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IMPERIALISM. WHAT IS IMPERIALISM. Imperialism – Extending a nation’s power over other lands. TYPES OF IMPERIALISM. 3 Main Types: Colony – territory governed by a foreign power Protectorate – territory has own government but it is controlled by foreign power
WHAT IS IMPERIALISM • Imperialism – Extending a nation’s power over other lands
TYPES OF IMPERIALISM • 3 Main Types: • Colony – territory governed by a foreign power • Protectorate – territory has own government but it is controlled by foreign power • Sphere of Influence – territory in which a foreign power has exclusive political and economic rights over
REASONS FOR IMPERIALISM • Why do nations become Imperialists? • Technology: • Huge militaryboom in weapons gave huge tactical advantage over others • Weakening of old empires in Central and Eastern Asia • Regions could not fend of the more powerful nations • Nations in the region wanted money to survive • Revolutionary groups in these regions got support from major world powers in exchange for giving up control • Social Darwinism – belief that only the most fit survive = most advanced • Led major world powers to see themselves as better because of advancements and more fit to survive • Played a major role in Africa being taken as well as the division of China
REACTION TO IMPERIALISM • How did nations who were taken respond? • Led to open revolutions against those who allowed the foreign powers to come in • SepoyMutiny - India • Boxer Rebellion – China • Boer Wars – South Africa • Zulu Resistance – Central Africa • Menelik’sResistance – Ethiopia • Some embraced it and were changed by it to allow their culture to survive. • Japan – allowed trade, but also quickly industrialized and became the power nation in Eastern Asia – surpassed China • Nations used it to gain independence • Cuba, Mexico, and the Caribbean Islands all gained independence as a result of U.S. Imperialism • All were protected by U.S. • Some become strategic strong points for power nations – brought in foreign armies • Egypt – Suez Canal • Panama – Panama Canal • Hawaii and Pacific Islands – Coal stops for large navies
OUTCOMES OF IMPERIALISM • World was divided up between powerful industrialized nations – great conflict and tension • Europe becomes very divided between rival countries – all build larger armies to defend foreign lands and homelands • Loss of culture in some conquered territories • Areas were stripped of all resources and wealth • Created a lasting resentment between the rest of the world and Europe/United States • Immense wealth for Europe and the U.S. • Rapid industrialization of Japan – becomes a global power