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Erode. Antonyms & synonyms. Definition . Erode- To diminish or destroy by degrees. Promote . Encourage . Erode antonyms. Nurture . Make welcome. Bite. Corrode . Erode Synonyms. Nibble . Abrade . T he teeth were eroding with cavity’s. Persist
Erode Antonyms & synonyms
Definition Erode- To diminish or destroy by degrees
Promote Encourage Erode antonyms Nurture Make welcome
Bite Corrode Erode Synonyms Nibble Abrade
Persist (v.) to continue steadily in a course of action, refuse to stop on be changed; to last, remain
Continue Preserve Persist Synonyms Keep at it Endure
Cease Quit Persist Antonyms Leave Give Up
Despite stern warnings from their doctor, the brothers persist in their bad habits.
GRAPHIC • (Adj.) lifelike, vivid; relating to the pictorial arts.
Lively Colorful Graphic Synonyms Descriptive
Dull Boring Graphic Antonyms Unrealistic Colorless
Quibble Define ,The general use of such arguments
Shift Ambiguity Quibblesynonyms sophism Evasion
Entice (V.) to attract, tempt
Lure Beguile Synonyms Attract Turn On
Disgust Repel Antonyms Dissuade Repulse
Stifle (v)To smother, prevent from breathing; to hold back or choke off By Christina white
Strangle nurture Synonyms/antonyms suppress promote snuff encourage
Approver Endores Synonyms uphold sanction
repeal veto antonyms cancel annul
“Flounder” (v.) To thrash about in a clumsy or ineffective way.
Wallow Struggle Flounder -Synonyms Muddle Waver
Flounder -Antonyms
puny (adj.) of less than normal strength or size; of no importance
Undersides Pint-sized Synonyms Small Weak
Robust Brawny Antonyms Mammoth Gigantic
regal Regal by; Jada Adj; royal, kinglike, fit for a king
majestic stately synonyms august princely
abject lowly antonyms humble servile
The two families pooled their resources togive the brideand groomatrulyregalwedding.
Raniah Unit 9 vocabulary word art Parch{v.} to make dry and thirsty: to shrivel with heat Synonyms; Dry up, dehydrate, desiccate Antonyms; Soak, Drench, saturate, waterlog
Dryup Synonms dehydrate desiccate
Soak Drench Antonyms Waterlog Saturate
accidental haphazard synonyms offhand
Word Art By Christian Jones
Definition for Ordeal • (n.)A difficult or painful experience, a trial
Test Hardship Synonyms for Ordeal Nightmare Trial