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WCF Extensibility. Scott Reed Owner - Brain Hz Software scott@brainhzsoftware.com Instructor – DevelopMentor scottr@develop.com. WCF Design Goal. To be the single best way of getting any two pieces of software to communicate under any circumstances (assuming at least one is .NET).
WCF Extensibility Scott Reed Owner - Brain Hz Software scott@brainhzsoftware.com Instructor – DevelopMentor scottr@develop.com
WCF Design Goal • To be the single best way of getting any two pieces of software to communicate under any circumstances (assuming at least one is .NET)
Extensibility in a nutshell • WCF doesn’t support everything out of the box • When a limitation is reached WCF can still be used by adding or replacing a specific piece of the framework • (Almost) everything can be extended • Infinitely flexible = more difficult than it needs to be
Client Service C C C C C B B B B B A A A A A Service
Client Code parameters Service Type parameters Service Model Layer Client Runtime Dispatcher Runtime Channel Channel Channel Channel Transport Channel byte[] Channel Layer Transport Channel byte[] Encoder Encoder
ServiceHost ChannelDispatcher EndpointDispatcher DispatchRuntime DispatchOperation ChannelStack IChannel(Protocol) IChannel (Protocol) IChannel (Transport)
Behavior extensibility steps 1) Implement the functionality • MessageInspector, ErrorHandler, InstanceProvider, etc. 2) Hook up the functionality through behavior • ServiceBehavior, EndpointBehavior, OperationBehavior 3) Let WCF know about the behavior from #2 • Programmatically, configuratively, declaratively
[MyBehavior] <myBehavior /> .Description.Behaviors.Add(new MyBehavior()); Behaviors When Behaviors Run 1. Reflect Over T ServiceHost() or ChannelFactory() 2. Load Config .Description 3. Build Runtime .Open(); 4. Open Resources
Three Behaviors • All three behavior types have the same methods: public void AddBindingParameters(<description>, BindingParameterCollection); public void ApplyClientBehavior(<description>, <client plumbing>);* public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(<description>, <service plumbing>); public void Validate(<description>); *ApplyClientBehavior isn’t present in IServiceBahvior
Parameter Inspectors Parameter Inspection Useful for consistent client and service side validation Client Runtime Client Operation Channel public interface IParameterInspector { object BeforeCall(string operationName, object[] inputs); void AfterCall(string operationName, object[] outputs, object returnValue, object correlationState); }
Formatter Message Formatting Actually creates the message from parameters, and breaks apart the message into parameters and return value. Client Runtime Client Operation Channel public interface IClientMessageFormatter { Message SerializeRequest(MessageVersion messageVersion, object[] parameters); object DeserializeReply(Message message, object[] parameters); }
Message Inspectors Message Inspection The most useful, allows last minute manipulation of the message before being sent into the channel layer. Client Runtime Client Operation Channel public interface IClientMessageInspector { object BeforeSendRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel); void AfterReceiveReply(ref Message reply, object state); }
Other client side extension points • Via (sends to intermediaries) • ChannelInitializers (manipulate channel stack) • But the service has far more extensibility…
Demo • Client side message inspector • Adding a behavior extension element
Error Handlers Error Handling Allows a central place to perform exception to fault message translation. ChannelDispatcher EndpointDispatcher DispatchRuntime DispatchOperation public interface IErrorHandler { bool HandleError(Exception error); void ProvideFault(Exception error, MessageVersion version, ref Message fault); }
Address Filter Contract Filter Address / Contract Filtering Allows the messages to be matched to an appropriate dispatch runtime. ChannelDispatcher EndpointDispatcher DispatchRuntime DispatchOperation public abstract class MessageFilter { IMessageFilterTable<FilterData> CreateFilterTable<FilterData>(); bool Match(Message message); }
Instance Context Provider Providing InstanceContext Allows special case instancing modes ChannelDispatcher EndpointDispatcher DispatchRuntime DispatchOperation public interface IInstanceContextProvider { InstanceContextGetExistingInstanceContext(Message message, IContextChannelchannel); void InitializeInstanceContext(InstanceContextinstanceContext, Message message, IContextChannel channel); bool IsIdle(InstanceContextinstanceContext); void NotifyIdle(InstanceContextIdleCallback callback, InstanceContextinstanceContext);}
Instance Provider Providing Instance Allows service object pooling ChannelDispatcher EndpointDispatcher DispatchRuntime DispatchOperation public interface IInstanceProvider { object GetInstance(InstanceContextinstanceContext,Message message); void ReleaseInstance(InstanceContextinstanceContext,object instance); }
Message Inspectors Message Inspection (again) The most useful, allows manipulation of the message right after being received from the channel layer. ChannelDispatcher EndpointDispatcher DispatchRuntime DispatchOperation public interface IDispatchMessageInspector { object AfterReceiveRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel, InstanceContext instanceContext); void BeforeSendReply(ref Message reply, object correlationState); }
Operation Selector Operation Selection Allows operation selection by something other than Action ChannelDispatcher EndpointDispatcher DispatchRuntime DispatchOperation public interface IDispatchOperationSelector { string SelectOperation(ref Message message); } public SynchronizedKeyedCollection<string, DispatchOperation> Operations { get { } }
Formatter Message Formatting (again) Actually creates the message from parameters, and breaks apart the message into parameters and return value. ChannelDispatcher EndpointDispatcher DispatchRuntime DispatchOperation public interface IDispatchMessageFormatter { void DeserializeRequest(Message message, object[] parameters); Message SerializeReply(MessageVersion messageVersion, object[] parameters, object result); }
Invoker Operation Invocation Actually takes control of calling the service object. ChannelDispatcher EndpointDispatcher DispatchRuntime DispatchOperation public interface IOperationInvoker { object[] AllocateInputs(); object Invoke(object instance, object[] inputs, out object[] outs); IAsyncResultInvokeBegin(object instance, object[] inputs, ...); object InvokeEnd(object instance, out object[] outputs, ...); }
Parameter Inspectors Parameter Inspection (again) Useful for consistent client and service side validation. ChannelDispatcher EndpointDispatcher DispatchRuntime DispatchOperation public interface IParameterInspector { object BeforeCall(string operationName, object[] inputs); void AfterCall(string operationName, object[] outputs, object returnValue, object correlationState); }
Other service extensibility points • Extensions • ChannelInitializers • ServiceThrottle • ExternalAuthorizationPolicies • RoleProvider • ServiceAuthorizationManager • InputSessionShutdownHandlers • InstanceContextInitializers • FaultContractInfos • CallContextInitializers • Etc...
Demo • Service side error handler
Channel Layer extensibility • Easy ways: • Binding configuration • Programmatic binding manipulation • Custom bindings • Hard way • Writing a protocol channel • Really hard way • Writing a transport channel
Writing a Channel (Overview) • To write a channel, you must • Write the channel itself • Support the proper “shapes” • Input, Output, Duplex, Request, Reply, RequestContext • Possibly provide asynchronous versions of all method • Write a ChannelFactory • Write a ChannelListener • Write a BindingElement
Extensibility Summary • If possible stick with Service Model layer • There are tons of extension points • It’s not that hard to do • If you have to write a channel • Plan on spending a couple of weeks