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Instructions to prepare a poster for the BBAA VI international colloquium on bluff bodies aerodynamics & applications Name1 Surname1*, Name2 Surname2† and Name3 Surname3† * First Affiliation, City, Country; †Second Affiliation, City, Country.

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  1. Instructions to prepare a poster for the BBAA VI international colloquium on bluff bodies aerodynamics & applications Name1 Surname1*, Name2 Surname2† and Name3 Surname3† *First Affiliation, City, Country; †Second Affiliation, City, Country Authors invited to present a poster at BBAA VI should follow the instructions provided by this poster template. The poster must be written in English. The boards measure approximately A0 format (120cm high x 84cm wide). TITLE The title should be written centered, in 67 pt, boldface Arial. It should be single spaced if the title is more than one line long. AUTHORS The name of each author should include first name, middle initial and surname. It should be written centered, in 39 pt boldface Arial, 32 pt below the title. AFFILIATIONS Affiliations should be written centered, in 39 pt, italic Arial. Title, authors and affiliations should be included into a box, 11 cm high and 82 cm wide, at 1 cm from the left margin. The box should be contoured by a black line, 1 point thick. HEADINGS AND TEXT The main headings should be written centered, in 44 pt, boldface and using all capital Arial letters. The main headings should be included within a box, 2.5 cm high per 82 cm wide, at 1 cm from the left margin of the poster. SECONDARY HEADINGS Secondary headings should be written left aligned, 28 pt, boldface using all capital Arial letters. There should be a 8 pt space before the secondary headings. TEXT The text should be written single-spaced, justified, using 28 pt Arial. Secondary headings and text should be included within a box, 82 cm wide, at 1 cm from the left margin of the poster. FIGURES AND EQUATIONS Figures, equations and tables can be included within the poster. Equations should be written in 28 pt Arial, boldface. CWC CONCLUSIONS

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