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Steep, Steep Slopes. Focus Question. Will the Steepness of a Slope Affect the Amount of Physical Erosion Caused By Rain?. Background Information/Discussion. Today you are going to create two different hills out of the same amount of clay (controls).
Steep, Steep Slopes
Focus Question Will the Steepness of a Slope Affect the Amount of Physical Erosion Caused By Rain?
Background Information/Discussion • Today you are going to create two different hills out of the same amount of clay (controls). • You will cover the clay with the same amount of sand and gravel, trying to make them look exactly the same. • The only difference will be the incline (slope/steepness) of the two hills, one will be steeper than the other (variable).
Background Information/Discussion (part 2) • Then, you will use a cup with the same amount of holes punched in the bottom (controls) that are the same size (controls) to drizzle water over the soil on the hills to simulate rain. • Finally, you will observe and, if necessary, measure to see which “rainstorm” deposited the most soil at the bottom of the hill.
Hypothesis Use what you already know about gravity and forces. Do you think the hill with the steeper slope will have more erosion? Or will the hill with the less steep slope have more erosion?
Materials 4 bars of modeling clay – two for each “hill.” Two tin baking pans 1 cup of sand ½ cup of gravel 2 cups of water, one for each rain storm/hill 1 solo cup with 6 small holes punched in the bottom
Procedure Work with your team to create two clay hills. Each hill should be made out of two sticks of modeling clay. Put each hill into a tin pan. Work with your team to cover the hills with sand, then gravel. Try to plan how to keep as much sediment on your hill. Use the solo cup with the holes punched in the bottom to “rain” one cup of water on the first hill, then the second hill. Observe the amount of sediment at the bottom of each hill after the storms.
Results Make this chart in your science notebook and record your results:
Conclusion Was your hypothesis correct? What do you know about the steepness of a slope and the amount of erosion it causes? Does gravity play a role?