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E-Detailing. March 2007 Conference. Agenda – Conference Training. Introduction to e-detailing Proscape Software training Introduction to detail aids Round Robins. Agenda – Regional Meeting Training. Skills Drills Basic Intermediate Advanced Round Robin Group Presentation Skills
E-Detailing March 2007 Conference
Agenda – Conference Training • Introduction to e-detailing • Proscape Software training • Introduction to detail aids • Round Robins Julie Lawson
Agenda – Regional Meeting Training • Skills Drills • Basic • Intermediate • Advanced • Round Robin Group Presentation Skills • Best practice and top tips Julie Lawson
Introduction • Research into effectiveness • Training outcomes Julie Lawson
Effectiveness • Is e-detailing going to work? Julie Lawson
The Research Groups Julie Lawson
Access • Will e-detailing have an impact on access? Julie Lawson
Will Access be affected? • Access • Participants reported no change in physician access • Many Wyeth reps reported a better “total office call” 80% 12% Field Survey Likelihood to See a Rep Carrying the Tablet Over One Who Did Not • Majority of HCPs interviewed reported that they’re no more likely to see a rep because they are carrying a tablet • One-third of HCPs indicated they are more likely to see a rep with a tablet More Likely to See Rep with Tablet No MoreLikely to SeeRep withTablet (Apdx A, 13) (n=46) Julie Lawson
Duration of calls • Will it take longer to detail customers? Julie Lawson
Will call duration be affected? • Call Duration • Participants were getting more time initially • Subsequent calls returned to baseline 51% 27% 16% Field Survey • 61% of HCPs perceived no change in length of the detail Length of Tablet Detail Relative to Traditional Detail More TimeThan Usual Same Amount of Time asUsual Less TimeThan Usual (n=46) (Apdx A, 14) Julie Lawson
Multiple product details • How will this affect 2nd and 3rd product details? Julie Lawson
Efficiency in the call • Quality of Details • Many participants reported improved efficiency within the allotted call time: • Quickly able to respond to questions • Getting in more messages 37% 31% 43% 33% 18% 12% 14% 8% Field Survey Field Survey • Secondary / tertiary product details • Participants have reported an improved ability to bridge to 2nd and 3rd products 35% 33% 16% 14% Julie Lawson Field Survey
Impact on Customers • What is the overall impact on customers? Julie Lawson
Impact • Impact to Detail • Participants perceived that SWI had more impact on their HCPs than paper materials 49% 24% 16% 10% Field Survey Overall Comparison of Tablet Details to Past Details Without a Tablet Better • 65% of HCPs felt that details with SWI were better than past details without a Tablet PC Same Worse Julie Lawson (Apdx A, 12) (n=46)
Customer perception • Is e-detailing acceptable to customers? Julie Lawson
Is the tool accepted by customers and sales reps? HCP Acceptance • HCPs who were detailed with SWI generally rated tablet details higher than recent details without a tablet Comparison of Electronic Tablet Detail to Traditional Detail on Each Measure Test: Recall Tablet (n=46) Electronic Tablet = Worse (1 -3 Rating)* Electronic Tablet = Better (7 -9 Rating)* Clarity of the information being presented Amount of information available to the rep Efficiency with which the detail was conducted Ability of the presentation to hold your interest Ability of the rep to focus on issues of specific concernto you/relevance to your practice Amount of new information/learning that you tookaway from detail Ability of the rep to answer questions/concerns Overall value of the experience (Apdx A, 16) Julie Lawson *1 - 9 scale used where "1" meant that the tablet detail was "much worse" and "9" meant "much better."
Training Outcomes • Be able to open and close Proscape • Be able to open single and multiple detail aids • Be able to update Proscape Julie Lawson
Opening and Closing Proscape Julie Lawson
Opening Proscape • Double Tap Proscape Icon • Or push the Esc button • Pushing the Esc button looks more professional. Julie Lawson
Opening a detail Julie Lawson
Tap here to start a detail. Blue text shows that the detail has previously been opened. Green text shows that the detail has not been opened. Julie Lawson
Closing a detail Tap on the Actions button to open up this menu. Tap onto Exit to shut down Proscape. Tap on Exit to Start Page to close the detail and return to the home page in Proscape Julie Lawson
Multiple Product Details Tap the box to the left of the products to be detailed. The numbers in brackets denote the order in which the products will be presented. Julie Lawson
The Reload Button • This is the reload button • Remember to tap this button after you have finished practicing a detail Julie Lawson
Navigating through the details Tap on the tabs at the foot of the detail aid to move from one section to another Tapping again on a tab will show any related content for a section which can be displayed by tapping on the subject you want e.g. Dosage and administration. Julie Lawson
Holding the Tablet • How would you use the tablet pc in the following sales situations? • Face to face calls in consulting room. • Small group presentations (less than 4 people, no projector). • Larger group presentations with projector • Short encounters in e.g. corridors • Think about environmental factors which may affect how you use the tablet pc to detail. Julie Lawson
S.O.Ps • The tablet pc must be charged up overnight, every night to ensure maximum battery power for the following days activity. • Updates must be carried out 3 times per week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This will ensure you have the most up-to-date detail aids to present. Julie Lawson
Updating the Detail Aids Julie Lawson
The Updating Process The updating process performs updates to your detail aids; it will delete withdrawn detail aids, add in new information to existing detail aids, and will also upload any new detail aids. This process MUST be carried out 3 times a week; on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Failure to update will mean possible breaches of withdrawal FoU’s, and will lock Proscape to stop any detail aids being viewed. The process usually only takes around 2 min to complete. Julie Lawson
Firstly, connect to the network via either broadband VPN or PAL dial-up. Then, in the Proscape Start Page, click Offline Mode, then Check for Updates. Julie Lawson
Enter your password (this will be the same as your password that turns on your Tablet PC, i.e. ff+payroll number), then click Next. Julie Lawson
Proscape will now log onto the system and check for any necessary processes to perform. Julie Lawson
Once the checking process has finished, click Next. Julie Lawson
Proscape will now perform the update process. To allow the process to complete, please do not open and use other programmes during this process. Julie Lawson
Once the Update has finished, click Close to return to the Proscape Start page. Julie Lawson
Detail Aid Familiarisation Julie Lawson
Detail Aid Familiarisation • Look at each page of your detail aids • Locate all the pop-ups, expanding graphs, and references etc. • Use the product scenarios to help you visualise how you will use the e-detail aids. Julie Lawson
Round Robin Sessions • Each product will be detailed in a round robin. • Think about questions which should be asked on each page. Julie Lawson
Agenda – Regional Meeting Training • Skills Drills • Basic • Intermediate • Advanced • Round Robin Group Presentation Skills • Best practice and top tips Julie Lawson
Skills Drills • Review basics skills • Opening and closing Proscape • Opening detail aid/s • Navigation • Closing detail/s • The Reload button Julie Lawson
Intermediate Skills Drills • Use the Intermediate Role Plays • Delegates to be grouped into twos • Each delegate to complete one detail each, swapping roles. Julie Lawson
Advanced Skills Drills • Use the Advanced Skills role plays • Delegates to be grouped into different pairs • Competency checklists to be completed by the “listening” delegate. Julie Lawson
Top Tips and Possible Issues • Your opportunity to share top tips • Possible issues • Completion of QSE20 forms. Julie Lawson
Technical Difficulties • If your tablet pc breaks down, is lost/stolen you must inform the I.T. Helpdesk immediately • If you have any “how do I” questions, please contact your I.T. Trainer; • North – Fraser Drummond (VPN 891402) • Midlands – Julie Lawson (VPN 891163) • South – Ruth Irvine (VPN 891288) Julie Lawson