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INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION (ILO). Prof. Hiteshwari Jadeja. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND THE PHILADELPHIA CHARATER . Labour is not a commodity. Freedom of expression and of association are essential to sustained progress,
FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND THE PHILADELPHIA CHARATER • Labour is not a commodity. • Freedom of expression and of association are essential to sustained progress, • Poverty anywhere constitutes danger to prosperity everywhere, • The war against want requires to be carried on with unrelenting vigour within each nation…with a view to the promotion of common welfare.
Objectives of the ILO ILO has been “attempting to promote world- wide respect for the freedom and dignity of the working men and to create conditions in which that freedom and dignity can be more fully and effectively enjoyed.” • Full employment and the raising of standards of living, • Employment of workers in the occupation in which they can have satisfaction and measure of their skill and make their contribution to the common well being. • Provide a facilities for training and the transfer of labour, including migration for employment and settlement. • Policies in regard to wages and earnings bonus and other conditions of work.
5. The extension of social security measures to provide a basic income to all in need of such protection and comprehensive medical care 6. Adequate protection for the life and health of workers in all occupations, 7. Provision for child welfare and maternity protection, 8. The effective recognition for the right of collective bargaining, the cooperation of labour and management. 9. The provision of adequate nutrition, housing and maternity protection, 10. The assurance of equality of educational and vocational opportunity.
International labour office International Labour conference Structure of the ILO Governing body Representatives of the (a)Governments (b)Employers (c)Workers in the Ratio of 2:1:1 (1)Examines social problems. (2)Adopts convention for ratification by Government (3)It is the electoral college of the conference that elect the government body.
International labour Conference • It is composed of four delegates: 2 from Government, 1 representative of Employer, 1 representative of Employee • The ILO organizes the International Labour Conference in Geneva every year in June • Examines social problems and • Adopts conventions for ratification by Governments • It is the electoral college of the conference that elects the governing Body. • When questions specially affecting women are to be considered, at least one of the advisors to be a women.
Functions of ILC • To formulate International Labour Standards. • To fix amount of contribution by the member states. • To decide the expenditure budgeted estimated proposed by the Director General and submitted to the Governing Body • To consider the report of the Director General giving labour problems and assist in their solution. • To select once in 3years members of the Governing body • To elect its President • To appoint committees to deal with different matters.
Governing Body • Representatives of the • Government • Employers • Workers in the ratio 2:1:1 • At present composed of 56 members: • 28 – Government, 14 – employers, 14- employees • Of the 28 government seats, 10 are permanently allotted. • The period of office of the Governing body is 3 years. • The Governing body is required to elect from its members a Chairman and two Vice-Chairman.
Governing Body • It meets three times a year, in March, June and November. • It takes decisions on ILO policy, decides the agenda of the International Labour Conference, adopts the draft Programme and Budget of the Organization for submission to the Conference, and elects the Director-General.
International Labour Office • It acts as a secretariat, a world information centre and a publishing house. • The administrative head of ILO is its Director General • The staff of the IL Office are appointed by the Director General.
Functions of International Labour Office • The collection and distribution of information on all subjects relating to industrial life and labour. • To Prepare documents on various items of agenda for the meeting • To assist government in forming legislations on the basis of the decisions of ILC • To carry out its functions related to the observance of the conventions. • Edit and issue publications dealing with problems of industry
CONVENTIONS AND RECOMMENDATION One of the principle function of the International LabourOrganisation is to secure international minimum social and labour standard . Recommendation adopted by the International Labour Conference by at least 2/3 rd of the delegates present at the Conference. The conference decides whether these resolutions will take a form of a Convention or a Recommendation. Thus Convention or a Recommendations are the instruments for creating and establishing international minimum social and labour standards. Ratification: The confirmation or adoption of an act that has already been performed. Conventions & Ratifications Recommendations
MAJOR ACTIVITIES OF ILO The most outstanding technique running common to the various activity of ILO is the adopted of international standards. Convention and recommendation are the main instrument for setting international standards. 1. Creation of international standards or labour An important activity of ILO is the creation of international standards of labour on various labour and social matters.
2. Employment promotion ILO assist countries in the pursuit of higher levels of productive employment. The efforts of ILO in this regard comprise: exploring the short and long term employment effect of alternative development strategies , aiding the functioning of labour markets, addressing the employment, income and organizational requirements of the workforce, encouraging productivity in formal and informal sectors, etc. 3. Collection and distribution of information and publication The ILO collects information on a global basis on a wide variety of social and labour subjects and makes them available to the member countries.
4. Research and Studies Numerous researches and studies relating to labour and social issues have been completed under ILO and their results published. The areas covered are IR, social security, working conditions, industrial safety and health. 5. Training The Human Resource Development convention (no.142),19 75 requires the ratifying country to adopt and develop policies and programmers and utilize their vocational proficiency in their own interest and according to their aspiration. It deals with guidance and training in management functions and self-employment.
6. Improvement of Working Conditions and Working Environment ILO adopts various means of actions for improving various conditions and working environment. 7. Development of social institution The ILOs programmes relate to : development of workers and employers organization improvement in labour legislation and industrial relation , workers education , labour administration , co-operative and rural institutions. 8. Other Activities Other activities include promotion of universal respect for observance of human rights and rights at work, undertaking regional programmes, establishment of Industrial committees, special programs for handicapped group of workers and establishing collaborations with other international organizations.