is such that, even if significant growth occurs, the IEP Team is reasonably certain that the student will not achieve grade-level proficiency. • The IEP Team must use multiple valid measures of student’s progress over time in making this determination.
Eligibility Guidelines: TCAP MAAS 3. The student is not eligible for TCAP-Alt PA. 4. The decision for TCAP MAAS participation is not based on a student’s disability category, racial or economic background, excessive or extended absences, or Limited English proficiency.
Eligibility Guidelines: TCAP MAAS 5. The decision for TCAP MAAS participation is based on the needs of the student and is not based upon anticipated impact on system and/or school performance scores.
Student is eligible for MAAS! What now? IEP team will determine which accommodations are appropriate per content areas. Finalized lists are due to Chris Manguso March 1, 2012.
Accommodations • Must be implemented throughout the school year on a routine basis. • Allowable • Based on individual student need and may be used by any student as necessary. • Special • Must be documented on the IEP and used consistently in the classroom
SPED Testing: Additional Information • Testing and Evaluation Site: • http://www.tn.gov/education/assessment/alt_TCAP.shtml • Chris Manguso • 321-2734 • cmanguso@scsk12.org
Alternate Based Performance Assessment (ABPA/EOC) • Who? • Any student on an active IEP • When? • APBA can be used when the score on the state EOC test results in failure of the course. • Keep in mind… • Students MUST take the State EOC first • APBA will NOT help AYP calculations • The State EOC or the APBA counts as 25% of the second semester grade.
Manifestation Determinations&IEP Placements to Alternative Settings
Manifestation Determinations • Attendance & Long-Term Suspension • Roles of ALL Participants: • To determine if conduct in question has a substantial relationship to disability • To establish whether or not the district failed to implement the student’s IEP • SPED Teacher • Will have the SPED file and “Adverse Effects” from the last psychoeducational report to read to the team to assist in determination • Administrator • States the conduct in question and disciplinary action taken –or- Provides a summary of attendance history in question • Brings to the meeting paperwork for alternative school unless obtained from parent at the time of the suspension
RAL/RAN • Alternative Learning Specialist must be invited • DEC Specialist for school must be invited • STEP/EIP • DEC Specialist for STEP must be invited • Transportation Specialist invited • IEP Placements require the agreement of the IEP team members • Require evidence of interventions attempted, implementation/revisions to the behavior plan, extensive efforts with progressive discipline and Least Restrictive Environments IEP Placements to Alternative Settings
Criteria for ESY Services • Most students receiving services in resource and/or co-teaching, would not likely require ESY to provide a FAPE. • Review the ESY Guidelines Packet if there is a question concerning the criteria for ESY. • The ESY IEP Team Review Form is included in the ESY Guideline packet that has been sent via email to clericals.
Criteria for ESY services cont. Let’s review the criteria….. • Level of support • Rate of progress • Social Emotional Behavior needs • Physical needs • Regression/recoupment after a break • Attendance
FBA/BIP • Parental consent must be obtained yearly. • IEP teams cannot just review the FBA/BIP and continue it into the next year. The behavior should change over the course of the year! • You must have both documents! The FBA identifies the problem and the BIP identifies solutions! • The behaviors identified for change must be reflected in the goals and objectives on the IEP. • Questions? Ask your SRT/Project REACH Consultant.
Crisis Documentation • Every time a period of isolation, transportation or restraint is implemented, documentation must be completed. • All persons involved in the procedure must sign the form. • Each semester a summary form along with ALL documentation forms must be sent to Joyce Keohane at DEC as requested. Totals will be sent to the state. • Only certified (CPI or PCM) staff members can implement crisis intervention procedures. • Questions? Contact Joyce Keohane or your SRT.
Crisis Management Training • Staff members should review the SCS policy 6053 concerning crisis management training and adherence to the Positive Behavior Supports Act. • Recertification for staff must occur yearly. • It is the responsibility of the staff member to keep up with their training dates and register for recertification as appropriate. • Questions? Contact Joyce Keohane (bkeohane) or your SRT.
Elementary Schools • Preschool • CoTeaching (4th-5th) • Language Arts • Math • Resource (Tier III) • FS/AFS • Middle School • CoTeaching • Language Arts • Math • Functional Skills • Resource Learning Lab (Tier III) • “Academic Exploration” used as Direct SPED Service on IEP • Taught by SPED teacher Continuum of SPED Services
Continuum of SPED Services • High School • CoTeaching • English I, II, III, IV • Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Bridge Math • Resource • Learning Lab • Algebra IA/IB • Geometry A/B • Biology A/B • FS/AFS
What options are available for students with disabilities? • Math requirements can be satisfied by: • Algebra IA/IB • Geometry A/B • Science requirements can be satisfied by: • Biology A/B • Another Lab Science • The Fine Arts and Foreign Language requirements may be waived for students who are certain they are not going to attend a university and be replaced with courses designed to enhance and expand the elective focus (career tech, etc.). • How are students with disabilities eligible for the above options? • In order to qualify for the math and science options, students must have a documented disability in reading and/or math. • If students choose the options in math and science, how will this impact their options before and after graduation? • SPED students utilizing the Algebra A/B and/or Biology A/B options will graduate with a regular high school diploma. • SPED students utilizing the Algebra A/B and/or Biology A/B options may not satisfy the admission requirements for a four-year college/university. • SPED students utilizing the Algebra A/B and/or Biology A/B options may be eligible for admission to a two-year college, technical school or military. TNDP: Programming Options
Transition • 2013 graduates will be surveyed by TNDOE on his or her involvement in transition activities (Compliance Indicator 14). • Implications for teachers • Have meaningful transition planning discussions with students during his or her annual IEP meeting • Follow through on transition activities • Utilize Summary of Performance to educate seniors on his or her disability and strategies for self-advocacy.
Standards-Based IEPs • What is a Standards-based IEP? Historically IEPs have focused on a student’s acquisition of basic academic or functional skills and have had little if any relationship to a specific academic area or grade-level expectations. In contrast, the process used to develop a standards-based IEP is directly tied to the state’s content standards. Both the student’s present level of performance (often referred to as “PLOP”) and the annual IEP goals are aligned with the state’s grade-level standards, creating a plan that is aimed at getting the student to a proficient level on all state standards.
Present Level of PerformanceStep One: • Every IEP begins with the development of a statement describing the student’s current levels of academic achievement and functional performance - the ‘PLOP’. • The PLOP should : Identify the skills and knowledge the student has already attained relative to grade-level standards. This should be a short narrative statement. • Remember – initial IEP includes all areas assessed. Yearly IEPs should include only current exceptional areas. Pre- voc MUST be addressed on every IEP until student ages into Transition age requirement of 14.
Present Level of Performance –where to pull from • The PLOP identifies specific levels of achievement in areas such as: • Reading • Math • Behavior Social/Emotional • Vocational or Pre-Vocational Skills • Functional Skills • PLOPs can be Multiple Measures: • Curriculum/Standards • Based Formative • Assessment Tests (ThinkLink, Discovery Education, TCAP...) • Descriptive - Skill • Checklists (pre-voc and voc) • AND • Norm Referenced Tests (e.g., WJ-III, KTEA, Goldman Fristoe, Brigance, ABBLS)
Reminders: • Annual goals and objectives will be created for all areas marked as exceptional in the PLOP • Do not write a PLOP for Cognitive Processing or Intellectual Functioning • Teacher observation can not be a stand alone assessment source
Step 2:Standard Aligned Goals Every goal must relate to a need identified in the PLOP. • Annual goals are written only in areas that directly affect involvement and progress in the general education curriculum resulting from the student’s disability. • Therefore, science and social studies should no longer be separate areas of need under goals & objectives, since those areas do not directly relate to a need identified in the PLOP. • In many cases, if needed, a science or social studies objective would be directly tied to the specific skill deficits (i.e., reading or mathematics) that impact mastery of a standard. Example: Annual goal (Reading Comprehension): Karen will use active comprehension strategies to analyze text for fact and opinion, cause-effect, inferences, and conclusions. Objective (Science): Given evidence from a dataset, Karen will determine cause and effect relationships that explain a phenomenon with 80% accuracy as measured by standard tests, teacher tests, and observations.
Annual Goals 3 critical elements of ANNUAL GOAL: • 1. The student ...(WHO – use a name not “The Student”) • 2. Will do what ... (the BEHAVIOR or SKILL) • 3. Under what conditions... (Specific SITUATION - not a percentage)
Here is an example of an annual reading goal that contains all of the 3critical elements: • Grade Level Expectation • GLE 0201.1.2 Employ a variety of strategies to decode words and expand vocabulary. • Jacob will increase his basic reading skills in the areas of fluency and decoding through various guided reading activities. • Jacob will increase his comprehension skills by employing a variety of strategies to decode words and expand vocabulary using printed text. • This means YOU will have to edit the EasyIEP goals !!! Take care to remove the GLE number as it may imply the student will function on grade level within a year.
Step 3:Writing Objectives • The Sequential Steps Needed to Master the Grade-Level Annual Goal Prioritized by the Student’s Individual Need • Ask Yourself: What skills must this student learn in order to become proficient on the annual goal(s)? • What access skills related to the annual goal must this student learn? • What growth and progress can be reasonably expected of this student in the coming year? • Will the expected growth and rate of progress close the achievement gap for this student? • Remember - not perfection, but progress toward mastery. • http://www.state.tn.us/education/curriculum.shtml
Example John will correctly use mathematical language, symbols, and definitions while developing mathematical reasoning. • Select in objectives in EASYIEP: 0206.3.1 –Given rules, John will complete tables to reveal both arithmetic and geometric patterns at a proficiency rate of 80% to be measured by standardized and teacher-made test. • 0606.3.6 –John will use equations to describe simple relationships shown in a table or graph at a proficiency rate of 80% to be measured by standardized and teacher-made test. • Customize or edit Objectives (to individualize more): 0206.3.1 - John will complete tables in order to determine geometric patterns at a proficiency rate of 80% to be measured by standardized and teacher-made test. • 0606.3.6 - John will use equations to describe simple relations shown in a table or graph at a proficiency rate of 80% to be measured by standardized and teacher-made test.
Last Step- Monitor Progress • Assess and report the student’s progress reports through-out the year – on the same schedule as report cards. Progress monitoring is conducted in order to track the student’s progress and make needed adjustments throughout the year. • BE PROACTIVE – address issues as they arise. • Do not blindly click number ”3” – “progress made and objective expected to be master at year end”. • You are accountable for documenting student skill acquisition accurately. Utilize this process to proactively assess the formative state of student’s learning – adjusting as needed.