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Public Perceptions Survey: Modesto Quality of Life Evaluation

Recently conducted survey by FM3 Research for The Lew Edwards Group, assessing Modesto residents' views on quality of life, financial management, city services, and revenue options.

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Public Perceptions Survey: Modesto Quality of Life Evaluation

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  1. Project Objectives & Results • A recently commissioned project of The Lew Edwards Group--with survey research conducted by FM3 Research--evaluated public perceptions in the City of Modesto on quality of life issues, financial management, attitudes toward city services and customer satisfaction levels, including assessing potential revenue options. • We are pleased to inform you that your respondents hold positive views about the quality of life in Modesto and that viable revenue options exist, should the City need them.

  2. Methodology • Telephone survey of 400 randomly-selected City of Modesto residents • Interviews were conducted via landline and cell phones, and in English and Spanish • Survey was conducted May 6-8, 2013 • The margin of sampling error is +/-4.9% at the 95% confidence level • Margins of error for population subgroups will be higher • Some percentages do not sum to 100% due to rounding

  3. Key Findings • Most feel largely positive about life in Modesto – and Modesto City government. • Chief among those concerns are public safety – particularly drugs and gangs – and the local economy. • 75% feel the City has “great” or “some” need for additional funding, and most would prefer to see additional funding prioritized for public safety services and economic programs. • Should the Council be interested in revenue generation, viable options exist at this time.

  4. Life in Modesto

  5. Close to two-thirds say that the overall quality of life in Modesto is “Excellent” or “Good”—something to be proud of. And how would you rate the overall quality of life in Modesto? TotalExcellent/Good65% TotalOnly Fair/ Poor35% Q2.

  6. A plurality of respondents feel the City is headed in the “right direction…” • Would you say that things in the City of Modesto are generally headed in the right direction or are they pretty seriously off on the wrong track? Q1.

  7. …and an overwhelming percentage feel their neighborhoods are headed in the right direction. • Would you say that things in your neighborhood are generally headed in the right direction or are they pretty seriously off on the wrong track? Q1.

  8. Attitudes Towards Modesto City Government

  9. Of the City/local services evaluated, police and fire services are viewed most favorably. 3. I am going to read you a list of a few community services and organizations that are a part of Modesto’s City government. Please tell me if you think they are doing an excellent, good, only fair or poor job.

  10. Service Ratings (continued) 3. I am going to read you a list of a few community services and organizations that are a part of Modesto’s City government. Please tell me if you think they are doing an excellent, good, only fair or poor job.

  11. One-third of respondents have had contact with a Modesto City employee in the past two years. Have you had any direct contact, either in person or by telephone, with an employee or employees of a Modesto City government department over the past two years? Q10.

  12. Of those who have had contact with a City employee recently, a sizeable majority are satisfied with the experience. 11. Were you satisfied or dissatisfied with the ___________ by the Modesto city employee or employees with whom you had contact?

  13. Community Concerns & Challenges

  14. Drug, gangs and the economy are seen as the most pressing issues facing Modesto. 7. I'd like to read you some problems facing the City of Modesto that other people have mentioned. Please tell me whether you think it is an extremely serious problem, a very serious problem, a somewhat serious problem, or not too serious a problem in Modesto. Split Sample

  15. Two-thirds are very worried about home burglaries and police service cuts. 7. I'd like to read you some problems facing the City of Modesto that other people have mentioned. Please tell me whether you think it is an extremely serious problem, a very serious problem, a somewhat serious problem, or not too serious a problem in Modesto. Split Sample

  16. Tree trimming, traffic congestion and water quality are not seen as top concerns. 7. I'd like to read you some problems facing the City of Modesto that other people have mentioned. Please tell me whether you think it is an extremely serious problem, a very serious problem, a somewhat serious problem, or not too serious a problem in Modesto. Split Sample

  17. Views on City Budgetary Needs

  18. Three-quarters feel the City of Modesto has “great” or “some” need for additional funding. Would you say that to provide essential services, the City of Modesto has a great need for additional funding, some need, a little need, or no real need for additional funding? TotalGreat/Some Need75% TotalLittle/No Need17% Q8.

  19. Strong majorities would like to see any additional funding spent on public safety or business attraction services. 12. I am going to read you a list of specific services and programs and that could be improved or expanded upon if funding were available. Please tell me how important it is to you personally: extremely important, very important, somewhat important, or not too important. Split Sample

  20. Many would also like to see funds spent putting more police officers on City streets and restoring police officer positions. 12. I am going to read you a list of specific services and programs and that could be improved or expanded upon if funding were available. Please tell me how important it is to you personally: extremely important, very important, somewhat important, or not too important. Split Sample

  21. Majorities would also like to see funds spent on road repairs and helping at-risk youth. 12. I am going to read you a list of specific services and programs and that could be improved or expanded upon if funding were available. Please tell me how important it is to you personally: extremely important, very important, somewhat important, or not too important. Split Sample

  22. Park maintenance, graffiti removal and school police officers are comparatively lower budget priorities. 12. I am going to read you a list of specific services and programs and that could be improved or expanded upon if funding were available. Please tell me how important it is to you personally: extremely important, very important, somewhat important, or not too important. Split Sample

  23. Few see expanding airport services, hiring private security or creating more bike lanes as high priorities. 12. I am going to read you a list of specific services and programs and that could be improved or expanded upon if funding were available. Please tell me how important it is to you personally: extremely important, very important, somewhat important, or not too important. Split Sample

  24. Close to three-quarters would prefer to enact new revenue rather than cut City services to increase public safety funding. I am going to read you two different approaches the City could take to increase funding for police and fire protection. Please tell me which you would prefer the City to pursue. OR Q9.

  25. Potential Revenue Options

  26. Survey respondents were asked about two conceptual revenue measures: A one-half cent Special Purpose sales tax dedicated to public safety (Two-thirds vote threshold) A one centGeneral Purpose sales tax (Majority vote threshold)

  27. Though both measures are viable, the General Purpose measure has a greater margin for error relative to their respective vote thresholds. One-half Cent Public Safety (2/3s vote requirement) One Cent General Purpose (simple majority req.) TotalYes60% TotalYes71% +10% above vote threshold +4% above vote threshold TotalNo39% TotalNo29% 4/5. If there were an election today, do you think you would vote “yes” in favor of this measure or “no” to oppose it?

  28. Key Demographic Trends • Majorities of all major demographic groups (e.g., gender, age, partisan affiliation, and ethnicity) support both measures. • Additionally, majorities of respondents from each City Council District also support both measures. • However, support for the one-half cent special purpose measure (dedicated to public safety) falls short of the two-thirds vote threshold in some demographic categories.

  29. After three ballot tests, support for the general purpose measure remains high… One cent City of Modesto Public Safety and Essential Services Measure Total Yes Total No Majority Vote Threshold (50%) Undecided 5 Totaland 14/16-Split Sample D. If there were an election today, do you think you would vote “yes” in favor of this measure or “no” to oppose it?

  30. …as does support for the public safety measure. One-half cent City of Modesto Public Safety/Crime Reduction Measure Total Yes Two-thirds Vote Threshold (66.66%) Total No Undecided 4 Total and 14/16-Split Sample C. If there were an election today, do you think you would vote “yes” in favor of this measure or “no” to oppose it?

  31. Consultant Conclusions & Recommendations

  32. Conclusions • Your constituents feel that the City overall--and their neighborhood—are headed in the right direction. They value their quality of life. • For those who have been in direct touch with City Staff, they are satisfied—a great finding. • Significant percentages believe the City needs additional funding, and are willing to support a revenue measure, provided that a sunset is included. • Constituent priorities for funding include public safety, jobs and economic development programs. • Should the City desire additional revenue, we recommend that you place a one-cent General Purpose measure on the Nov. 2013 Ballot. By law, such a measure can only be placed on a regularly scheduled municipal election.

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